Anna Benson Speaks Out on Husband’s Trade

In an amusing bit of irony, Anna Benson learned that her husband, Kris, was traded while posing for yet another FHM magazine photo shoot.

“Without a doubt, the Baltimore Orioles won today and the Mets lost,” said Anna Benson yesterday immediately after learning that husband Kris Benson had been traded by the New York Mets to Baltimore. Anna spoke to (, web site of FHM magazine, while on location in New York City Saturday afternoon at her FHM April 2006 cover shoot.

Anna and Kris Benson’s candid video interview with is the first interview the couple did after receiving news of the trade. In addition, the web site features exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of Anna’s photo shoot, as well as photographs of the couple, including Anna wearing a Baltimore Orioles hat for the very first time.

The Bensons were upset by lingering reports that the trade was put in motion because Mets management was fearful of Anna potentially posing provocatively for magazine photo shoots. “I really don’t take too much account of it. I just keep going, I just have fun with it. It’s great publicity for her,” said Kris.

“I know baseball is a business. But if they really did trade Kris because of me, it would be sexist, it would be discriminatory, and it wouldn’t be the right thing to do. They didn’t seem to get equal value in the trade, and it would be irresponsible for them to weaken their organization by trading Kris because he’s married to me. It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever,” said Anna off camera to, adding, “When Kris signed as a free agent, we arranged to donate $1 million of our own money to New York charities. To be dealt so quickly, I feel like we won’t get a chance to finish what we started in New York.”

Despite the abrupt nature of the trade, Kris Benson told he’s looking forward to his new role in Baltimore. “It’s a good city, we have good fans, we have a good team…and great management with Jim Duquette and Leo Mazzone as pitching coach. I’m looking forward to working with him.” Of New York, Kris said, “I’ve gotten a lot more support than I have criticism, and I think that our time here in New York was short but it was sweet…We still plan on being a part of the city.”

Anna Benson, named “Baseball’s Hottest Wife” by FHM last year, has been featured in the magazine several times. Her upcoming cover and photo will be part of FHM’s annual baseball preview in April.

Hilarious. I’m sure the Mets are glad to be rid of this distraction but I can’t imagine it was more than a minor consideration in the trade.


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Mark says:

    Hmmm – does this mean if she catches Chris cheating, she’s gonna sleep with the entire Orioles team now?

  2. Don Surber says:

    Even the Orioles don’t want to sleep with the Orioles

  3. Brandon says:

    Hmmm – does this mean if she catches Chris cheating, she’s gonna sleep with the entire Orioles team now?

    Somewhere there’s a viagara or steroids related Rafael Palmeiro joke in there.

  4. ICallMasICM says:

    ‘it would be sexist, it would be discriminatory, and it wouldn’t be the right thing to do. ‘

    She said as she got naked for her photo shoot.