House Passes Defense Spending Bill That Seeks To Limit Trump’s War Powers

The House of Representatives passed a defense spending bill that seeks to limit Presidential authority when it comes to striking Iran and aideing the Saudi war on Yemen.

Mississippi Republican Refuses To Let Female Reporter Cover His Campaign

Citing the so-called “Billy Graham Rule,” a Republican candidate for Governor in Mississippi is refusing to let a female reporter accompany him on a campaign ride-along.

Labor Secretary Alex Acosta Resigns Over Sweetheart Plea Deal With Jeffrey Epstein

After a firestorm of criticism for his handling of a decade-old plea deal with Jeffrey Epstein, Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta has resigned.

Concerns Rise About Health Of German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Recent video showing what appears to be uncontrolled shaking are raising health concerns about German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Trump Caves On Citizenship Question

After a year of fighting, the Administration has given up on its effort to get a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Trump To Take ‘Executive Action’ On Citizenship Question On Census

Later today, the President is expected to take some form of ‘Executive Action’ in an effort to get a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

The Great Democratic Winnowing Appears To Be Imminent

Democratic voters and donors appear to be narrowing their choices for a nominee down, which could mean a short future for a lot of current Democratic candidates.

Trump Administration To Begin Mass Deportation Raids Sunday

The Trump Administration is expected to begin mass deportation raids as early as this weekend.

Fifth Circuit Appears Skeptical Of Constitutionality Of PPACA

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals heard argument yesterday in a case that could radically impact health care coverage for millions of Americans.

Elizabeth Warren Raises $19 Million In Second Quarter

Senator Elizabeth Warren raised $19 million despite eschewing the high-dollar fundraisers her opponents have utilized.

police cameras surveillance monitoring detroit police cameras surveillance monitoring detroit

Cameras and Scanning: A Case Study

Detroit shows how modern technology can lead to a virtual police state.

Ross Perot, Presidential Spoiler, Dead at 89

The independent who upended the 1992 Presidential race has passed.

U.S. Women’s Team World Cup Win Renews Fight Over ‘Pay Equity’

The victory of the U.S. Women’s team in the World Cup has renewed a long-standing argument over pay equity, but the issue is far more complicated than it seems.

guilty pointing fingers guilty pointing fingers

Jeffrey Epstein and Guilt by Association

A weird media narrative has formed.

Jeffrey Epstein Charged With Multiple Counts Of Sex With Minors And Sex Trafficking

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was formally charged with multiple counts of procuring underage girls for sexual molestation.

Trump Approval at Record Highs (But Still Terrible)

Nearly half the country thinks he’s not a terrible President.

Bernie Sanders Hitting A Rough Patch

Bernie Sanders is finding that the 2020 campaign is very different from 2016.

A Fourth of July Thought

Ideas, not tanks.

Is It Possible To Be Patriotic In The Era Of Trump?

Is it possible, or even appropriate, to express pride in a country that is being led by a President who stands against everything this country stands for?

Justin Amash Leaves GOP with BothSides Op-ed

The Republican Party is ruining the country. But so are the Democrats?

More Post-Debate Democratic Poll Confusion

The post-debate polling of the Democratic race continues to be somewhat chaotic, but it’s clear that Harris and Warren have made this a very different race than it was before the debates.

Lee Iacocca, Who Headed Two Of The Big Three Automakers, Dies At 94

One of America’s fist celebrity CEO’s has passed away at the age of 94.

Buttigieg Raised $24.8 Million

Mayor Pete is raking in the dough.

Trump And Kim Stage Another Photo Op Summit At The DMZ

President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un met at the Demilitarized Zone for what amounts to their third summit in a year. As with the previous two, there was nothing of substance accomplished.

Democrats Clash In First Night Of First Debate

Democrats clashed, to some degree, in last night’s inaugural debate of the 2020 season but they clearly agreed far more than they disagreed.

Amid Trump-Created Humanitarian Crisis, One Photograph Speaks A Thousand Words

One photograph that has gone viral is standing as a visualization of the Trump Administration’s inhumane asylum policies.

Stephanie Grisham, Aide To First Lady, Named New White House Press Secretary

Stephanie Grisham, presently a top aide to First Lady Melania Trump, has been named the new White House Press Secretary and Communications Director.

Robert Mueller To Testify Before Congress

Robert Mueller has agreed to testify before Congress in public. Testimony that is likely to be the big story of the summer.

Ebola Outbreak Still A Problem In Central Africa

The Ebola outbreak that began last year in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is still a problem, and still threatening to spread.

Trump Still Won’t Acknowledge The Truth About The Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

Eight months later, the President and his Administration continue to refuse to acknowledge the truth about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

Trump Falsely Blames Obama For Appalling Treatment Of Migrant Children

There are children being held in what amount to internment camps on the southern border under appallingly bad conditions and the President is more concerned with falsely blaming his predecessor for the problem.

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Bernie Sanders Wants Taxpayers to Pay Off All College Loans

The Democratic Socialist wants to absorb $1.6 trillion of student debt.

Revisiting the JCPOA

A possible way forward?

Trump Backs Down On Mass Deportation Threat

With hours to go before they were set to start. the President delayed the mass deportation raids that were supposed to begin this morning.

ICE Planning Mass Raids Targeting Immigrant Families Beginning Tomorrow

Following through on a threat made by the President earlier this week, immigration authorities are reportedly planning mass raids aimed primarily at immigrant families starting tomorrow.

Writer Accuses Trump Of Sexual Assault in the 1990s.

Another woman has accused President Trump of sexually assaulting her some 20 years ago.

The Reparations Debate Reaches Capitol Hill

Congress is considering a bill that would establish a commission to examine the issue of reparations for slavery.;

Iran Downs American Reconnaissance Drone As Tensions Continue To Increase

As if the situation in the Persian Gulf weren’t already tense enough, the Iranians shot down an American reconnaissance drone late yesterday

Trump’s 2020 Campaign Kickoff Speech Unsurprisingly Filled With Lies

Not surprisingly, the President’s opening speech of the 2020 campaign was filed with lies.

Justice Department Legal Arguments For Withholding Trump Tax Returns Lack Merit

The Justice Department has released a memo attempting to justify the Administration’s refusal to comply with a subpoena for the President;’s tax returns. Their argument is weak to say the least.

Trump Kicks Off 2020 Campaign With Return To 2016’s Rants And Red Meat

President Trump’s opening rally of the 2020 campaign sounded an awful lot like a rally from 2016

Patrick Shanahan Withdraws As Defense Secretary Pick

Patrick Shanahan is out as nominee to be Secretary of Defense after questions were raised during his background investigation.

Ahead Of Potential Crisis With Iran, Trump’s Lack Of Credibility Comes Home To Roost

As we head toward a potential crisis in the Persian Gulf, the consequences of the President’s lies are coming home to roost.

Trump’s Trade War Expands To India

While the world is largely focused on the much larger trade war with China, the United States is engaged in a similar battle with a nation that ought to be a natural ally.

Robocalls Go From Annoying to Dangerous

Hospital phone lines are being overwhelmed.

Trump Trails Most Major Democratic Candidates In Head-To-Head Polls

It’s still way too early to be predictive, but the latest head-to-head matches between the President and the top contenders for the Democratic nomination.

Office of Special Counsel Recommends Kellyanne Conway Be Fired

Presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway stands credibly accused of multiple violations of Federal law. The President will do nothing about it.