Foley Checks into Rehab

Disgraced former Member of Congress Mark Foley has checked himself into an alcohol rehab center.

“Painfully, the events that led to my resignation have crystallized recognition of my longstanding significant alcohol and emotional difficulties,” Foley wrote. “I strongly believe that I am an alcoholic and have accepted the need for immediate treatment for alcoholism and related behavioral problems.” Foley said he deeply regrets and accepts “full responsibility for the harm that I have caused.”

Because, you know, when men drink alcohol, they immediately become interested in how horny teenage boys who work for them are. Demon rum and all that.


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. When I read the headline, my first thought was “They have rehab for that sort of thing?”. Then when I read the article, I was thinking like you that while a problem with alcoholism is certainly a good thing to face, it might not provide a solution to everything. The final thought was the way this is worded, it would also be used to appease the hard left who, if they are honest, thinks the worst thing about Foley’s behavior was being a republican.

  2. Anderson says:

    when men drink alcohol, they immediately become interested in how horny teenage boys who work for them are

    Wow, if that were true, I’d give up my Scotch in a minute.

    But it’s not true … it’s not true … it’s not …

  3. cian says:

    Anyone feel a ‘born again’ moment coming on?

  4. Richard Gardner says:

    This looks like a ploy to deflect the heat, since it has become routine for celebrities to get into trouble, go to rehab, and all is forgiven, or at least the penalties are reduced. Damage Control!

    It is interesting that the Federal Law (Adam Walsh Law) makes it illegal to send emails & IMs of a sexual nature to someone under 18, but since age of consent is a state issue, it would not be illegal for ex-Rep Foley to go to bed with the 16 year old page in DC or Maryland (though against the law in Va since it would be male-male, and certainly against the ethics of Congress).

  5. madmatt says:

    Gosh maybe he will get the room next to Ney! Alcoholism seems to cause all sorts of woes I had not been aware of before.

  6. James Joyner says:

    Richard: Not sure about DC and MD but most states with minority ages of consent tie it to the age of the majority partner, usually requiring that the age different be no more than 4 years unless both are over 18 or 21.

  7. Anderson says:

    Anyone feel a ‘born again’ moment coming on?

    Yah, at lunch we predicted that he’ll enter one of those “cure your gayness” Christian boot camps, and come out proclaiming how he really prefers vaginas now.

    Or, much easier, he could become a Democrat?

  8. R Gardner says:

    Most of the states no longer have adultery statutes, nor directly tie age of consent to marriage. In DC, over 16 is defined as no longer a child for having sex. For under 16 in DC, the 4-year age difference rule applies (15 year old with 18 year old is OK, for example). Most of the Western States are 18, as is VA.

    I see Greenwald has something similar posted (quick search on this) with more legal details.

    I initially used, which hasn’t been updated post-Lawrence v. Texas (think that was the case). They had an interesting case in MD with a 4-year rule, of a 13-yo bride of a 29 yo man, pregnant and marrying with the parents permission, legal in MD, but they can’t legally have sex although married. These laws are conflicting and confusing = too many laws. A more updated table is here

    And in the “good old days” around 1900, it was common for a 19-21 year old man to marry a 13-15 year old bride. Guess granddad was a prevert by today’s standards. Of course this case is homosexual in nature, totally outlawed back then.

  9. just me says:

    I think another reason rehab is so common after this type of scandal is it turns into a good reason for the scandal maker to avoid interview. As way to legitimately hide out from the media and make yourself unreachable.

    But it is possible he may have a problem with alcohol, but I am not going to swallow an “alcohol made me do it” excuse here.

  10. Steve Verdon says:

    Wow, if that were true, I’d give up my Scotch in a minute.

    Yeah, no kidding.

    By the way Anderson, what is your preferred scotch?

    Yah, at lunch we predicted that he’ll enter one of those “cure your gayness” Christian boot camps, and come out proclaiming how he really prefers vaginas now.


    Or, much easier, he could become a Democrat?

    Yeah, but would they really want him?

  11. Stormy70 says:

    The Democrats seem to keep all their sexual deviants. Ask Barney Frank who ran a prostitution ring out of his home. Clinton is still the king of the Democrats, despite his history of sexually harrassing his subordinates.
    Foley is rightfully kicked out of the GOP. The Dems would have accepted his stint in rehab, see Kennedy, and forgiven all.
    I don’t see this as a huge campaign issue. Not with gas falling like a rock.

  12. legion says:

    Yeah, Storymy, because people care _far_ more about the price of gas than a 50+ y.o. Congressman’s using his influence to talk 16 y.o. boys into bed. Your other slurs I refuse to even acknowledge.

    And bear in mind – these kids Foley was manipulating weren’t just random high school kids – these were Congressional Pages. They come from connected, wealthy families trying to get theid kids early connections and helping hands into the upper echelons of the corporate-political world. How much do you think those families are going to care when they realize the GOP they’ve been giving tons of money to for the last however-many years has been systematically covering up for a pederast? One who’s been using their kids for his jollies?

    If I were an amoral Republican b*stard, I’d be feeling very, very afraid right now…

  13. Triumph says:

    Yah, at lunch we predicted that he’ll enter one of those “cure your gayness” Christian boot camps, and come out proclaiming how he really prefers vaginas now.

    Josh Marshall is speculating that Foley is checking into a–get this–SCIENTOLOGY rehab center!

    He is featured prominently on a Clearwater Scientology web site:

    As long as Foley gives all of his money to the NRCC, he’s cool with me.

  14. anjin-san says:

    Guys like Stormy really hate Clinton because women tend to really like Clinton.

    At any rate, Clinton is a private citizen, and the Lewinsky affair is history. Instead of ranting about Clinton, we should be asking “what did the congressional leadership know and when did they know it”?

  15. Anderson says:

    By the way Anderson, what is your preferred scotch?

    Lagavulin for peat, Highland Park for general purposes, Macallan 18 for dessert … it depends.

    And you?

  16. Anderson says:

    Josh Marshall is speculating that Foley is checking into a—get this—SCIENTOLOGY rehab center!

    They can make Tom Cruise straight, they can do it for Foley.

  17. Steve Verdon says:


    Lagavulin is my preferred choice, and Laphroig is what I almost always have on hand. Talisker is also good, but comparable to Laphroig in terms of taste, IMO. I haven’t tried Highland Park or Macallan yet.

    They can make Tom Cruise straight, they can do it for Foley.


  18. Anderson says:

    If you like the peaty ones (Laphroig is very good, tho I’ve had only the 10-year), you will loathe Macallan and tolerate Highland Park.

    But some nights, I just want a nice, comfortable Scotch that won’t argue with me. You know the feeling?

  19. legion says:

    I’m “eh” on peat, but not so much that I’d turn down a sip…

  20. Steve Verdon says:

    But some nights, I just want a nice, comfortable Scotch that won’t argue with me. You know the feeling?

    Oh yes, I also have a Glenfiddich 12 year old. Not my first choice, but I got if for free at the company X-mas party.

    I haven’t tried the Laphroig 15 year old, but I plan on giving it a shot some day.