She’s Back

Via HuffPo:

Fox News previously hired Palin as a contributor but did not renew her contract earlier this year. When she was hired in 2010, she reportedly signed a $1 million-a-year contract with the network.

According to a Fox News press release, Palin will contribute to the network’s daytime and primetime programming and Fox Business Network. She will first appear on Monday’s "Fox & Friends." The date coincides with the launch of CNN’s new morning show "New Day," which was created by the network’s new president and morning show aficionado, Jeff Zucker.

No doubt it will be as if she never left.

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Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a Professor of Political Science and a College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. Argon says:

    Sarah who?

  2. Mr. Replica says:

    I get just mentioning her name gets page clicks/traffic…but, seriously

  3. @Mr. Replica I must admit, I always find it amusing when people take the time to comment to say how much they don’t care. It is actually a self-refuting action, yes? 😉

    (And in honesty, I posted it because I read it and found noteworthy enough for quick post).

  4. Mr. Replica says:

    @Steven L. Taylor:

    It is actually a self-refuting action, yes?

    Yes, yes it is.

    If the title was a little bit more descriptive I could have saved myself the trouble. However, you suckered me in…and for that you got my post.

  5. @Mr. Replica: Fair enough.

  6. Argon says:

    It registers negative interest.

  7. Like a bad penny…

  8. Caj says:

    Oh bless their hearts! Fox News couldn’t do without smart as whip Sarah Palin. Well, the whip is smarter than her but you know what I mean! The Fox News watchers love Sarah, they hang onto her every word. No matter that she makes no sense most of the time as majority of them have no sense to start with. Yes, Sarah Palin will bring in the crowds. The crowds that all reside in a parallel universe. Whereas others who watch real news programs live in the real world.

  9. David Zimmerman says:

    For those who said Fox terminated her contract, this disproves that meme. For those that consider her irrelevant, this disproves that.
    In spite of the negative attacks, this lady has stood tall and will prevail in the long run. As she sez: “may we be happy and our enemies know it.”

  10. PJ says:

    @David Zimmerman:
    At least the grifter is happy.

  11. Nikki says:

    She couldn’t find work anywhere else? I wonder if she’s still getting the 1 mil a year?

  12. murray says:

    Ah Sarah. The twinkle in your eyes. The sparkle in your smile. The sound of the wind blowing through your ears.

  13. al-Ameda says:

    Why not Palin and Teen Mom?
    Or, Palin and Bachmann – they could market that as “Bachmann-Palin Overdrive.”

    Regardless, Sarah Palin, is a quote machine. I would argue that she was partially responsible for Obama’s election in 2008, and to a lesser extent in 2012.

  14. al-Ameda says:

    @David Zimmerman:
    In spite of the negative attacks, this lady has stood tall and will prevail in the long run. As she sez: “may we be happy and our enemies know it.”

    Speaking as a liberal Democrat I’ve got to say that she’s one of the best things that’s happened to the Democratic Party in years. Rarely has someone who is so disdainful intelligent thought and discussion risen to such prominence in national politics. Basically, she appeals to people in a NASCAR kind of way – people watch her to see the spinouts and crashes. Long may she run (and spin out and crash.)

  15. ernieyeball says:

    @David Zimmerman: …this lady has stood tall and will prevail in the long run.

    Just like she served out her term as Governor…oh, wait…

  16. G.A.Phillips says:

    Liberals calling other people dumb… lol…

  17. al-Ameda says:


    Liberals calling other people dumb… lol…

    How would you label people – most of whom are not liberals – who believe in concepts like “legitimate rape” or that the planet is about 7,000 years old, or who did not know that Hawaii was a state when the current president was born? Seems to me that those people are dumb.

  18. Rick Almeida says:


    Yes, we know that only drug-addled felons who become conservative Christians in prison have intelligence.

  19. al-Ameda says:

    @Rick Almeida:

    Yes, we know that only drug-addled felons who become conservative Christians in prison have intelligence.

    And how do we know this? Data mining by the NSA?