Rudy Giuliani: Sure, Trump Reimbursed Cohen For That Stormy Daniels Payment

Rudy Giuliani threw a live grenade into the middle of the Stormy Daniels affair last night, and he’s made things much, much worse for his client.

Mike Pompeo and the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

The new Secretary of State is an improvement over the worst Secretary of State in history.

Roy Moore Sues Women Who Accused Him Of Misconduct, Alleging Defamation

Failed Senate candidate Roy Moore is suing several of the women who accused him of sexual misconduct during last year’s campaign.

Ronny Jackson Unlikely To Return To Duty As President’s Doctor

Despite the fact that President Trump’s continues to praise him, Ronny Jackson will not be returning to the White House as the President’s personal physician.

The “Post-Truth” Era?

General (Retired) Michael Hayden has some harsh, and concerning, criticisms of the Trump administration.

Donald Trump Continues His Unhinged War On The News Media

Instead of attending the White House Correspondents Association Dinner last night, Donald Trump took his show on the road where he continued his long-standing attacks on the press. Unfortunately, it’s a message that resonates with his supporters.

In One-Sided Report, House Intelligence Committee Finds No Trump-Russia Collusion

The House Intelligence Committee’s report is being touted as vindication by the Trump Administration and its supporters. It’s not.

This Is Your Government on Drugs

Ronny Jackson did not invent the practice of giving Ambien and Provigil to high-level government workers.

John Kelly Headed To Veterans Affairs?

President Trump may be looking to push Chief of Staff John Kelly aside by giving him a next to impossible job.

VA Nominee Ronny Jackson Under Fire for Workplace Misconduct

The White House physician is accused of excessive drinking on the job and improperly dispensing medication among other offenses.

North Korea Halts Nuclear And Ballistic Missile Tests

The Kim regime has announced the end, for now, of its nuclear and ballistic missile testing programs. To understand why they made this concession, one needs to read between the lines.

Mike Pompeo Didn’t Serve in Gulf War (or Claim Otherwise)

In response to inquiries about frequent media mentions of the Director’s wartime service, the CIA has confirmed he did not serve in combat.

Barbara Bush, Wife And Mother Of Presidents, Dies At 92

Barbara Bush, only the second woman in history to be the wife and mother of a U.S. President, has died at the age of 92.

Sean Hannity Is Michael Cohen’s Mystery Client, But That Shouldn’t Matter

Sean Hannity was Michael Cohen’s “secret client,” but it’s not clear that should matter to anyone.

Trump Halts New Sanctions Against Russia Over Syria

President Trump undercut his own Ambassador to the United Nations today by blocking the imposition of new sanctions on Russia.

Democratic Lead In Generic Ballot Weakens, But The Enthusiasm Is On The Left

New polling shows the Democrat’s lead in the Congressional ballot poll shrinking slightly, but enthusiasm is still on their side.

Trump Unloads A Tweetstorm On The Eve Of James Comey’s Book Tour

President Trump is on the attack against James Comey as the former F.B.I. Director begins his book tour.

Trump Job Approval Improves Slightly, But It’s Still Historically Low

President Trump’s job approval numbers remain historically low.

Trump More Worried About Cohen Investigation Than Mueller, He Should Be

Donald Trump could have more to worry about regarding the investigation of Michael Cohen than he does regarding the Mueller investigation.

US, UK, and France Bomb Syria to Send Some Sort of Message about Chemical Weapons

There is no obvious strategy and even the expressed rationale makes no sense.

Most Americans Support Mueller Probe Of Russia, Trump Campaign, And Trump Businesses

Given a choice between Robert Mueller and Donald Trump, most Americans are siding with Mueller. Unless they’re Republicans that is.

Comey Book Is A Shot Across Trump’s Bow

Hang on, the ride on the Trump Train is about to get a lot bumpier.

Trump Plans To Pardon Scooter Libby

Out of the blue, President Trump plans to pardon Dick Cheney’s former Chief of Staff, but the move seems to have more to do with James Comey than it does Scooter Libby.

Back to the TPP?

