Clinton and Edwards Private Meeting

A report from CNN’s Candy Crowley and Mike Roselli that Hillary Clinton and John Edwards bumped into one another in the green room after last night’s debate is the top story on Memeorandum at the moment.

Clinton and Edwards Private Meeting Clinton and Edwards met for a private meeting after last night What were they talking about?

Hillary Clinton and John Edwards met privately backstage following a very contentious Democratic presidential debate in this coastal city, sources with both campaigns confirm to CNN. The meeting took place in the Edwards campaign green room.

One of the sources said the meeting happened by chance and the conversation consisted of light chatter. The source added that Clinton did jokingly take a jab at Edwards about his beating up on her during the debate. In fact, the real fireworks were between Clinton and Barack Obama.

An Edwards source noted that it was not surprising the two senators met backstage. “That happens back there,” said the source, who said it has happened “more often” with Obama. “It’s tight quarters — we’re all on top of each other.”

The question is — with only two weeks before Super Tuesday — what else was discussed?

A secret pact to hand the vice presidency to Edwards if he dropped out and supported Clinton? The whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa, perhaps? Something more devious? Or, maybe, it was indeed just a routine happenstance of the sort one might expect when two candidates are following one another around the country.

Idle speculation is more fun, of course, and it’s hard to figure what Edwards is still doing in the race at this point. But I’m going with the “happenstance” explanation for now.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. markm says:

    “we’re all on top of each other.”

    ….awe GROSSSSS…..

  2. Michael says:

    A secret pact to hand the vice presidency to Edwards if he dropped out and supported Clinton?

    He would do more to stay in the race, to pull votes from Obama or act as an attack dog to keep Hillary “above” the fray. I don’t think he’s pulling much from Hillary, and I don’t think his supporters would vote for Hillary if he told them to. Then he could support Clinton once he can throw a useful number of delegates her way in exchange for a VP pick. But I’m still not sure Edwards would want to try playing second-fiddle again.

  3. Christopher says:

    Maybe Edwards is offering Clinton the VP job when he wins the nomination.

    Maybe Clinton is offering Edwards the VP job when she wins the nomination.

    Maybe Edwards is offering her legal services.

  4. John425 says:

    The two are meeting to decide on the name of the new secret police units they will be forming after the election.

  5. Tlaloc says:

    I don’t think he’s pulling much from Hillary,

    That would make sense, but looking at exit polls it doesn’t seem to be the case. Then again a lot of the democratic primary voters are behaving weirdly. Kevin Drum has been harping on this a while.

  6. Eneils Bailey says:

    First of all, HRC does not “bump” into someone and carry on a conversation. She is absolutely controlled and scripted in everything she does in her political world.

    But, somewhere down the road, if this democrat primary season remains close, HRC and Bill will need J. Edwards on the inside of their tent, pissing out, not on the outside, pissing in.

    After all, this woman never goes out into her constituency and “bumps” into her supporters. Why does she find a political opponent worthy of a casual conversation.

  7. B K says:

    it’s hard to figure what Edwards is still doing in the race at this point

    Don’t be silly. He’s just where he knew he would be at this point.

    He’s working the plan.

  8. Tlaloc says:

    First of all, HRC does not “bump” into someone and carry on a conversation. She is absolutely controlled and scripted in everything she does in her political world.

    So much for Hillary being the paranoid one.

  9. rodney dill says:

    “Yes, I’ll iron your shirts.”

    (its anybody’s guess which one said it)

  10. Christopher says:

    I have to actually agree with you, Tlaloc. All of the candidates certainly live scripted lives, but yes, anyone can bump into anyone. And even I, a far right conservative, still belive that Hillary is in fact actually human.

  11. anjin-san says:

    I keep thinking Edwards might make a damn good AG…