POLITICO to Charge More in Places Where It’s Less Popular

POLITICO is joining the stampede toward metered paywalls. In a twist, it will remain free in regions where it’s most popular.

Public Concerned With Government Overreach In Response To Terrorism

The American people aren’t panicking.

Arming The Syrian Rebels Not Likely To Accomplish Anything

Arming the Syrian rebels may do nothing more than prolong a seemingly endless war, and pull the United States into a conflict it shouldn’t be involved in.

FDA Makes Plan B Available Over The Counter To 15 Year Olds

The FDA has modified it’s rules on the availability of a politically controversial form of birth control.

FBI Probing Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

The FBI is looking into Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s relationship with a major donor.

Was Obama’s Syrian “Red Line” A Mistake?

President Obama may regret drawing a line in the sand over Syrian chemical weapons.

CIA Wanted Tamerlan Tsarnaev on Terrorist Watch List in 2011

The CIA unsuccessfully lobbied to put Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the eldest of the Boston Marathon bombers, on the counterterrorism watch list in 2011.

Public Not Very Outraged By Defeat Of Background Checks Bill

The Senate’s rejection of the Manchin/Toomey background checks bill isn’t particularly outraging the general public, according to a new poll.

The Hazards of Red Lines

Has Bashar al-Assad crossed the red line drawn by President Obama? And does it matter?

Maureen Dowd Discovers That Barack Obama Is Neither Andrew Shepherd Nor Josiah Bartlett

If you want to understand contemporary politics, the last thing you should do is reference an Andrew Sorkin project.

No, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Is Not An Enemy Combatant. He Is A Criminal.

The Boston Marathon bomber must be tried in a court of law.

Al Neuharth, Founder of USA Today, Dies At 89

The man who changed the way Americans viewed newspapers, just before newspapers themselves began getting pushed aside by technology, has died at the age of 89.

Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion

As many as 15 are dead and more than 160 injured after a West, Texas fertilizer plant exploded.

Boston’s Hospitals Have Done An Amazing Job

The events in Boston on Monday were tragic, but there was one shining success.

Further Thoughts On Gun Control And Voter Intensity

The politics of gun control is not nearly as easy as its supporters believe it to be.

Manchin-Toomey Background Checks Bill In Trouble

The prospects for gun control appear to be dimming.

Our Cabinet Is Loaded

Many of our cabinet secretaries are independently wealthy.

Eric Harroun firing RPG, which is a WMD according to the USG. WTF. Eric Harroun firing RPG, which is a WMD according to the USG. WTF.

American Charged With Using Weapon of Mass Destruction that Isn’t a Weapon of Mass Destruction

An American fighting with Syrian rebels faces life in prison for firing an RPG against a government we’re trying to oust.

News Industry In Crisis But News Reporting Better Than Ever

Matt Yglesias has a smart push-back against the lamentations of the decline of journalism.

Rand Paul’s Fatally Flawed Immigration Reform Plan

Senator Rand Paul has stepped into the immigration debate, but his plan is less than desirable.

Washington Examiner Newspaper Closing, Becoming Weekly Magazine

The Washington Examiner, which for a while became the conservative alternative to the Washington Post, is ceasing daily publication to become a conservative alternative to The Hill.

Understanding History: The Argentine Military Regime

Providing a little context for Pope Francis’ background+Erick Erickson needs to learn a little history.

Senator Rob Portman Comes Out In Support Of Same-Sex Marriage

Senator Rob Portman changes his position on same-sex marriage. Another sign of the times.

Hagel Halts Drone Medal

Chuck Hagel has cemented his legacy as the greatest Secretary of Defense ever.

Rise of the Megacommuter

About 8.1 percent of U.S. workers have commutes of 60 minutes or longer and nearly 600,000 have “megacommutes” of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles.

The Tragedy of John Allen

Do we ask too much of our leaders?

Conservative News Consumers Again Surprised By Obvious

The Hagel confirmation, like Obama’s election, was big news to some avid news consumers.

DC Politics and the Myth of Scheming

The Chinese are hacking Washington institutions to unearth the secret plan under which the town operates.

Supreme Court to Rule on Individual Contribution Limits

The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether limits on contributions to political candidates is Constitutional.

Ted Cruz Unites Both Parties in Belief Ted Cruz a Jerk

Senator Ted Cruz has alienated his colleagues in record time.

Ezra Klein’s Meteoric Rise

How he went from Juicebox Mafia member to the most important young journalist in DC.

Polls Find Majority Support For Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

A positive political climate for immigration reform.

Conservative Media Its Own Worst Enemy

Conservatives complaining about biased coverage from the liberal media should instead look in the mirror.

America Cramped By Defensiveness?

Is America’s focus on defense weakening the country?

Virginia May Legalize Shacking Up

Since 1877, it has been illegal for unmarried Virginia couples to cohabitate. That may soon change.