California’s Weird Election Laws

The Top Two system has created perverse incentives.

Richard Marcinko, 1940-2021

The Rogue Warrior is gone at 81.

Is California Recall Unconstitutional?

A novel but flawed legal argument.

Weak Parties and the CA Recall

With an appearance by Caitlyn Jenner’s choice of party.

America’s Kristallnacht

“Trump is a failed leader.”

John Kasich Appears To Rule Out A Primary Challenge Against Trump

John Kasich hasn’t shut the door completely, but recent comments seem to make it clear he’s not likely to take on the President for the Republican nomination.

Justices Divided on Partisan Gerrymandering

Oral argument hints that we may have a 5-4 ruling allowing state legislatures to continue stacking the deck.

California Republicans Once Again Left Wondering What’s Next

Once again, Republicans in California find themselves looking up and seeing a lot of desolation. They need to find a way to bounce back.

The Perils of a One-Man Political Party

The GOP and Donald Trump are indistinguishable now. But it’s not clear what that means.

It’s Time To Eliminate The Presidency’s ‘Natural Born Citizen’ Requirement

The requirement that the President be a “natural born citizen” is a historical anachronism that has outlived its usefulness or necessity.

Steve Bannon Is Going To War Against The Republican Congress

Steve Bannon may be out of the White House, but his efforts to continue pushing President Trump, and the Republican Party, even further to the populist far-right continues.

Marginalization of the Far Right in Trump White House?

A bit of wishful thinking in the wake of Steve Bannon’s ouster.

Steve Bannon Is Out At The White House

Another one bites the dust.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Lied, The Truth Died

Donald Trump took to Twitter again this morning with predictable results.

Trump To Remain Executive Producer Of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ After Becoming President

Another conflict of interest for President-Elect Trump.

California Will Vote On Marijuana Legalization In November

Californians are set to vote on marijuana legalization in November and, this time, it looks like it will pass.

Ben Carson, Political Ignoramus

While a brilliant and accomplished man, he’s absolutely clueless about politics and world affairs.

The Huffington Post Is Relegating Donald Trump To The Entertainment Section, And That’s Wrong

The Huffington Post announced today that they would not be covering Donald Trump in their politics section from this point forward. That’s the wrong thing to do.

Extreme Fitness Obsession

Heather Havrilesky asks, “Why Are Americans So Fascinated With Extreme Fitness?

Hollywood’s Changing Male Ideal

On screen body objectification is now equal opportunity.

Maine (Or At Least One City) Next To Decriminalize Marijuana?

Portland, Maine seems to about to make some progress in the fight against dumb laws.

California Balances Budget While Expanding Aid to Poor

Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.

What The Proposition 8 Ruling Means For California And The Country

The Court may have “punted” the Proposition 8 ruling, but it is likely to have a wide-ranging impact both in California and nationwide.

The GOP Is Nearly Dead In California

Republicans used to dominate California. Now, they’re barely a factor in the state’s politics.

Don’t Judge The Libyan People For Killing Gaddafi

Should we be outraged over the manner in which Muammar Gaddafi died? I’m not losing any sleep over it.

Ben Stein’s Odd Response To The Arrest Of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Ben Stein seems to have been out to lunch when he wrote his column about Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Schwarzenegger and Shriver Separate

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver have announced their separation after 25 years of marriage.

Time To Eliminate The “Natural Born Citizen” Requirement

With all the birther talk these days, it’s probably time to question whether we even need the “natural born citizen” rule anymore.

Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘Governator’ Comic Book

Arnold Schwarzenegger has mastered the worlds of bodybuilding, show business, and politics. Next, he’s going to try his hand at being a Marvel superhero.

Prop 19 Loses Big

Despite the Democrats sweeping quite literally every statewide office in California, Proposition 19, the marijuana legalization ballot issue, lost by 10 points.

In Defense Of “Negative” Ads

Once again, the political media is wringing it’s hands over “negative” ads. As usual, it’s all a bunch of nonsense.

Ronald Reagan: RINO

The “Ronald Reagan” that many of today’s conservatives wish today’s Republicans were more like didn’t actually exist.

Schwarzenegger: Obama Will Win in 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger predicts President Obama’s re-election. Historically, that’s the safe bet.

California Decriminalizes Marijuana

Governor Schwarzenegger has signed a bill making pot possession (at certain levels) the equivalent of a traffic ticket.

Is This The End Of The GOP’s California Dreamin’ ?

Despite hopes that they could help reverse a 20 year trend, both Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman are beginning to lose ground in their races for statewide office in California.

Gay Marriages To Go Forward In California, Appeal May Be In Jeopardy

Judge Walker lifted the stay on his Order declaring Proposition 8 unconstitutional, but the big news may be the procedural defect that could doom any appeal.

Schwarzenegger: Let Gays Marry Now

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says there is no governmental or public interest in continuing a ban on gay marriage. But what about the will of his constituents?