Hump Day Tabs

Update on the Democrats’ Dilemma

Stuck in the semi-public stage.

Assassination Attempt Effects?

Caution about making too many assumptions.

SCOTUS Makes Corruption Easier

Apparently, ex post facto payments are cool.

Hump Day Tabs

Politics-free edition.

Handicapping The Debate

Could Thursday’s match-up shake up the race?

The World According to Trump

While foreign policy seldom decides American elections, it really should this year.

The Economy is Better Than it Feels

Why public attitudes are lagging real world performane.

Convict Trump

Will the first President convicted of crimes be the first convicted felon re-elected as President?

Iran’s President and Foreign Minister Killed in Helicopter Crash

A shocking development amidst regional turmoil.

China’s Gray Zone Activities

It’s more than competition but less than war.

An Observation or Two on SCOTUS

Well, more than two…

Sunday Afternoon Tabs

The number of open tabs is just getting silly.

Daniel Kahneman, 1934-2024

The psychologist who won a Nobel in economics is gone at 90.

Privacy and Public Figures

No, I don’t feel terrible now.

Should Sonia Sotomayor Retire?

Of party, duty, age, and political roulette.

Sunday Tabs

The Outrage Machine

Punditry, complexity, and democracy.

Treating COVID Like the Flu

New CDC guidelines acknowledge the political realities.

photo of iphone, smartphone, mobile, hand, screen, apple, creative, girl, technology, web, internet, touch, phone, communication, blue, business, black, arm, cell phone, device, blank, iphone 6, design, hands, display, style, touchscreen, interface, smart, template, interaction, mockup, mock up, human action, endurance sports photo of iphone, smartphone, mobile, hand, screen, apple, creative, girl, technology, web, internet, touch, phone, communication, blue, business, black, arm, cell phone, device, blank, iphone 6, design, hands, display, style, touchscreen, interface, smart, template, interaction, mockup, mock up, human action, endurance sports

Bowling Aloner

If we’re even bowling at all.

Trump Would Encourage Russia to Attack NATO Members Who Don’t Pay Up

Yet more evidence the man is unfit to serve as Commander-in-Chief.

Porn, Public Employees, and the First Amendment

I know a fireable offense when I see it.

Claudine Gay addresses an audience during commencement ceremonies, Thursday, May 25, 2023, on the Harvard campus, in Cambridge, Mass. Claudine Gay addresses an audience during commencement ceremonies, Thursday, May 25, 2023, on the Harvard campus, in Cambridge, Mass.

Claudine Gay Resigns as Harvard President

Repeated academic integrity violations led to her forced ouster.

NYE Tabs

“2023 Lists” Edition

The 14th Amendment, Section 3

Trump betrayed his oath. That should disqualify him from office. That’s the whole point of section 3 of the 14th.

Xmas Eve Tabs

TikTok and the Israel-Hamas War

The popular app is influencing the opinions of its young user base.

Immigration Roiling Politics Globally

Those seeking to escape the global south are facing resistance from DC to London to Paris.

Speaking of the Economy…

…and the perceptions thereof.

Ancient Tabs

These have been hanging around for a while.

Fraudster Trump

The chickens are slowly coming home to roost.

The Enshittification of Google?

Has the search goliath gotten worse?

Tabs and Takes

Trump Meets The Press

It turns out, he wasn’t all that truthful.

Romney’s Indictment of His Party

Calling out a large chunk of the GOP.

Enshittification of Streaming

How something so promising became so frustrating.

A Tale Of Two Chinas

Its economic bubble has burst, which may make them more dangerous.

A Different Democracy, Indeed

A trip through comparative democratic reform.

When Work Interferes With Work

The push to return to the office comes with domestic consequences.

Testing Section 3

State election officials are standing by for challenges to Trump’s right to run.

When Allies Become Heretics

Call-out culture has become a circular firing squad.

14th Amendment Solutions

One weird trick could save us from Trump.

The End of the Power 5 Era

The rapidly changing face of college sports.

The World Is Catching Up

Americans have taken the dominance of the Women’s National Team for granted.

The Biggest Trump Indictment

The one we’ve all been waiting for.

Europe Becoming Poorer?

The Eurozone is falling further behind the United States.

Thinking about the Past

Thoughts after reading Part 2 of the Reuter’s series, “Slavery’s Descendants”