Tax Day

Washington Times: Procrastinators rush to meet tax deadline

The Internal Revenue Service expects that 131 million tax returns will be filed this year. By Monday, 68 percent had been filed, the same as last year at this time.

The number of searches for “IRS extension” on Yahoo was up 123 percent and the number of searches for “tax extension” was up 120 percent in the past week.

The number of last-minute filers could knock “Britney Spears” and “Jessica Simpson” from atop the search perch, according to Yahoo.


While filing taxes is a royal pain, I’m surprised that the number of last-minute filers is this high — nearly a third of all taxpayers hadn’t filed by Monday?

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Boyd says:

    Hard work and dedication may pay off eventually, but procrastination always pays off now.

    I finally filed (electronically) about half an hour ago. I could have done that a month ago, and had the money withdrawn today, but I just couldn’t bring myself to “punch the button,” especially since I not only had to pay…well, a lot, it was so much that I also have to pay quarterly estimated payments (ow!). First time for that one.

    If it had been a refund, this would have been done quite a while back. But since I’m paying them, I didn’t really feel a rush to get it done.

  2. Dodd says:

    Even htough I’m getting a refund (which I won’t actually receive because I still owe a bit from last year), I didn’t mail mine in until yesterday. But the reason for that is that my sister’s accountant didn’t get the schedule for our family partnership to me until Monday (she did that to me last year as well); my accountant and I were ready to do them three weeks ago.

  3. Ron says:

    I purposely withhold as little as possible and pay as close to April 15 as I can. I’ll take the interest, thank you.

  4. Dear Tax Collector

    Enclosed herewith as you can see
    are dollars that belong to me.
    Use them to protect our freedom;
    send them back if you don’t need ‘em.