David Lang, Former NFL Running Back, Killed in Shooting

David Lang, a former running back with the Los Angeles Rams and Dallas Cowboys, was murdered yesterday.

Former NFL running back David Lang killed in shooting (ESPN-AP)

Former NFL running back David Lang was killed in a shooting near his suburban Atlanta home, police said Saturday. The 37-year-old Lang, who played for the Los Angeles Rams and Dallas Cowboys, was shot following an apparent argument with an acquaintance Thursday near his Stone Mountain home, said police Lt. L.J. Florea. Mario Holmes, 20, was arrested and charged with murder, according to Sgt. J. Germano of the DeKalb Police Department. Lang was shot twice, Germano said.

Lang, a 12th-round draft pick by the Rams out of Northern Arizona in 1990, played four years in Los Angeles before spending the 1995 season with the Cowboys. In five NFL seasons, Lang rushed for 273 yards on 49 carries and caught 30 passes for 388 yards in 67 games. He also had 1,048 yards on 52 kick returns in four seasons with the Rams.

Lang was also the special teams captain for the Cowboys in their Super Bowl victory over Pittsburgh following the 1995 season.


Lang had only one carry for the Cowboys in 1995 but was a superb special teams player, recording 15 solo tackles.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Dana says:

    I met David far after his football career. He was a good guy. He had a lot of tenderness about him. I am sorry to hear about his murder. I am interested, If anyone knows, why and how. Please e-mail me. Dana

  2. diz com says:

    was there a “gay” angle tot his murder? some things suggest that. anyone care to comment?

  3. BJC says:

    I grew up with David he played football with my brother when we were kids, and I know his family. The comment about a gay angle was rude & uncalled for and definitely NOT TRUE, his family is devastated and here his children are left without a father.

  4. old friend says:

    Sorry to hear about David’s unfortunate death. I knew David back in the day, and remarks about a gay angle are certainly untrue. He was just a good guy, and that’s how he should definately be remembered.

  5. Terrel Watson says:

    I grew up with David also, we ran track together, I know his family he knows mine. He was a good guy, and he was not gay that could not be any further from the truth. My prayers are with his family and if anyone knows where to send flowers or anything let me know.

  6. Derek Arnson says:

    David was a good friend and a talented athlete. He was a fellow team member at Northern Arizona University. He will be missed. God be with his family. Derek

  7. Tiffany says:

    I met david about a year ago here in atlanta and i must say that i’ve never met such a warm hearted person that appreciated life the way he did. All he talked about was his children and the children around the neighborhood who he adored. He taught me a lot in the short time i knew him and he really felt like he had lived a full life. He was a very special guy and this is unfortunate for all who knew him. My prayers go out to his family

  8. Sonya Burroughs says:

    I grew up with David and he was a really good guy. He could always make you smile. I attended his funeral yesterday and there was no standing room. This was a testament of how many lives he touched. He will truly be missed. I will keep his family in my prayers.

    Sonya Burroughs



  10. Anthony says:

    I reside in Canada and only now found out about David’s murder. I am truly sadden by this news and would like to give my condolences to his family.

    David was a GREAT, GREAT man. We went to university together and were good friends. I met David during my freshman year, and he was one of the most genuine people I met during my entire 4 years.

    When I had nowhere to go during thanksgiving, David invited home and treated me like a little brother. He will be surely missed!


  11. John Alderson says:

    I think of you often, but lost touch. See you in the end zone…

  12. m.s. says:

    I was sitting in the library yesterday, talking with a young boy, maybe 11 yrs old, and he was playing a war game. I asked him if there was anything else he could play besides killing people. He said yes, sports. I said great. I just happened to say, do you know David Lang,the football plaqyer? He said no, and then I told him this story of how my husband and I met this kind, gentle and giving young man. I thought it would be good if he could see a picture of David, so I typed in his name and right before my eys, was the story of everyone that had the pleasure to know David, our loss. I can not believe he no longer walks this earth.