Trump suggests US might seek to rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Feds Make 32 Percent Less than Private Sector Counterparts (Or 17 Percent More)

Dueling data on civil service compensation belie the adage that you can’t choose your own facts.

John Boehner Backs Marijuana Legalization

John Boehner is now pro-weed. The world just keeps getting weirder, man.

Paul Ryan Not Running For Re-Election

Paul Ryan won’t be running for re-election this year, opening up both a Congressional seat and a leadership spot.

Rick Scott Enters Florida Senate Race, Setting Up 2018’s Biggest Battle

Governor Rick Scott has entered the race to challenge Bill Nelson in Florida, creating what is likely to be one of the most closely watched races of the year.

Someone Retaliated Against Syria for Latest Chemical Attack

A response to one of the most deadly chemical attacks in the Syrian civil war has come, probably from Israel. What’s next?

Will Mexico Pay for the Wall?

The answer is, of course, no. Really, this is a post about the wall as policy.

Teaching Political Science and the Trump Administration

Dan Drezner notes some challenges on this topic, and I add some of my own thoughts.

The Continuing Humiliation Of John Kelly

After eight months in office, the pressures on Chief of Staff John Kelly continue to mount under a President who cannot be controlled and whose behavior will not change.

The DJIA and a Potential Trade War

The DJIA (and other markets) are not too happy about all of this trade war talk.

Trump Will Skip White House Correspondents Association Dinner Again

President Trump won’t attend nerd prom again this year. That’s a good thing.

Kevin Williamson and the Limits of Polite Discourse

The Atlantic fired one of their few conservative voices for saying women who have abortions should be hanged. Was this beyond the pale?

Are We Staying Or Are We Going? Trump Sends Mixed Signals On Syria

President Trump is talking about pulling American troops out of Syria, but his own White House is contradicting him.

News Anchors At Sinclair Owned Stations Caught Reading From Same Corporate Mandated Script

News anchors at dozens of local stations owned by conservative-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group were recently required to read a script mandated by corporate headquarters, and it’s leading to some bad media coverage for Sinclair.

The Internet is Forever. Should it Be?

The ‘permanent record’ of yesteryear is now real. Should there be limitations?

What Is The Proper Role Of Cabinet Members And Presidential Advisers?

As a general rule, Presidents are entitled to have a Cabinet and advisers he is comfortable with, but a Cabinet full of “yes men” is not ideal with any President, and certainly not with this one.

Trump Wants Military to Pay for Border Wall

Fourteen months into his presidency, he has no idea how the federal budget works.

Census to Ask Citizenship Question for First Time in Seven Decades

Critics warn this move would lead to a drastic undercount of Hispanic voters, impacting Congressional districting, federal programs, and more.

NRA’s Post-Parkland Tone Deafness

Personal attacks on teenagers whose friends were murdered is a strategy sure to backfire.

Justice Department Issues Proposal To Ban Bump Stocks

The Department Of Justice is proposing a rule change that would ban bump stocks, but it could run into legal problems.

Roy Moore Supporters Tried To Bribe The Attorney For One Of His Accusers

Supporters of Roy Moore tried to bribe the attorney for a woman accusing the former Senate candidate of sexual assault when she was just fourteen years old into repudiating his client.

McMaster Firing Abrupt, Upended Plans to Clean House

Top White House staffers were preparing to fire several troublesome figures at once when the President suddenly upended the plan.

Republicans Should Spend Less Time Worrying About Leaks, More Time Doing Their Job

Republicans on Capitol Hill worried about all the leaking coming from the Trump White House would be wise to actually do the oversight the Constitution compels them to do.

Mueller Investigating Gulf State Influence, Too

Americans actings as agents for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been working hard to manipulate the President.

Government Shutdown Likely Avoided Through September

This is no way to run a railroad.

Trump White House Requires Staffers To Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

A new report confirms that the White House has indeed required staffers to sign non-disclosure agreements that are clearly not enforceable.

Trump Congratulates Putin On ‘Election’ ‘Win’ Against Advice Of National Security Advisers

President Trump continues to obsequiously praise Russian President Vladimir Putin