Freda Wright-Sorce, Wife of D.C. Radio Personality, Killed in Accident

Wife of Radio Personality Killed in Accident in Ocean City (AP – WTOP Radio)

Freda Wright-Sorce, the wife of radio personality Don Geronimo and a frequent contributor to the popular nationally syndicated “Don and Mike” show, died in a traffic accident Sunday. Wright-Sorce, 50, often called in to the comedy show on Washington radio station WJFK known for its outlandish humor and pranks, said Michael Hughes, the station’s general manager.

State police said her vehicle was struck head-on Sunday afternoon by a vehicle that crossed the median on Route 90 in an attempt to avoid a pile-up. She died later Sunday at the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, hospital spokeswoman Cindy Rivers said. The pile-up temporarily closed westbound Route 90, state police said.

Hughes said Geronimo was spending time with their son on Monday. The remaining members of the show announce the death on the show Monday afternoon.

Co-host Mike O’Meara told listeners that Wright-Sorce was the “conscience of this show.” “It would always be Freda who would be the great arbiter of what would be done on the show,” O’Meara said. “If we were going down a road where we would be going too far, she would call in and say ‘what are you doing?”‘

My sympathies go out to Geronomo and family. The “Don and Mike Show” is, frankly, not my cup of tea but they are a Washington area institution, having been on the radio here for decades. The Fiance’ has been a longtime listener.

Update (7-12): More from today’s Washington Examiner

Radio personality’s wife killed in accident — Spouse of Don Geronimo dies in head-on collision

Photo: Freda Wright-Sorce, wife of popular local radio personality Don Geronimo Courtesy photo Freda Wright-Sorce, wife of popular radio personality Don Geronimo of the “Don and Mike” show, which is broadcast from Fairfax, was killed Sunday in a traffic accident near Ocean City.

Wright-Sorce, 50, of Great Falls, was driving on Route 90 at 2 p.m. in Berlin, Md., when her vehicle was struck head-on by another vehicle that crossed a median to avoid a pile-up, according to a Maryland State Police spokesman. Wright-Sorce was flown to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, where she died, police said.

Wright-Sorce was a frequent contributor to her husband’s nationally syndicated show, calling in and discussing humorous aspects of their home life on the air. The show – which has about 123,000 listeners in the Washington region – was on the air Monday despite the news. But Geronimo, whose real name is Mike Sorce, did not appear.

“It was Don’s suggestion that they go on the air,” said Michael Hughes, the general manager of WJFK, the Washington radio station that carries the late-afternoon show.

The show is comedic and often features raunchy material. But the mood was solemn on the air Monday, featuring tributes to Wright-Sorce.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. bruce perry says:

    I believe it were necessary for you to say if the don and mike show were your cup of tea. Keep your comment to yourself.

  2. Freda Fan says:

    Regardless of whether you like them or not (I’m a huge fan), Freda’s untimely passing is a blow for all of D.C. I wish Don and his family strength, happiness, and god-speed in this time of tragedy. Love ‘ya Freda…

  3. niki says:

    i’ve listened to don and mike for fifteen years and i send my thoughts out to don (mike) and bart and everyone feeling the pain of this tragedy . freda was a woman in her prime; someone experiencing who she was on her own. i am so sorry. niki lee

  4. Mr Roper says:

    God bless Don and Bart. They need strength and we should all pray for them. What a tragic story and it hits home when you spend so much time with Don and Mike everyday.

  5. Siobahn says:

    Expressing that the Don and Mike show wasn’t this gentleman’s “cup of tea” was not a slam on Freda’s life or untimely passing; it was merely expressing an opinion, which as I recall, is still permitted in this country. We all pray that Don and Bart will be comforted and find resolve in this most horrible of times for them. Our sympathy is with them, not only for what she was to her family, but as we realize the delicateness of life and how precious those we love are to us. Trust me, it made me say a lot of “I love you’s” today.

