Eduardo Gory Guerrero, WWE Star, Dies at 38

Eduardo Gory Guerrero, a star on the WWE circuit, died yesterday at the age of 38, apparently of natural causes.

‘WWE Smackdown!’ Star Guerrero Dies (AP)

A World Wrestling Entertainment star was found dead in his hotel room Sunday in Minneapolis, where he was scheduled to appear that evening in a WWE show. Eduardo Gory Guerrero, 38, didn’t respond to a wake-up call Sunday morning, authorities said. His nephew, fellow WWE wrestler Chavo Guerrero, and hotel security at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center forced their way into the room and found him. There were no apparent signs of foul play, police said. An autopsy was planned to determine how Guerrero died.

His nephew said Guerrero was open about past drug and alcohol abuse but had been sober for four years. Guerrero was married and had three children. “This is a huge loss,” said WWE chairman Vince McMahon. “Eddie was a wonderful, fun-loving human being. Eddie was a consummate performer.”

Guerrero was a featured star on the UPN series “WWE Smackdown!” and son of Mexican wrestler Gory Guerrero. Last year, he became the second wrestler of Hispanic heritage to be WWE champion, though he lost the title four months later. UPN also aired a special last year on his life, “Cheating Death, Stealing Life: The Eddie Guerrero Story.” The program chronicled Guerrero’s childhood and his struggle with drug addiction that almost cost him his job, family and life.

I don’t follow pro wrestling but 38 is far too young to die.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Mary says:

    Has there been any updates as to what caused the death of this man?

  2. christina says:

    38 is way too young it was sad about what happen to

  3. ED says:


  4. Forrest says:

    I will always remember how Eddie would fake being a bad guy but what an act if this was only an act rest in peace LATINO HEAT VIVA LA RAZZ

  5. jude says:

    Goodbye Old Friend!

  6. kelwin says:

    im not latino buh he was a really great man