Little Girl Cries, Let’s Blame Bush

A seeming non-story posted in the Washington Times‘ blog is getting a surprising amount of attention in the blogosphere.

A question for President Bush on immigration rose up like a ghost from the grave this afternoon in Ohio. Only the questioner was a 13-year old blonde-headed girl, Jessica Hackerd, from Brecksville, Ohio, who immediately broke into tears after making her inquiry.

“Mr. President, I know immigration has been a big problem in the U.S. And what is your next step with the immigration bill?” Jessica asked Mr. Bush, during a question and answer period after a speech Mr. Bush gave to a Cleveland business group.

Mr. Bush’s sarcastic reply — a wry “yeah, thanks” — drew laughter from the crowd of 400. But the attention caused young Jessica, who characterized herself in an interview afterward as very shy, to immediately tear up.

“No, it’s a great question. No, I appreciate that,” Mr. Bush said, as he saw Jessica’s reaction.

The story goes on to note that the kid was ridiculously nervous and how much the president went out of his way to thank her and meet with her and her parents afterwards. It’s rather clear to me that Bush was trying to make light of an obviously controversial topic before launching into a serious answer.

Michelle Malkin: “Do you think there’s anyone in the White House who might possibly realize that it’s precisely this flippant attitude that has turned off so many grass-roots conservatives and eroded the president’s political capital when he needs it the most?”

So, the reason the base turned against Bush for actually trying to implement policies that he campaigned on in both 2000 and 2004 is because he is too snarky? So, if he’d been a little nicer in promoting SHAMNESTY! for the evil Mexican hordes invading our nation, destroying our culture, taking our jobs, and providing safe passage for al Qaeda, things would have worked out differently?

FILED UNDER: Borders and Immigration, Media, , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. carpeicthus says:

    Clearly Malkin has BDS.

  2. Steve Verdon says:

    So, if he’d been a little nicer in promoting SHAMNESTY! for the evil Mexican hordes invading our nation, destroying our culture, taking our jobs, and providing safe passage for al Qaeda, things would have worked out differently?

    Well James, you and all the other open borders people just can’t seem to get your head around the idea that a nation has not just a RIGHT but a DUTY to defend its borders. If it isn’t defended why the U.S. will transmogrify into Mexico Del Norte and then where will be? Speaking spanglish, eating way too many burritos and creating too much methane gas exacerbating the catastrophe of global warming!

  3. James Joyner says:

    Speaking spanglish, eating way too many burritos and creating too much methane gas exacerbating the catastrophe of global warming!

    C’mon Steve, you know global warming is a liberal myth made up by Algore and Michael Moore.

  4. R. Alex says:

    Steve, I honest-to-gawd did not know you were joking until you mentioned global warming and I looked up saw your name. That’s kinda scary, actually.