White House Worried Wray May Resign Over Memo Release

What seems like a nothingburger story from CNN.

What seems like a nothingburger story from CNN (“White House worried FBI director could quit over Nunes memo release“):

Top White House aides are worried FBI Director Christopher Wray could quit if the highly controversial Republican memo alleging the FBI abused its surveillance tools is released, multiple sources with knowledge of the situation tell CNN.

Wray has made clear he is frustrated that President Donald Trump picked him to lead the FBI after he fired FBI Director James Comey in May, yet his advice on the Nunes memo is being disregarded and cast as part of the purported partisan leadership of the FBI, according to a senior law enforcement official.

Wray’s stance is “raising hell,” one source familiar with the matter said.

Wray has not directly threatened to resign after clashing with Trump over the possible release of the memo, the source added, because that is not his style of dealing with conflict.

There’s a lot more text after that but not much more story.

To be clear, I thought firing Comey was unwarranted, am very uncomfortable with Trump violating our norms of non-interference with law enforcement, and think Wray and others in the DOJ are absolutely right to be furious about the release of classified information—let alone on a selective and mendacious basis—for personal political reasons. I just don’t understand what this report adds.

Some unnamed “top aides” are “worried” that Wray “could quit.”

Worried about what? What fallout do they see happening? Frankly, I can’t imagine anyone who currently supports Trump being in the least bothered by Wray’s departure.

Further, on what basis are they concerned? Wray has given no indication that he’s going to quit. And, to the extent that he’s upset with Trump’s politicizing the Bureau, what good would his leaving and being replaced by another Trump nominee do?

Again, under ordinary circumstances, the spectacle would be politically damaging. But Trump is not an ordinary circumstance.

FILED UNDER: Crime, Law and the Courts, US Politics, , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Jake says:

    All this hate for Trump is making you look stupid. Your blog is only about hating Trump .

    You hate Trump more than you love the truth.

  2. gVOR08 says:

    Oh gawd, a new troll. Or at least a new name to me.
    Hot flash @Jake:, everyone who loves truth hates Trump. Or at least everyone who has a grasp on reality.

    Sounds like a hint to Wray that he should resign and misdirection. Speaking of truth, with the base the misdirection will work.

  3. OzarkHillbilly says:

    I think there must be a typo in the story. They are worried about Wray staying on, not resigning.

    @Jake: If you had half a brain you would know that loving the truth would require hating trump.

  4. MarkedMan says:

    If there is concern, it may be about what he might do once outside.

  5. Kathy says:

    “Why do things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?” Donald Trump.

  6. Lit3Bolt says:


    U gud troll. Von potato und von wodka four U. Kolluson iz Lie. Trump und Truth.

  7. CSK says:


    Jake, how do you explain the fact that Trump lies–provably lies–all the time? All. The. Time. It’s not “fake news.” The man contradicts himself, often multiple times in a single day.

  8. CSK says:


    If I had to guess, I’d say it was because he’s…stupid.

  9. Kathy says:

    @CSK: Maybe the set of “people with a brain” does not intersect with the set of “Trump and his supporters”?

  10. inhumans99 says:


    Jake…shhhh, c’mere, there you go a pat or two on the back and some burps will make you feel all better and it would be a good idea to have you take a nap so you can calm down.

    Sorry folks, Jake was a bit overstimulated because I let him spend too much time playing games on his screen. I just put him down for a nap and he should be feeling fine in an hour or two.

  11. Mr. Prosser says:

    @Kathy: It’s quite obvious Trump and his friends have never, and will never, while away the hours conferring with the flowers, consulting with the rain…

  12. al-Ameda says:


    All this hate for Trump is making you look stupid. Your blog is only about hating Trump .You hate Trump more than you love the truth.

    Please point out exactly where there is hateful material in this article.

  13. An Interested Party says:

    Again, under ordinary circumstances, the spectacle would be politically damaging. But Trump is not an ordinary circumstance.

    Which begs the question, what will politically damage this odious creature?

    All this hate for Trump is making you look stupid. Your blog is only about hating Trump .

    You hate Trump more than you love the truth.

    Maybe he should give him a back rub and whisper praises in his ear? Is that more up your alley? Certainly it seems that way for all of this embarrassment’s lickspittles…

  14. Kathy says:

    @An Interested Party:

    Which begs the question, what will politically damage this odious creature?

    Governing reasonably.

    In particular the recognition he lost the popular vote by a great deal, and he needs to reach out, fairly, to the other side in order to get enough popular support to pursue his policies (if he has any policies at all).

    If he did that, his base would feel betrayed.

  15. Mikey says:

    @Jake: You love Trump more than you love America.

  16. Slugger says:

    This “Wray resignation worry” is a trial balloon. They want to see how much support he, and by extension the whole FBI, have. There was a time when the FBI was held in high esteem by ordinary people. Can this be undermined? That is the problem they need to solve.

  17. Dumb Brit says:

    Surely the most damaging, and a relatively likely outcome would be for the FBI Director to make a formal and damning public speech/statement calling out POTUS & Nunes for lying to the nation. Put Trump into a position where he has to either fire Director Wray (potentially president ending), or let him stay and look impotent. Even better do it jointly with Rod Rosenstein – Together they could Make America Great Again.

  18. Teve tory says:

    Why would firing Wray mean anything at all to the GOP, or his supporters?

    I mean, I wouldn’t even consider that one of his top six crimes or misbehaviors.

  19. Just 'nutha ig'nint cracker says:

    @MarkedMan: Okay, that I can see.

  20. dmichael says:

    Another furrowed brow from Dr. Joyner in response to the obstruction of justice from Trump and his minions.

  21. JKB says:

    Memo’s out. So the attempts to suppress the release seem to be where the fire is at. Wray would threaten to resign over that memo?

    Sure the FBI used a partisan-produced report to get a FISA warrant to spy on members of a Presidential campaign and incoming administration. We’ll have to see the legal assessments, but the FBI does seem to be either dupe or doer.

  22. KM says:

    @JKB :

    Sure the FBI used a partisan-produced report to get a FISA warrant to spy on members of a Presidential campaign and incoming administration.

    Considering it was originally a REPUBLICAN paid for and created dossier, I have no idea why you idiots jumped on this talking point.

    You’ve just admitted it exists. #ReleaseTheDossier and prove FISA wasn’t warranted. #ReleaseALLthenotes so we can see what Nunes didn’t want to include.

  23. JKB says:


    Republican OPPONENTS of Trump did reportedly pay Fusion GPS before the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the dossier as produced.

    See the “partisan-produced” in all that?

  24. KM says:


    Republican OPPONENTS of Trump

    No. Just because they didn’t like Trump doesn’t make them less Republican no matter how much you scream RINO. It was their idea first. they started it – which means they knew something the rest of us don’t.

    You keep acting like the fact that Dems were involved suddenly makes it unreliable without ever questioning how the Repbus knew to start digging there in the first place. Oh it was partisan all right – conservatively partisan from its birth.

  25. teve tory says:

    It doesn’t matter if Robert Goddam Mugabe paid for it.
    That’s an ad hominem argument.
    What matters is if it’s true.

  26. JKB says:

    @KM: – which means they knew something the rest of us don’t.

    By your logic then, what must have Hillary known that the rest of us don’t since it was she who started the questioning of Obama’s birth certificate.

    In any case, the FBI has never been able to verify any of the most superficial statements in the dossier. That is part of what makes the FBI use of it as part of their probable cause assertion for the FISA warrant.