Blogofacist Nicknames

Lee Siegel, in an otherwise unremarkable but unpersuasive piece explaining why he thinks bloggers are fascists, has this aside:

let’s cut the puerile nicknames of “DailyKos, “Atrios,” “Instapundit” et al., which are one part fantasy of nom de guerres, one part babytalk, and a third thuggish anonymity


DailyKos and InstaPundit are site names, not personal nicknames. The former is based on a nickname, “Kos,” that derives rather obviously from “Markos,” the man’s real first name. The second is mostly self-parody by a fellow who, so far as I’m aware, has always signed his blog posts “Glenn Reynolds” and hardly hidden his identity. Only “Atrios” (aka, “Duncan Black”) has ever sought anonynimity, which he long ago abandoned along with his academic career once he became a professional Democratic operative.

While I’m not a fan of the styles of either Moulitsas or Black, sharing Siegel’s general sense of the raucous nature of discourse on their sites, I would hardly characterize either of them as “thuggish.” So far as I know, their assaults have been limited exclusively to the verbal variety. Reynolds, meanwhile, is a mild mannered law prof who seldom writes anything more hurtful than “Heh.”

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Dave Schuler says:

    Well, yeh, but it’s an angry “Heh”.

  2. G A Phillips says:

    James, are you sure Markos is a man, he looks like some dead unborn but still not really a baby sex change experiment gone horribly wrong, if that’s even possible. Can they do stuff like that? You know I think you better do a little more research before you start to label such a creature as a man, you might get sued for hurting its feelings.

  3. McGehee says:

    …the raucous nature of discourse on their sites, I would hardly characterize either of them as �thuggish.�

    Bear in mind, James, that words like “thuggish” and … well, fascist … along with “threaten” and “censorship,” have long been defined down by the sort of people who would regard blogdom as fascism.