The Tragedy of John Allen

Do we ask too much of our leaders?

Conservative News Consumers Again Surprised By Obvious

The Hagel confirmation, like Obama’s election, was big news to some avid news consumers.

DC Politics and the Myth of Scheming

The Chinese are hacking Washington institutions to unearth the secret plan under which the town operates.

Supreme Court to Rule on Individual Contribution Limits

The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether limits on contributions to political candidates is Constitutional.

Ted Cruz Unites Both Parties in Belief Ted Cruz a Jerk

Senator Ted Cruz has alienated his colleagues in record time.

Ezra Klein’s Meteoric Rise

How he went from Juicebox Mafia member to the most important young journalist in DC.

Polls Find Majority Support For Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

A positive political climate for immigration reform.

Conservative Media Its Own Worst Enemy

Conservatives complaining about biased coverage from the liberal media should instead look in the mirror.

America Cramped By Defensiveness?

Is America’s focus on defense weakening the country?

Virginia May Legalize Shacking Up

Since 1877, it has been illegal for unmarried Virginia couples to cohabitate. That may soon change.

The Politics Of Gun Control

Based on the polls, the odds of some changes to America’s gun control laws will become law. It’s unlikely they’ll accomplish anything, though.

David Gregory Won’t Be Prosecuted for Technical Violation of DC Gun Law

David Gregory committed a technical violation of DC’s gun law to make a point on a national news show. Conservative gun control opponents are angry.

Heading Off the Stupidest War

Would a formal guarantee of Israel’s security deter Iran from whatever nuclear weapons development program it has?

A 2013 Reading Guide: Challenge Yourself

For the New Year, how about challenging your ideas just a little bit?

The Tea Party Takes a Hit

The Tea Party guys had a bad year.

Norman Schwarzkopf Dead at 78

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, commander during Operation Desert Storm, has died at the age of 78.

Speaker of the House Jon Huntsman?!

Norm Ornstein may have written the sillest op-ed of 2012.

Republicans Continue To Have An Image Problem

The GOP’s image problems continue

Robert Bork Dead at 85

Robert Bork, the controversial jurist whose failed Supreme Court bid ushered in a new climate in American politics, has died at 85.

Are Mass Shootings Really On The Rise?

Obsessive media coverage makes us believe mass shootings are far more common than they actually are.

Obama’s New National Security Team?

While no official announcements have been made, President Obama’s second term national security team appears to be taking shape.

Generals Live Like Kings

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates is bemused that the generals who worked for him lived more lavish lifestyles than he did.

Dick Armey Quits FreedomWorks in Huff

Dick Armey has resigned as chairman of Tea Party group FreedomWorks over unspecified principles.

Drone Crashes at Civilian Airports Multiplying

US military drones are crashing at civilian airports around the world.

In Fiscal Cliff Negotiations, President Obama Holds The Upper Hand

Republicans need to realize that they are at a disadvantage in the upcoming negotiations regarding the Fiscal Cliff.

Republicans Could Have Done A Lot Worse Than Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney wasn’t a perfect candidate, but he was much better than most of the 2012 Republican field.

The Conservative Political Media Complex

Many conservatives are living inside of a media bubble and they’ll continue to have problems until the consciously decide to break out of it.

Apparently, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin The Election After All

The impact of outside spending on the election turned out to be far less consequential than many had feared.

Hindsight Isn’t Lying

Tthere’s enough bad punditry going around that there’s no need to invent cases to expose.

Obama, Christie, and Springsteen: Superstorms Make Strange Bedfellows

The bromance between President Obama and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has now become a love triangle with the addition of Bruce Springsteen.

Did Hurricane Sandy Blunt Romney’s Momentum?

Republicans already seem to be blaming Hurricane Sandy in the event Mitt Romney loses.