Schwarzenegger Breaks Leg Skiing

Arnold Schwarzenegger broke his leg in a skiing accident yesterday.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger broke his leg while skiing with his family Saturday morning in Sun Valley, Idaho, a spokesman said.

Schwarzenegger, 59, was taken to a hospital for X-rays and was discharged with a fracture to his right femur, said Adam Mendelsohn, the governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications. He will have surgery to repair the bone when he returns to Los Angeles, Mendelsohn said. The governor remained at his Sun Valley home Saturday night and still planned to spend Christmas there. No one else was involved in the accident, Mendelsohn said.

The fracture was the third medical problem the governor suffered in a year. He spent several hours at a University of California, Davis, hospital last December with a rapid heartbeat after coming down with a stomach flu. In January, Schwarzenegger needed 15 stitches to repair his cut lip after colliding with a car while riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle in Los Angeles.

Leaving aside the stomach flu, it is rather odd for a governor to suffer two serious injuries in less than a year. Perhaps one should eschew daredevil activities while holding certain offices like, say, NFL quarterback or chief executive.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. jpe says:

    It seems the Kennedy gene is catchy.

  2. rob M says:

    Some guys will do anything to avoid their in-laws during the holidays. Jeesh.

  3. Doug says:

    You missed the biggest point of the article.

    He broke his leg skiing in IDAHO!!! Here he is putting his mug on all these Ski California commercials but where does he go to ski???? IDAHO!!!

  4. Eneils Bailey says:

    I heard he stumbled over Uncle Teddy who was passed out drunk in the driveway.

  5. legion says:

    Believe me, you can gladly have _back_ all the Cali folk who come here to ski, drive poorly, live, etc…

  6. LJD says:

    O.K., so politicians are not allowed to vacation outside the resources of the State they represent. Check.

    But seriously, I am surprised the hemi-metal alloy was not able to sustain the crash…

  7. gary says:

    I have written an article about Arnold’s injury. Why did he break his leg? I offer a view on this. Here is the link:
    Your comments are welcome.
    Cheers from Downunder!