Beltway Traffic Jam continues to be down and I’m still having trouble accessing several blogs on my Top Referrers list from home (a combo of problems with my ‘net connection and very slow sites on their end, I’m guessing.)

So, given those handicaps, the Friday linkfest:

  • Kevin Aylward is having a Campaign 2004 daughter match-up, with an assist from Sean Hackbarth.
  • Jeff Quinton uncovers John Edwards’ shady past.
  • Hugh Hewitt has a new book due out soon; the blogosphere is already pushing sales.
  • Will Collier reports on Mike Ditka’s stealth campaign to be Da Gov’ner.
  • Bill Wallo wonders about efforts to understand terrorists.
  • Charles Fenwick argues that lousy service is the harbinger of economic recovery. He’s a Navy vet with a new blog called Eye of the Storm.

To join in, link and send a TrackBack to this post. If your blog doesn’t automatically generate one, use the Send TrackBack feature below. For more information, see this post.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Boyd says:

    I didn’t check earlier, James, but Blogrolling seems to be working just fine for my blogroll right now. If you’re still having problems, it might be something else.

  2. McGehee says:

    I noticed while on my trip this week that my blogroll wasn’t loading, but I thought at the time it might just be blocked by the libraries where I was checking my e-mail. I would have expected my blog itself to have taken longer to load if it was, but those computers were running slow on everything.

  3. Kathy K says:

    I had it showing down yesterday. I’ve got a php feed that returns an error message if it can’t connect and I did see that message a couple of times.