Ugly Betty Actor Kills Mom While Screaming Bible Passages

"Ugly Betty" actor Michael Brea killed his mother with a samurai sword while screaming Bible passages.

Ugh:  “Ugly Betty” Actor Michael Brea Kills Mother with Sword while Screaming Bible Passages, Media Outlets Report

An actor who has appeared in the TV series “Ugly Betty” killed his mother with a samurai sword while screaming Bible passages, New York media outlets reported Tuesday.

Michael Brea, 31, went on a religious rant, ordering his mother to “repent” before stabbing her to death, the Daily News reported.

Sources told WPIX 11 News that Brea used a samurai sword to attack his mother, whose body was found hacked and decapitated.

The victim, identified as 55-year-old Yannick Brea, was dead when officers arrived, WPIX reported.

Neighbors on the first and third floors of the Brooklyn apartment heard screams coming from the second floor apartment at about 1:30 a.m., the station reports.

“I hear the brother chasing her [his mother] through the house and he’s just saying a bunch of like [Bible] passages like, ‘Repent, Repent, Repent,'” neighbor Gregory Clare told WPIX. “I heard him chasing her through the house and I hear a loud scream and so I have my father call the cops, call 911.”

My first instinct on this one is “crazy” rather than “devout.”

FILED UNDER: Popular Culture, Religion, ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. mantis says:

    My first instinct on this one is “crazy” rather than “devout.”
    There’s a difference?

  2. sam says:

    My first instinct on this one is “crazy” rather than “devout.”There’s a difference?

    Yes, there is a difference.

  3. The Monster says:

    The difference is that any killer who can be characterized as a “devout Christian” will be, while Muslims who kill and can be characterized as “crazy”, with no mention of religion, will be.

  4. wr says:

    My instinct is “sad.” Shame on those who feel compelled to make even this tragedy into a political battleground. Not everything has to be a weapon in the war between the tribes.
    (And I say this as a a liberal atheist. )

  5. john personna says:

    Note to self, do not imbibe of the energy drink Full Throttle.

  6. Linda says:

    I wonder what this act will be blamed on? Stress, lack of sleep, abuse as a child, someone took his ice cream money in 2nd grade? You know some low-life ambulance chaser type will try to portray this whack-job, Michael Brea, as a victim.
    I say call it like it is: He’s a murdering psychopath.

  7. Franklin says:

    Yes, by all means, let’s not ever try to figure out what led to the tragedy.  That would probably require thinking or something.
    Oh, and I’ll presume you are a doctor since you have diagnosed him as psychopathic, which (although an obsolete term) would probably render him to a mental institution.  Nobody’s disagreeing that he should be off the streets, in any case.