  6. Cary says:

    RIP Freda, you will be missed by more than you know
    Much larger thread on her untimely passing on Fairfax Underground:

  7. Don and Mike My Brothers says:

    Really feels like my own family member died. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Don and Bart. As soon as I got home from work tonight, I kissed my wife and 2 kids and told them I love them, and plan to make sure I do it before and after work, because you just never know.

  8. Joyce says:

    I have been crying all day. This woman was a true lady and wonderful energy. I can’t imagine how Don (Michael) feels right now. I agree with the comment about the cup of tea. It was not necessary. My heart goes out to Bart and Don (Michael). Fieda would want you to heal and be as happy as you can be. She is always with us in heart and spirit. God rest her soul. Amen.

  9. Andrew Pal says:

    Here in Maine, Don & Mike are well loved, and Freda was a part of that. But her spirit lives on, and the show will continue to reflect her tenderness and her love. She will always be in our memories.

  10. dnm fan says:

    tragic. and the expressed opinion about the show is perfectly fine and shows that even someone who wasn’t a fan of the show expresses his/her concern. my thoughts go out to everyone involved with the show…show members, people behind the scenes and listeners alike.

  11. Steve C says:

    I was shocked this afternoon when I heard the news. I like thousands, most days tune in to Don & Mike (all the way from Maine). I have many things in common with Don after listening all these years: same age, married same year, one son: same age as Bart… I could really relate to all the family references. I send my sincere thoughts and prayers to Don & Bart. I also will miss Freda so very much. May God Wrap His Arms Around You.

  12. frequent listener says:

    I feel as though I lost a family member. Through their radio program, I got to know and enjoy Freda. I am sorry that some reckless imbecile had to cut her life short.

  13. Joe Mac says:

    This is truly tragic news. Freda’s death is like losing a member of the family. I pray that Don and Bart find the strength necessary to take each new day one at a time.
    God is in the company of one class act. Freda, you will be missed, but not forgotten.
    Joe Mac

  14. Jamie says:

    I just love the Donand Mike Show – all the cast. It broke my heart to hear the guys today with the really tragic news. I wish you guys all the best and I am very very sorry for your loss Don. You have lots of people who care about you.

  15. umo says:

    First the dog and now Freda. Opie and Anthony are gonna be brutal on Don Geronimo.

  16. ed stubbs says:

    I was not a fan of the show until one day I heard Don and Freda arguing. I had always thought of Don and Mike as OK but not great. But for me, Freda made the show real and wonderful. She reminded me of my late wife. You listened to their banter and you knew…….Don never had a chance.

    And you could tell that Mike was smiling because he knew that poor Don did not have a chance. Don was not going to win because, in the end, he loved Freda too much to be a typical male.

    I can’t believe that the death of someone I did not know would cause me such grief. But I relive the death of my wife eleven years ago at the same age. And I have lost a friend.

    My thoughts go out to Don and Bart and the Wright and Sorce families. May the love of all of the people who care about Freda and the family, bring them comfort.

    ed stubbs

  17. Davette says:

    I have listened to Don & Mike for about 15 yrs in DC and was thrilled when they came to Dallas where I currently reside. I thought they were doing an extremely tasteless bit when I heard the news until I confirmed it on the news sites. I am so hurt. Having listened to the show for so long and called in a couple of times, I totally feel that the Don & Mike show folks are part of my own family. Our love goes out to you Don & Bart. As your loyal fans and friends, we are here for you.

  18. B says:

    was never a fan of her being on the show, but my god this is horrible. feel so bad for Don, Bart and Big Freda. you could hear in Don’s voice anytime he talked about her how much he loved her and how she was the center of his world.

  19. Tiger04 says:

    All of us in Clemson grieve over this loss. Our prayers are with Don, Bart, Big Freda, and the rest of the Wright and Sorce families.

