Arnold Schwarzenegger Mocks Sarah Palin on Facebook

Sarah Palin gets a lot of mileage by posting random thoughts on her Facebook page.  So it’s only fair that Arnold Schwarzenegger uses that platform to tweak her a bit:

Over Anchorage, AK. Looking everywhere but can’t see Russia from here. Will keep you updated as search continues.


via Reddit

FILED UNDER: Humor, US Politics, , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Steve Plunk says:

    Who’s state is essentially bankrupt?  That’s right, it’s the smart ass’s state.  Maybe he could find a pair while he’s searching and start leading California back from the brink.

  2. wr says:

    Yeah, California’s “essentially bankrupt” — because we send nearly two dollars to Washington for every one we get back… and our tax dollars are sent to the grand libertarian utopia that is Alask.

  3. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    WR, if that be true, one must look at the number of Democrats California sends to congress.  That, opposed ot how my Alaska has.  I guess you will be voting for Boxer because she has allowed Alaska to get over compensated, being represented by Republicans in congress.  Now let us look at the problem of California being broke realistically.  Jerry Brown, when he was Governor, allowed the unions access to public employees.  To allow collective bargaining aganst public interest has made working in the public sector to costly for the private sector to support.  The Democratic legislature has written laws which make it attractive for businesses, both large and small to establish themselves in other states.  The problem is simple.  Government in California spends too much money.  Arnold has done little to stop it.  Maybe he should stop making snarky remarks about Palin, to whom he measures up to poorly, and learn from her.  As stong as people might think Arnold is, he caves to easily.  He is married into the Kennedy family.

  4. wr says:

    ZR — Please give one legal or moral justification for refusing to allow state employees the right to bargain collectively. Hating unions doesn’t count.

    But I will agree with you that Arnold should have taken a lesson from Palin — this state would have been a lot better off if he had quit when it got hard, too.

  5. Steve Plunk says:

    wr,  I would argue public employees should not be allowed the right to collective bargaining because the taxpayers have no real advocate at the table.  It becomes a one sided negotiation.  The failure to properly represent the interests of the taxpayers has led to the dire situation states are in regarding public employee pay and benefits.  Can we call it fair bargaining?  No.

  6. sam says:

    “Who’s state is essentially bankrupt? That’s right, it’s the smart ass’s state.”
    Which state has its mouth permanently attached to the federal tit? That’s right, it’s the dumbass’s state.

  7. wr says:

    Steve Plunk – Should the states treat labor negotiations like those of, say, Al Dunlap, in which the sole purpose is to reduce the workers to poverty so those few at the top can get even richer?

    And what is the dire situation with public pay and benefits? Oh, yes — corporations figured out how to loot pension plans and beggar their employees, while states live up to their obligations. That is terrible. Imagine all those old people living with dignity when they should be eating cat food like all the rest…

  8. bains says:

    Actually James, Arnold was responding to the Tina Fey caricature of Sarah Palin.  That you buy into any humorous quality is more of an indictment of your own political integrity.

  9. Steve Plunk says:

    wr,  I doubt any government entity will drive public employee wages down to poverty levels.  To argue that is absurd.  As for the getting richer part each taxpayer would save some money but aren’t those employees part of the pool of people who would save?  There are no fat cats to demonize in this case.
    Public pensions are immensely underfunded and will soon create problems in public finance like we have never seen.  Gripe all you want about the mean, nasty corporations but I’,m talking about the public sector and the irresponsible way it has been run for a generation.
    Cat food?  For gosh sakes get a grip.  I see public sector retirees down at the country club.  It’s the taxpayers that will be eating on the cheap when they have to pay for these gold plated pensions.

  10. sookie says:

    Sounds a little like the golden boy who’s shine has worn off leaving the political stage, jabbing at someone ascendant on the political stage, doesn’t it?
    But what’s new.  Everyone takes a shot at her.  I’m sure some of it is really hurtful, especially that directed at her kids.  She seems to deal with it just fine.
    Don’t mistake this as supportive of her for president. I’m not sure I think she would make a good one. I’m not sure she would make a bad one either.
    I think it might be better for the US, if she uses her influence, pushing and prodding the GOP (Dems too) to do the right thing on fiscal issues (I could mostly give a rats ass about the social con issues of gay marriage and abortion).
    However back to her abilities and qualifications, I think she would be every bit as capable, with just as complete a resume for the job, as The Won we currently have occupying the office.  Maybe more so, but we are unlikely to ever know.  I don’t think she’s electable.  Not any time in the near future anyway.

  11. An Interested Party says:

    “Sounds a little like the golden boy who’s shine has worn off leaving the political stage, jabbing at someone ascendant on the political stage, doesn’t it?”

    Really?  So where, exactly, is she going to go in her ascendancy…

    “I think it might be better for the US, if she uses her influence, pushing and prodding the GOP (Dems too) to do the right thing on fiscal issues…”

    Oh yes, she could push and prod others to learn how to live off the federal teat the same way her state does…

    “I don’t think she’s electable.  Not any time in the near future anyway.”

    Awww, why not?  I mean, if she really does have all those abilities and qualifications, wouldn’t the majority of the country be screaming out for her to be their leader…