‘Most Interesting Man in the World’ Endorses Obama

The Dos Equis guy is fundraising for Obama.

The Dos Equis guy is fundraising for Obama.

WaPo (“‘The most interesting man in the world’ fundraising for Obama“):

In case you’ve missed it, the Obama campaign likes beer. Beer tentsBeer in the White HouseBeer for firefighters.

Need more, um, proof, of the president’s affinity for beer? Jonathan Goldsmith, the actor who plays “The most interesting man in the world” in Dos Equis ads, is hosting a fundraiserfor President Obama next Tuesday in Burlington, Vt.

If this scenario seems made for a Republican attack, that  may be because it already was one. Conservative group Right Change released an ad earlier this summer calling Obama “the most arrogant man in the world.”

In fairness, no way he was going to go with the Mormon.

FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, Popular Culture, US Politics, , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Rob in CT says:

    [gets into right-winger character]

    I don’t always drink coolaid, but when I do, I drink hopenchange.

    [/rw character]

  2. Tsar Nicholas says:

    Well, we knew Obama would have to troll for the college kid vote, but honestly this is getting ridiculous, isn’t it? Campaigning at high schools and on college campuses? OK, fair enough. Posting their beer recipes? Um, OK. Scarlett Johansson at the DNC convention? Starting to cross the line, Chief. Now a beer pitchman campaigning and fundraising for him? Geez. I’m actually half expecting Obama to show up at his next campaign event in a toga and with Spuds MacKenzie at his side. Seriously.

    That all said, when you’re in Rome you do as the Romans do. When you’re in a college town in Vermont there’s no need not to be loopy. Ergo at a certain level this all makes sense.

  3. Ernieyeball says:

    Can’t wait for Maxwell the Pig to endorse Mittens!
    WEEEE WEEEEE all the way to the White House!

  4. Jonathan Goldsmith, the actor who plays “The most interesting man in the world” in Dos Equis ads, is hosting a fundraiserfor President Obama next Tuesday in Burlington, Vt.

    Well, I hope he saved up, because I imagine he just ended that ad campaign. Consumer product companies aren’t going to want to risk alienating half the market by having their spokesmen politicizing themselves for eithe party.

  5. MBunge says:

    @Stormy Dragon: “Well, I hope he saved up, because I imagine he just ended that ad campaign.”

    Alec Baldwin says “Hi” from the set of 30 Rock!


  6. michael reynolds says:

    I’m waiting for the all-important Guinness endorsement.

  7. mantis says:

    @Stormy Dragon:

    I imagine he just ended that ad campaign. Consumer product companies aren’t going to want to risk alienating half the market by having their spokesmen politicizing themselves for eithe party.

    Silly. You do know that Alec Baldwin and George Clooney are spokespeople for a variety of companies and products in addition to being outspoken supporters of the president, right?

  8. MstrB says:

    I question the judgement of a man who only drinks Dos Equis

  9. Incognito says:


    Alec Baldwin pitches a corrupt bank card company that pretty much is targeted to the the easy credit folks Obama is popular with and other than voice overs, what does GC pitch in the USA? Dos Equis guy (the only name 99.9% of people will ever know him by) has a lot more potential to lose his only gig.

    Businesses do no want to be drawn into politics by their ad talent and for good reason.

  10. Anderson says:

    Well, he doesn’t always drink beer … but when he does …

  11. Liberal Cap says:

    @Tsar Nicholas:

    Well, we knew Obama would have to troll for the college kid vote, but honestly this is getting ridiculous, isn’t it? Campaigning at high schools and on college campuses?

    Sorry… I don’t understand your point.

    Are you saying that a block of voters who are of-age and informed are somehow less deserving of a candidates attention?

    A block of voters that will likely continue to be voters for the next 50 years or so?

    Let’s see… what are the requirements? “Must be a citizen of the U.S., Must be a resident of the U.S., must be at least 18 years of age, must be registered to vote.”

    And, your problem with this, is… ???

    Or, would you prefer that Obama follow the GOP candidate’s lead and troll for the old, white and intentionally ignorant?

  12. @mantis:

    Yeah, but Johnathan Goldsmith has no where near the level of celebrity as an Alec Baldwin or George Clooney.

  13. mantis says:

    @Stormy Dragon:

    Yeah, but Johnathan Goldsmith has no where near the level of celebrity as an Alec Baldwin or George Clooney.

    Meaning nowhere near as many people will give a crap.

    How about a gentlemen’s bet? I wager that six months from now, he’s still working for Dos Equis.

  14. Ernieyeball says:

    @Tsar Nicholas: …we knew Obama would have to troll for the college kid vote…

    If you truly believe college kids are the only beer swillers in the USA, you are woefully misinformed.

  15. Gustopher says:

    Sure he could endorse the Mormon: I don’t always wear underwear, but when I do, it is Mormon sacred undergarments

  16. bill says:

    awesome, one “fairy tale’ helping another!

  17. Franklin says:

    @Tsar Nicholas: I guess I don’t ever have a problem with seeing Scarlett Johansson, so you lost me there (if not before).

  18. An Interested Party says:

    awesome, one “fairy tale’ helping another!

    That’s rather ironic, considering the other other guy is a Mormon…

  19. Tillman says:

    Does anyone else get the idea Scarlett Johansson just wants one night alone with the president to talk about policy?

  20. bill says:

    @An Interested Party: oh, is there a religion not based on fairy tales now?

  21. cd6 says:

    The least interesting man in the world is, of course, Obama’s opponent

  22. rodney dill says:

    The most interesting man in the world endorses the most disinterested.

  23. Mike says:

    @michael reynolds: I endorse Guinness – it’s delicious.

  24. al-Ameda says:

    @Tsar Nicholas:

    Um, OK. Scarlett Johansson at the DNC convention? Starting to cross the line, Chief.

    Come on, why would any guy – Republican or Democratic – have a problem with Scarlett Johansson?

  25. Mitt Romney says:

    I don’t always host fundraisers for Presidential Candidates, but when I do, do you really think I would be so stupid as to host a fundraiser for the most completely uninteresting teetotaler on the planet whose catch-phrase should be “I don’t always drink lemonade, but when I do it’s lemon, wet, good?” http://bulliesforromney.tumblr.com/image/31905131070