Conspiracy Week at Heretical Ideas

Inspired by the Truthers and the Birthers and the Deathers and all the other conspriacy theorists in modern American politics, over at Heretical Ideas we thought that it would be fun to try our hand at our own theories, and accordingly have dubbed this Conspiracy Week. So take a break from arguing about politics and check out the real truth. So far this week we have to offer:

  • A serious look at conspiracy theories and why they persist even after they’re debunked.

But that’s not all. Conspiracy week will continue: Thursday will offer a look at the hidden connections between the absolute monarchs of Medieval Europe and famous Hawaiians such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, General Eric Shinseki, music star Danger Mouse, and, of course, Barack Obama.

On Friday, we’ll unveil Vladimir Putin’s evil plot to actually change the weather–with the unwitting help of American politicans.

So take a look and enjoy!

(Unless, of course, that’s what they want you to do.)

FILED UNDER: Entertainment, Humor, , , , , , , ,
Alex Knapp
About Alex Knapp
Alex Knapp is Associate Editor at Forbes for science and games. He was a longtime blogger elsewhere before joining the OTB team in June 2005 and contributed some 700 posts through January 2013. Follow him on Twitter @TheAlexKnapp.


  1. Dave Schuler says:

    Hawaiians? What about the conspiracy of the Canadians?

  2. kth says:

    You are forgetting Ron Darling, who was born in Honolulu almost exactly a year before Obama. And in 1983, when Darling began pitching for the New York Mets, where was Obama? Attending Columbia University!

    Also Darling is a Yale man, so he seems as likely a suspect as William Ayers to have ghost-written Dreams From My Father. It’s true that there’s no evidence that Darling and Obama have actually met, but that only proves the lengths they have gone to hide the connection.

  3. Dave Schuler says:

    It’s true that there’s no evidence that Darling and Obama have actually met, but that only proves the lengths they have gone to hide the connection.

    Have you ever seen them together? They may be the same person!

  4. RW Rogers says:

    Anyone interested in wagering how long before some of those posts get passed off in email chains as fact?

  5. mpw280 says:

    Anybody catch the global warming conspiracy theory of the day: Debbie Stabenow (D/Mi) and her I feel global warming when I fly. mpw

  6. G.A.Phillips says:

    Are the doctors cutting off all the feet to get PAID, Hawaiians?

  7. odograph says:

    Heh, “deathers”

    I’ve been off-line, and as it happens, I met one at a truck stop. Nice guy, kind of agreed that the system wasn’t perfect, but defended it down to “we’ve got socialized medicine, anyone can go to an emergency room when they have to.”

    But he kept saying “I can see euthanasia coming.”