Post-Brexit, Both Of Great Britain’s Major Parties Are In Crisis Mode

One week after the Brexit vote, both the Conservative and Labour parties find themselves in chaos.

Jo Cox, Member Of British Parliament, Murdered In Northern England, Possible ‘Brexit’ Connection

A freshman Member of Parliament was murdered today, and there may have been a political motive.

‘Leave’ Takes The Lead In Latest ‘Brexit’ Polling

With just over a week to go, the latest polling shows voters in the United Kingdom leaning toward leaving the European Union.

British Parliament Approves Airstrikes Against ISIS In Syria

The British Parliament has approved expansion of that countries airstrikes into Syria, but it’s unclear just how much of an impact that will have on the ground.

British Labour Party Takes A Strong Tilt Left In Leadership Election

Britain’s Labour Party has taken a hard tilt left with the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader.