Yglesias Leaving Atlantic for CAP

Matthew Fucking Yglesias

Matt Yglesias is taking his traveling blog show on the road again, his colleague Marc Ambinder reports.

On August 1, Matt Yglesias, our standard-setting Stalinist, is leaving The Atlantic for the Center for American Progress, where he’ll blog and help CAP cement its place in the Democratic intellectual firmament. Matt is more skeptical than almost anyone I know, so while the CAP folks may think they’re going to benefit from his prose, they’re going to find that their arguments are a lot sharper, and more intellectually honest.

I’ve followed Matt’s blog since roughly the start of my own, when he was just a kid at Harvard. He’s had several iterations of his eponymous blog, a couple stints with The American Prospect, a go with TPM Cafe, Atlantic Monthly, and now CAP. Prestige-wise, it’s going to be hard to top The Atlantic. But there are some fine folks at CAP, notably Steve Clemons and Steve Coll, and Matt will be a prize addition to the staff.

Matt’s blogging style seems to stay unaltered regardless of venue, though, so there’s not likely to be much impact on the readership.

Photo: A decidedly outdated photo of Matt from Boi From Troy, who reveals Matt’s little-known middle name.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Anderson says:

    Maybe his Atlantic pals will chip in to get him a spelling book as a going-away present.

  2. Bruce Moomaw says:

    “It’s a poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word” — Andrew Jackson. Obvious question: Why does Anderson hate Andrew Jackson, and thus America?