Men Postpone ER Visits for Sports

A limited study by a Maryland ER doc found that visits to hospital emergency rooms rises dramatically after televised sporting events.

University of Maryland emergency physician David Jerrard tracked nearly 800 regular season college and professional football, baseball and basketball games in the state over three years and found there always was an increase in the number of men who checked into emergency rooms after these events.

Jerrard’s study, to be presented on Sunday at the annual meeting of the American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum in New Orleans, showed about 50 percent more men registered in emergency rooms after a football game than during the event itself. Thirty to 40 percent more men sought care following a baseball game.

Of course, the causation could be reversed: It may be that the stress of watching the big game sends men to the ER. But it would hardly be shocking if me, caught up in a big game involving one of “their” teams, ignored minor symptoms and postponed their trip to the hospital.

“Men should not risk their health by putting off going to the emergency room because they want to see the final results of a football game. It could be the last game they ever see,” Jerrard said.

Indeed. That’s what TiVo’s for.

FILED UNDER: Health, Sports, ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. madmatt says:

    or it could be more drunk people post game going out and doing lawn work! How hurt can you get falling off the couch after all.

  2. Steven Plunk says:

    Madmatt’s got a point. How much was alcohol involved in those ER visits? Lord knows I have a few when watching the Ducks play and wouldn’t be surprised trip, fall, get hit by the wife and end up getting a few stitches.

    Also, aren’t men generally more likely to put off ER visits at any time? You know, finish up whatever you’re doing then get to the doctor.

  3. To be really valid, the study would also have to account for blowout games which are effectively over well before the game ends.

  4. spencer says:

    As an undergraduate I worked as an usher at the stadium at the U of Fla. home games and we always figured on having a couple of heart attacks every game.