Quote of the Day – LeBron Edition

“I would tell him I think he needs to lay down on the couch and have some warm milk and listen to some soft music. Football’s not something he needs to do. If he asked my advice, I’d tell him to keep playing basketball because he’s doing OK.”  – Bill Parcells on whether LeBron James could make it in the NFL as a wide receiver

James is an athletic phenom and could almost certainly have become an NFL-caliber receiver had he chosen to do that instead.  As the linked article notes, he was an all-state receiver as a sophomore and junior in high school and is a beast physically.

But, yeah, I’d say he’s making a go of it in his current gig with the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. FranklinTest says:

    I forgot that James is only 24 years old. I think the option is still open, physically speaking. And I would pay to see it.

    It would certainly be more entertaining than watching fat asses like Shaq bounce people around in the “non-contact” sport of basketball.

  2. Drew says:


    So he viddies himself an “all- sport” phenom, eh??

    Tell him to meet me at the first tee. Bring $100,000.

    No tears.

  3. sam says:

    Tell him to meet me at the first tee. Bring $100,000.

    No tears.

    Cruel, dude, cruel.