FreedomWorks Shuts Down

MAGA has eaten the Tea Party.

The Nikki Haley Comet

The anti-Trump forces are rallying around the former South Carolina governor and UN ambassador.

Scalia Law School is Conservative!

The New York Times looks into ties between a DC area law school and the Supreme Court.

Republicans Divided on Foreign Policy

As memory of the Cold War fades, so does support for American primacy.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Doves Split Over Ukraine

Foreign policy makes strange bedfellows.

David Koch, Businessman, Political Activist, and Philanthropist, Dead At 79

David Koch, one-half of the Koch Brothers and the head of a wide-ranging business empire who also went on to have a huge impact on politics and cultural philanthropy, has died at the age of 79.

Koch Political Network Distancing Itself From Trump’s Republican Party

A powerful political network is distancing itself from the Trump-dominated Republican Party.

The Incoherent Nature of Nancy MacLean’s Narrative

A Duke history professor uncovers “stealth plan” by “fifth columnists” who are seeking to overthrow democracy in the U.S. for their plutocrat masters.

They Have No Idea!

Today, there are many millions of Americans who can tell one Kardashian sister from another, but have no idea that Barack Obama has compiled the worst presidential record since Jimmy Carter.

Cato Koch Fight

People are seeing irony where it doesn’t exist.