Online Viagra Sales Starting Soon

Pfizer will soon start selling Viagra direct to customers online. Given how much Viagra spam OTB has gotten over the years, I assumed it has always been available online.

Pfizer will soon start selling Viagra direct to customers online. Given how much Viagra spam OTB has gotten over the years, I assumed it has always been available online.

AP (“Pfizer to sell cut-price Viagra to patients online – becoming first drug company to deal directly with customers”

Pfizer Inc. has revealed that it will begin selling its popular erectile dysfunction pill Viagra directly to patients on its website – becoming the first drug company to deal directly with customers.

Men still will need a prescription to buy the blue, diamond-shaped pill on, but they no longer have to face a pharmacist to get it filled.

And for those who are bothered by Viagra’s steep $25-a-pill price, Pfizer is offering three free pills with the first order and 30 percent off the second one, the company told the Associated Press.

Pfizer’s bold move blows up the drug industry’s distribution model. Drugmakers don’t sell medicines directly to patients. Instead, they sell in bulk to wholesalers, who then distribute the drugs to pharmacies, hospitals and doctors’ offices.

But the world’s second-largest drugmaker is trying a new strategy to tackle a problem that plagues the industry. Unscrupulous online pharmacies increasingly offer patients counterfeit versions of Viagra and other brand-name drugs for up to 95 percent off with no prescription needed. Patients don’t realize the drugs are fake or that legitimate pharmacies require a prescription.

Indeed, you can’t buy contact lenses or even pet flea drops online without a prescription. Then again, I figure people stupid enough to buy 95-percent-off-no-prescription Viagra from dubious websites are unlikely to start paying 95 percent more to buy it from the manufacturer.

FILED UNDER: Health, Science & Technology, ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. rodney dill says:

    There has been stiff competition for Viagra knock-offs

    (Update: comments will be slow to come for this one as “Viagra” throws you into moderation. Those that can’t self-moderate will be left hanging)

  2. michael reynolds says:

    CVS just had a collective heart attack.

  3. Now I need to figure out how online pharmacies are able to receive prescriptions.

    For pet flea drops, of course. Only for pet flea drops.

  4. So I went to to research my question, and the first ad that I saw said “25% off enlargements.” I’d use the “stiff competition” joke, but Rodney Dill prematurely posted it.

  5. Gromitt Gunn says:

    @rodney dill: I think most of our commenters will feel that a helping hand from one of the our moderators is worth the delayed gratification.

  6. rodney dill says:

    @Gromitt Gunn: …most are willing to accept help with a gherkin.

  7. Gromitt Gunn says:

    @michael reynolds: Well, that is one of the potential side effects of passing a large volume of the drug through one’s distribution system..

  8. Brett says:

    What’s weird is that Viagra knock-offs seem to be the exception in usually being fraudulent when you buy them from online pharmacies. I remember there was a research report where the researchers ordered a bunch of different types of medications from illegal pharmacies through the web, and all of it except the viagra knock-off was genuine.

  9. ernieyeball says:

    I just invented the 3D Viagra printer…don’t need no script.

  10. ernieyeball says:

    I just invented the 3D V!agra printer…don’t need no script.

  11. Franklin says:

    Online Viagra Sales Starting Soon

    Didn’t you mean “coming soon”?

    /OK, that’s my one dick joke for the year. Glad I got that out of my system.

  12. JKB says:

    Oh, please tell us they’ll debut in China?

    Perhaps with an advertising campaign on the Chinese Media channels?

  13. CSK says:

    Haven’t they been selling this stuff online for years already? What’s the explanation for all the spam in I get in one of my email accounts about fabulous discounts on Viagra?