The Many Faces of Hillary Clinton

Danny Glover marvels at Hillary Clinton’s adaptability.

Hillary Clinton adopts a new persona for every setting. She is alternately a lover, a fighter, a mocker, a whiner and a crier as she competes with Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination. Whatever it takes!

As I recall, the same was true of Bill Clinton in the 1992 contest. Goodness, even his hair color changed depending on to whom he was speaking. But Bill was just so charming and audacious that he could pull it off. Hillary, not so much.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Triumph says:

    But Bill was just so charming and audacious that he could pull it off. Hillary, not so much.

    Yeah, why do think Bill has such a “wandering eye”?

    When Hillzilla loses, look for Bill to cut and run up to Ottawa and rekindle his relationship with Belinda Stronach and become the first American “First Husband” of Canada.

    Belinda is pretty good looking, a billionaire, relatively bright, and has a bright political future. She has Hillzilla beat on all counts.

    Other possible post-Hillzilla meltdown hookups for Bill: Ayaan Hirsi Ali or maybe the lovely Yulia Tymoshenko. Both of those broads are hotties, powerful, and relatively courageous–all attractive features to a guy who has suffered with Hillzilla for all these years!

  2. Michael says:

    Belinda is pretty good looking, a billionaire, relatively bright, and has a bright political future.

    Then why would she be interested in Bill?

  3. Triumph says:

    Then why would she be interested in Bill?

    Bill is just one of those cats we refer to as a “playa.” He can bag a different dame every day. Its just some mystical force. Some cats just have it. Most dudes don’t.

    It doesn’t matter if they are ugly or scoundrels–some guys are just “macks.” No matter how much self-confidence a little lady has–in the face of mack-daddy like Slick Willie, she just melts like butter.

  4. SeniorD says:

    One tabloid is already predicting HRC will divorce her ‘husband’ political partner if (when) she loses. After that, listen for a ‘YEEE-HAAAAA‘ cry from Bill and let the ladies beware.

    When the dust settles, watch for Chelsea to be groomed for some House of Barons seat (think California) in the next mid-term election cycle. Give her a couple of terms in the House then she’ll be launched for the House of Lords (replacing Barbara Boxer). One term there and HRC will be back campaigning for the White House as Chelsea’s Chief of Staff.

    Take it to the bank.

  5. Wyatt Earp says:

    Hell, she even manipulates her “accent” to suit her needs. It’s like having Rich Little run for POTUS.

  6. Elmo says:

    But Bill was just so charming and …

    Dana Perino for Veep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. G.A.Phillips says:

    It doesn’t matter if they are ugly or scoundrels–some guys are just “macks.” No matter how much self-confidence a little lady has–in the face of mack-daddy like Slick Willie, she just melts like butter.

    lol, have you ever seen the chicks Slickwilly macks on? well take Hillery for example….

    one mans player is another mans closing hour dater…