Kate Moss Snorting Cocaine Video

Sky will air a documentary with footage of supermodel Kate Moss snorting cocaine.

ABC News: Sky to show controversial Kate Moss footage (ABC-Reuters)

A documentary is set to show footage of British supermodel Kate Moss which Sky One says shows her snorting cocaine, as the furor over her alleged drug taking which cost her lucrative advertising deals refuses to go away. Moss has been embroiled in scandal since The Mirror tabloid newspaper printed grainy pictures two weeks ago that apparently showed the 31-year-old taking drugs.


Sky One said its documentary “Kate Moss: Fashion Victim?” would provide a balanced debate over the role of the media and the fashion industry and ask whether Moss could continue her career. “The documentary aims to paint an honest picture of the landscape that formed the backdrop to the saga and in a worldwide exclusive, features video footage of the widely-reported incident involving Moss and her self-confessed heroin addict boyfriend, Pete Doherty,” Sky said.


The Sky One documentary will be shown on October 3.

The original Daily Mirror article is inaccessible at the moment but here’s the cover photo:

Photo Kate Moss snorting cocaine Daily Mirror

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Jim Henley says:

    So we DON’T get the video of her in bed with the two other supermodels but we DO get the video of her sticking a straw up her nose? Where’s the fun in that?

  2. James Joyner says:

    Quite so. Certainly, the former would have wider appeal.

  3. Kate Moss Cocain Video says:

    Here is the video of Kate Moss snorting cocaine:

  4. undercover says:

    lol what a dumb ass! did she even notice some one was taping her? she should of went to the restroom

  5. Stephanie says:

    WWTDD.com has the video.

  6. Dav says:

    ils ont que ça à foutre !!!!
    qu’est-ce que ça peut nous foutre quel tape de la coke !
    on est pas là pour juger sa facon de vivre ,mais pour aprecier son travail !!!
    j’aimerais une photo du repas de fin d’année de l’équipe du Mirror,juste pour rigoler !!!! (surtout une photos des toilettes ..;ahahahahha!)

  7. id like to do some rails off her tits