Obama Blair House Snub Redux

Just when I thought I was beyond tired of the Blair House story, Think Progress passes along allegations from Margaret Carlson that the place was available when the Obamas petitioned to move in a few days earlier, that they were lied to and told it was booked, and that John Howard’s stay there was a post hoc arrangment to provide cover.

Obviously, if this proves true, it changes much of my previous analysis, which was based on earlier reporting.  While it would remain the case that Bush has every right to snub his successor, it would undermine the universal reporting that he had been extraordinarily gracious in helping Obama have the smoothest possible transition.  Absent some amazing explanation, it would indeed be petty, as Kevin Drum says, and perhaps even “stupid,” as Matt Yglesias calls it (although I’d stop short of adding “immoral,” aside from lying about it).

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. And if Margaret Carlson is mistaken, or gasp, lying, well, no one notices the page 16 retractions anyway. Seems like I’ve seen this movie before.

  2. Steve Plunk says:

    Speculation, speculation, and more speculation. This is gossip and immaterial gossip to boot.

  3. Davebo says:

    Absent some amazing explanation, it would indeed be petty

    Hey, lets give him the benefit of the doubt James. He’s never let us down before right?

    When can we move on to the fabricated O keys removed from all the keyboards in the White House.

    Ah.. Good times eh Bithead

  4. Eric says:

    When can we move on to the fabricated O keys removed from all the keyboards in the White House.

    Or the murder of Vince Foster by the Clintons. Yeah, good times, good times…

  5. Talk about paranoid…the Clinton’s murdered Vince Foster? Stay away from the conspiracy pages.

  6. Christopher says:

    James, nice rehash of someone else’s false accusations. Way to drag the dirt out in the open, giving it the old, “if it is true” statement.

    Pres. Bush has always been “extraordinarily gracious”. Both he and his dad brought honor to the office, while the most Clinton ever did was get blown in it. Shame, James, shame.

    What will B.O. do? We will see, after his slippery pre-start.

  7. Eric says:

    James, nice rehash of someone else’s false accusations. Way to drag the dirt out in the open, giving it the old, “if it is true” statement.

    Yeah, James, that’s not very conservative of you. Didn’t you know Republicans never make mistakes and must never admit they could be wrong, ever?

    Pres. Bush has always been “extraordinarily gracious”. Both he and his dad brought honor to the office, while the most Clinton ever did was get blown in it. Shame, James, shame.

    Funny how a guy who authorized torture, illegal surveillance, and whose minions outed a CIA operative can be considered to have brought honor to the Office of President, but a guy who got a blow job, well, that’s just beyond the pale of what’s acceptable.

    What will B.O. do? We will see, after his slippery pre-start.

    If I’m not mistaken (<–uh-oh, shame on me for trotting out the ol “if it were true”), Obama is not President yet, so I’m not sure what you are expecting here. Besides, I’m not sure what’s more slippery, Obama’s alleged “slippery pre-start,” or winning the Presidency via a Supreme Court ruling. Just sayin.

  8. Drew says:

    Pathetic, Eric. Just pathetic.

  9. Bithead says:

    You guys will forgive me if I don’t take Carlson’s ‘reporting’ without some serious backing proof.

  10. rodney dill says:

    Here’s the down low on the biggest snub that is yet to come. The Bush staff, upon leaving, the Whitehouse is going to replace all the ‘O’ keys on the computer keyboards with zero keys.

  11. od says:

    Do presidents really have time to get involved in decisions on where people stay while in Washington? Foreign dignitaries call the President and ask for the name of a good hotel, maybe a good restaurant? New congress people visit the Oval office to get a list of possible living quarters? This is the sort of thing you’d expect to be handled at a somewhat lower level – ie this just doesn’t pass the smell test.

  12. Triumph says:

    I think this is a great move. Obama is a bum and just a commoner at this point.

    Bush has every right to snub this guy. In fact, he should just stay on–particularly given the questions surrounding Obama’s connections to corruption in Illinois and the massive vote fraud perpetuated by ACORN and the Blagojevich/Obama/Barney Frank machine.

  13. Joe R. says:

    It makes a Republican look bad and Obama look like a victim, so it must be true.

  14. Jay Wills says:

    If you’re getting your “news” from Margaret Carlson, you may have bigger problems than you think.

  15. caj says:

    I’m sure if this was reported by the the master of knowledge and truth Rush Limbaugh, it would be perfectly true because those words came from his lips! Just a thought.

  16. Michael says:

    Think Progress passes along allegations from Margaret Carlson that the place was available when the Obamas petitioned to move in a few days earlier, that they were lied to and told it was booked, and that John Howard’s stay there was a post hoc arrangment to provide cover.

    But if this turns out to be true….I still wouldn’t care.

    Here’s the down low on the biggest snub that is yet to come. The Bush staff, upon leaving, the Whitehouse is going to replace all the ‘O’ keys on the computer keyboards with zero keys.

    Which, ironically, would be completely ineffective at accomplishing the purpose of doing it. So I guess it would be fitting.

  17. Barry says:

    Posted by od
    “Do presidents really have time to get involved in decisions on where people stay while in Washington? ”

    *Presidents*, probably not. Pathetic pieces of sh*t like George, yes. Or D*ckhead.

  18. Russ says:

    I swear, some people really need to invest in a couple of sets of non-bunching panties.

  19. torrejranne says:

    If I understand the Blair House website correctly, there is another building that has been added to it where former Presidents stay when in town, the luncheon for the former Presidents would have put them in town. My question is 1) the Obamas came to Washington immediately after the election, looked at schools etc, they would have know when the schools started. Why did they then wait 6 weeks to make a request to stay at Blair House? With all of the security issues for all of the people from incoming administrations and outgoing administrations, inaugurations events, senators, dignitaries etc. It seems like such a petty issue. Besides, where they are staying looks better than Blair House, It seems it would be less trouble just to stay there instead of uprooting those kids again and creating more headaches for the security people.