Financial Times is reporting terrorist attacks in Chechnya and Spain.

In the first attack,

An explosion targeting a bus carrying workers to Russia’s main military base in its turbulent Chechnya region has killed three people and wounded eight, security sources in the region say.

The attack in a region gripped by a decade of conflict came as heads of state began arriving in St Petersburg, at the other end of the country, for celebrations marking the 300th birthday of Russia’s second city, hosted by President Vladimir Putin.

The sources said the bus was taking about 20 workers to Khankala, the main Russian military base just outside the Chechen capital Grozny and had dropped them off when the explosion occurred on Friday.

In the second,

A bomb has killed two police officers and seriously injured a third in northern Spain in an attack the government blames on armed Basque separatist group ETA.

ETA has been dormant for months after a heavy police crackdown, but the bombing in Navarre on Friday was in an area the guerrillas claim for a Basque homeland. It came amid heightened regional tension after nationwide local elections.

So far, President Bush’s tax cuts have not been blamed for either attack.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.