Rove’s Fat Socialist Weasel Suit?

Michael Moore Urges Democrats to Embrace Hollywood (Reuters)

“Fahrenheit 9/ 11” director Michael Moore on Monday rejected the idea that Hollywood had hurt John Kerry’s chances of winning the White House, insisting that he and other entertainers helped spare Democrats an even bigger defeat.

“For the last month, we’ve had to listen to a lot of conservative pundits talk about how Democrats need to run away from Hollywood,” Moore said. “It’s actually the opposite. Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story.”


Citing California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and former President Ronald Reagan, Moore said, “America loves Hollywood. America loves the people in the movies and on TV. And the thing that the Republicans have already figured out is that America likes to vote for Hollywood…

“And I think we need to turn to Hollywood, because who wouldn’t vote for Tom Hanks or Paul Newman or Robert Redford or Oprah?”

C’mon everybody, stop laughing and think. Have Karl Rove and Michael Moore ever been seen in the same room together?

(Crossposted to small dead animals)

FILED UNDER: 2004 Election, Entertainment, Uncategorized, US Politics, , , , , , , , , ,
Kate McMillan
About Kate McMillan
Kate McMillan is the proprietor of small dead animals, which has won numerous awards including Best Conservative Blog and Best Canadian Blog. She contributed nearly 300 pieces to OTB between November 2004 and June 2007. Follow her on Twitter @katewerk.


  1. McGehee says:

    Good ol’ Mikey. There’s no parody like self-parody.

  2. Rodney Dill says:

    So basically he’s saying that if he hadn’t lied about Bush and the Republicans and actually succeeded in scaring some people about Bush and the Republicans, that Bush would’ve gotten even more votes.

    So who didn’t already know that, show of hands. I thought so.

  3. Mark says:

    “And I think we need to turn to Hollywood, because who wouldn’t vote for Tom Hanks or Paul Newman or Robert Redford or Oprah?”

    How come he left out Meathead?

  4. Chuckg says:

    *scene — an RNC rally*

    “And at this moment, we’d like to give out our Campaign MVP award, to the man who’s done more than any other man to ensure the re-election of President George W. Bush! Sadly, he cannot be here with us tonight to receive his award, as the terms of the restraining order forbid him to come within 200 yards of this building…”

  5. Chris says:

    Set. Point. Love. Match. And….curtain.

  6. Brian says:

    Hey, I just hope he really believes that. It’d be great to have his enthusiastic help again next time!

  7. Roger says:

    “And I think we need to turn to Hollywood, because who wouldn’t vote for Tom Hanks or Paul Newman or Robert Redford or Oprah?”

    Once again, Hollywood people’s belief that because they are “stars” they have more credibility and their opinions count more.

    Why wouldn’t I vote for Hanks, Newman, Redford or Oprah? Political experience, or lack of. Just because one of these folks may have played a politician on film, doesn’t mean they can be one.

    “Sorry Oprah, you can’t give cars to the United States as a thank-you for being elected president.”

    What the “stars” need to understand is that their careers are no more important than ours and really, it is just a job or career, not guaranteed entitlement.

    Just my .02¢ worth. I could be wrong (to borrow from Dennis Miller).

  8. 42nd SSD says:

    So why don’t we see any supermodels running for office? (Scary thing is… they might actually get some votes. Sex sells, after all.)

    We the people have created and continue to maintain the “Hollywood star aura”, and it’s up to us to stop it. Ignore them, and they’ll wither from a lack of attention.