James Hirsen reports that Gene Simmons and Kelsey Grammar, hardly known as clean-cut Republican types, are among celebrities who have supported our war effort in Iraq:

Born Chaim Witz from Haifa, Israel, Simmons is highly educated and speaks four languages. He has some pithy statements on his Web site that others in the entertainment field might try reading.

On U.S. history, Simmons posts, “If you don’t have the guts to stand up to injustice, where ever it exists (and that means stopping the Germans, the Japanese and the Italians in WW I and WW II … or the Albanian Serbs in Bosnia … or the tragedies that keep on occurring in Africa … or even the Viet Nam War … Panama … North Korea … the list goes on and on) … One thing in common with all these events: AMERICA. America didn’t stay and ‘conquer’ ANY OF THESE COUNTRIES.â€

As for fellow libs in the entertainment biz, Simmons says that he’s “ashamed to be surrounded by people calling themselves Liberal who are, in my opinion, spitting on the graves of brave American soldiers who gave their life to fight a war that wasn’t theirs … in a country they’ve never been to … simply to liberate the people therein.â€

Indeed. And you have to love this:

It seems Kelsey Grammer doesn̢۪t mind going against the tide in Hollywood. He̢۪s one of a small handful of celebrities who has openly supported President Bush.

Now he is using his television show as a vehicle to express appreciation to those who serve in the military.

The actor has a standing instruction to the staff of “Frasier†that families of military personnel or veterans who attend tapings will be seated where they belong — in the front row. Grammer has also made it a point to meet with guests personally.

The Enquirer reports that at a recent taping, two women in their 70s were escorted up to meet Grammer. When he inquired about which branches of the service they were from, they said, “We’re soldiers in The Salvation Army.†Apparently not one to nitpick, Kelsey saluted the ladies and gave them some autographed pics.


(Hat tip to Boycott Hollywood)

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


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