    I could go on and on but, if I did, people would say we had known him for years but, no we met only one time and now we are in Ga. and he is in Heaven. I was looking forward looking him up and showing him the pictures we had all taken that day and to remember the laughs the four of us had in that small time. It is truly amazing how one person can make a mark on another. And for those that feel that they want to say something negitive, be very carful of the words that come out of ones mouth. There will be a day of reckoning and that will not be on this earth.

  13. Dana says:

    It is so good to see the lives thatDavid touched. The last time I saw him was about 8 months ago. He came by my house to bring me a dinner plate and to meet my little girl. He was so kind and loving. The food was good too. I never got a chance to return his container back to him either.So now I have a keep sake of his generosity and kindness. He was telling me about a foundation for children that he was starting. An outreach program for underpriviledged youth. I just hope that it continues and the legacy of Mr. Lang lives onward. Sincerely, Dana

  14. qui says:

    Dave was my neighbor. he was crazy in a good way. He loved his kids and the kids that reside in our community. He also kept his head in the clouds with god and made sure that we did the same.I love dave like an older brother though i only knew him for 4 years. I have 2 baby boys whom he traeted like they were his . For the person who made the gay statement should take a look in the mirror. you rip dave and know that legends by lang will all ways be rembered regardless of what should happen later on down the road. My heart goes out to his family, freinds, and especially his children.

  15. Nichelle says:

    I knew Dave for 7 years. He was my neighbor. I knew him since I was 13 years old. He was a kind and caring person, and was always giving the kids in the neighborhood good advice. Most of us were rebellious, but he was always telling us to listen to our parents no matter how much they get on our nerves. I will never forget him and the sweet person that he was. R.I.P. Dave.

  16. DARLENE says:

    I first met David his rookie year with the Rams. In fact, when he and two other of his team members signed with the Rams we threw them a pool party and I mean my sister cooked each of them their favorite dishes which spanned from oxtails and rice to barbequed ribs as well as their favorite deserts. We even had cake made in the shape of a football, Hansons cake is the bakery, with each of their names on it. It was the pool party of the year (we have pictures and a video and people still talk about that pool party) David was so pleased to be getting so much attention and eating his favorite foods. My last time seeing him was after the Rams last home game, of which we sang the National anthem, at the famous El Torritos. We had had our differences but on that particular day he gave me a warm hug and the look in his eyes I will never forget. It was the David that each of you speak of – warm, forgiving, generous and sweet and who would have ever thought that that would be our last time seeing other and I am so glad that our last time went down that way rather than on a bad note. I was crushed when I received the email from one of his former teammates and business partner. However, I was delighted and reassured to know that he was saved, and he knew he was saved which means he is now safe in the arms of Jesus. In fact, I was at the funeral which was by the way quite a celebration. And his last words were said to have been “God I thank you for this.” David would have been so proud if he could look down and see the overwhelming response to his homegoing service. But I believe he would have been proudest of his brave daughters who danced the most beautiful praise dance I have ever witnessed. His sister who led Praise & Worship and then turned around and did a duet with his brother. And I mean they really can sing. David never told me his family could sing LIKE THAT! Yep it was quite the celebration, it was indeed the best homegoing service I’ve ever attended. There was laughter, crying, dancing, singing and shouting – a real celebration and to those of us who have made Christ our Savior, we will see David on the other side. To the Lang family, you have a lot to be proud of, not only in David but the way you all have handled yourselves during this most difficult time. My prayers are continually with you, especially his children, his parents and the mother of his children. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
    In His Holy Grip,

  17. Marlon W says:

    I met David in Atlanta several years ago and I’ve never had anything but love and respect for the guy. Always cool, humble and easy-going, the brother was a Noble Prince who always carried himself as such. I was about to start a Violence Intervention and Prevention Workshop I teach on the weekends to teens and young adults when I learned of this. The teacher whose class I was using apparently cut out the article and left it sitting out on her desk for her (alternative school) students to see. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. David was too cool and too good for any of this it seemed. But life is both fair and unfair and the plans of the Most High are oftentimes misunderstood. David will be missed and it is good to know that he touched the lives of many others as well. Rest in Peace great one, you will always be remembered.