Dallas Cowboys Join Katrina Relief Effort

The National Football League has donated $1 million to the American Red Cross to help with Hurricane Katrina Relief. Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys are hoping to raise much more through a pledge drive that will kick off with tonight’s preseason game against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Cowboys And Salvation Army Joining Relief Effort (DallasCowboys.com)

The Dallas Cowboys, in conjunction with The Salvation Army, will start a major campaign during Thursday night’s final preseason game at Texas Stadium against Jacksonville to raise funds and awareness for the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones will be the face of this campaign, asking fans through television and radio public service announcements to pick up the phone and call 1-800-SALARMY to immediately get involved in helping the ravaged cities of New Orleans and those along the Gulf Coast. Donations will be taken over the phone, and also look for The Salvation Army link on DallasCowboys.com. The Cowboys have enjoyed a 10-year association with The Salvation Army, including the Red Kettle campaign, which kicks off every year at halftime of the nationally-televised Thanksgiving Day game at Texas Stadium.

Also, the Cowboys are planning a major fund-raising event at Texas Stadium during their Monday night game Sept. 19 against Washington, which will allow the club to draw national exposure to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Further announcements on this event and how fans can participate will be forthcoming.

The Cowboys, along with the 31 other teams in the league, participated in the NFL’s generous $1 million gift made to the American Red Cross to aid its effort in helping those victims of the devastating natural disaster along the Gulf Coast.

Granted, the NFL is a multi-billion dollar a year business and its owners are all quite wealthy. Still, they raise a lot of money for charity.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Anderson says:

    Noblesse oblige. This is great news. Hope there’s more like it.

  2. Len says:

    Indeed a noble gesture, but the American Red Cross would, I believe, be a more fitting beneficiary.

  3. Nate,

    What? The GOP stopped New Orleanians from getting blue jeans?

    That’s not right–although I am not sure how that would help the current situation. Although, to be honest, I don’t think it is the role of the federal government to clothe people…

    Or, perhaps, you meant Levites. Although, how they could help, I couldn’t say.

    (Sorry, I couldn’t resist).


  4. jim says:

    hello i watched the news and all the looting going on and all i saw was people stealing football jerseys, tennis shoes , vcrs, microwaves, guns, and ammo .these people are not looking for water or food .these are the same criminals who deal dope steal and hijack cars and prey on tourist just like a normal day for them .i was on vacation in new orleans about 2 months ago and i rode the cable car to look around .the further i got away from downtown the more scared i was .these gangs were looking at the cable cars like they were a piece of meat .i feel sorry for the real people of new orleans that are in real despair.these gangs should be wiped out of no for good in the new reconstruction of the town .they are a bunch of spineless cowards and they prey on the residents even in the best of times .now these guys are armed and shooting at the relief workers .some real nice citizens they are .the reason they werent looking for water and food cause they knew they would just come take yours .take all these jerks out of new orleans and never let them come back .

  5. Marcus says:

    With a three day holiday for Dallas area schools how about a caravan of school buses to drop off water & relief supplies, thus also providing transportation out of the areas that are the most needy.

    Also, there has got to be a method of donating clothes DIRECTLY to the Katrina victims for the Dallas-housed victims. What would that be?

    [Email address privacy requested]