Karen F. Owen and Screwing Your Way to the Top

Ken Levine has some advice for aspiring writers: Forget about slaving over plots and character development. Instead, sleep your way around campus and write about it.

Ken Levine has some advice for aspiring writers:   Forget about slaving over plots and character development.  Instead, sleep your way around campus and write about it.

Karen F. Owen was a student at Duke University. For four years she went to the local bar and slept with just about everyone in the athletic department except the Volleyball equipment manager. Sometimes in stairwells, sometimes she was so drunk she didn’t remember, sometimes two teammates in one night. Now you know what the F. stands for.

For grins and giggles she wrote out a thesis detailing her conquests in intimate and revealing detail, naming names and sizing sizes. She sent this tome to a few close friends and big surprise, it wound up on the internet and went viral in less time than that it took Subject #12 to complete.


The merit of writing this unauthorized thesis is certainly up for debate. On the one hand it’s an egregious invasion of privacy. On the other, this has to be great for Duke recruiting.

But now the Morris office is coming after her and already there are book and movie offers on the table. If this had come out a month ago Karen would probably be one of the AMERICAN IDOL judges today.

It’s been done before, of course.   Jessica Cutler comes to mind as do a handful of high priced call girls who became infamous.

Meanwhile, an InstaPundit reader wonders if we’d think this was as cute if a male student had written this “thesis” about the women he’d bedded.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Brummagem Joe says:

    Sleeping around has always been useful to the aspiring female. Pamela Harriman and Clare Luce spring immediately to mind. Marilyn said she spent a lot of her early years in Hollywood on her knees. They all ultimately got their revenge however.

  2. wr says:

    I’m not sure what revenge Marilyn got…

  3. Brummagem Joe says:

    “I’m not sure what revenge Marilyn got…”

    Making the director’s of her movies lives a misery. Check some of their biogs. Olivier’s is a classic.

  4. sam says:

    Yeah, Billy Wilder was driven almost insane, I understand, on Some Like It Hot.