Five Terrorists Arrested


A group of five terrorists was arrested by a Polish quick reaction force in Iraq. There is no doubt, that the terrorists were responsible for the recent killing of two American civil workers and their Iraqi interpreter on March 9, 2004. At about eight o’clock at the evening (Baghdad Time) the Americans stopped their car at a check-point between the cities Kerbala and Al-Hilla manned by people wearing Iraqi police uniforms. It turned out to be a trap. The terrorist immediately opened fire killing both men and their female translator.

Polish forces from the multinational division were alarmed by the local Iraqi (Shia-Muslims) civilians, who were witness of the attack. A quick reaction group immediately pursued the enemy. The terrorists were caught by surprise and gave up without resistance. The bodies of the victims were found in the trunk of their car. The killers were passed on to the American Military Police. According to the Polish media in Iraq the successful pursuit indicates an improving cooperation between Polish forces and the local Iraqi population. It is second successful anti-terror operation in recent time conducted by Polish forces. The last one occurred in February, when a group of nine terrorists were arrested in the desert near Kerbala.

Excellent news. And this is another chip in the “unilateral” myth.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. yossarian says:

    “It is second successful anti-terror operation in recent time conducted by Polish forces.”

    Kind of a stretch to use the word “successful” to apply to an incident that ended with 3 dead bodies in a trunk.

  2. Cam says:

    Umm.. that wasn’t a female translator. The woman was Fern Holland, an attorney from Oklahoma who helped draft the women’s rights section of the interim Iraqi Constitution.