  20. Tamara J says:

    May God bless Don, Bart, Big Freda, and everyone who was touched – as thousands were – by Freda. I’ve listened on and off for years and years, and was horrified to tune in yesterday and hear the tragic news. Mike, Buzz, and Rob were marvelous yesterday in their tribute. I don’t even want to discredit their loss by attempting to imagine how they feel. It’s enough to feel the void myself. Freda’s energy, warmth, and genuine love of her family, friends – and life – will be missed. God bless and strengthen them in their journey wi’out her…and may God welcome her wi’ love and peace in her passing.

  21. Plum says:

    I, of course, give my condolences to the family of Freda Sorce, the cast of the Don & Mike Show, and their fans.

    But umo, your comment is ill-informed and unwarranted at this time.

  22. Buffalo Rich says:

    I was deeply shocked and saddened to hear about Freda Passing away, my deepest condolences go out to Don, Bart Freda’s mother and both their families.

  23. John DB says:

    Our hearts and prayers go out to the family. You must live each day and love each other as if something like this could happen to you. I plan on telling my family and friends each day how much they mean to me. We often forget to remind each other and ourselves of the value of the people around us. It is too easy to take important things for granted. I can’t even imagine what it feels like to lose someone like this.

  24. Mark says:

    Because of work, I didn’t find out about it until this morning (Tuesday) when I read it in the newspaper. I’m stunned beyond belief. I feel like I’ve lost a member of my own family, and I didn’t even know them except for being able to turn on the radio whenever I could to get a laugh when I needed it most. Don and Bart, be strong and know that there are a lot of peole out here who are thinking about you and care about you. And God Bless you Freda. You will be missed by more than you know.

  25. Michael says:

    I, too, am stunned by the tragic death of Freda Wright-Sorce. I met her in 1975 when we were both students at Clemson (she graduated the year before I did in 1977). Freda was a member of the board of directors of the Baltimore/Washington Clemson Club, and I was so looking forward to meeting her and Don at a future meeting as I recently was elected to the same board. So sad that we’ll never have that chance now but like other fans, I have the memories of her spark and spirit on the radio. My deepest condolences to Don and Bart and the entire Sorce and Wright families.

  26. Geoff Campbell says:

    This is such a shock to know that such a beautiful women is gone…for us fans its tragic for the people that knew her this has got to be crippling. We laughed together and now we will cry together and someday we will laugh again. Peace be with her. Tell someone you love you love them.

  27. Bob Moyer says:

    Such a tragic loss for both her immediate family and her listening family. Freda was the calm to Don’s storm on the radio and probably more in life. I have been a long time listener and always appreciated her input to the show. My condolences to Don, Bart and Big Freda. I do not have any idea how they will cope with such a beautiful loss.

  28. Katie says:

    Was simply shocked when I heard the news. Freda made the show real, the people real, the situations she experienced with Don and Bart were situations that we could all relate to. I cannot imagine what Bart and Don are going through, but it truly made me examine life. It’s not about work, the bills, stress etc. – it’s about family and enjoying your family every minute that you have them. What a wake-up call.

  29. Jennifer says:

    I was shocked to hear the news that Freda had died. I can not stop thinking about how young and beautiul she was and how god took her too soon. I am a big Freda fan and she is in my prayers and well as Don and Bart.


  30. The untimely passing of Freda makes us stop and realize how precious and fleeting life itself can be. Live every moment to the fullest – harbor no regrets, as you never know when your time to pass will come. Mike and the crew did a wonderful job on the show yesterday – what a tribute!! I felt Freda’s presence on more than one occasion – we are all blessed by having known her -even if only through Don and Mike. May God pass his strength and understanding unto the family and staff currently grieving the loss of Freda and give them peace.

  31. CK says:

    RIP Freda. My thoughts and prayers go out to Don and Bart and to the whole family at WJFK. This is a terrible tragedy and we will miss Freda immensely. I have been a listener for years and can even remember back to the day Bart was born. I always looked forward to hearing Freda call in because 99% of the time I agreed with her.
    God speed to all of you at this time of sorrow.

  32. JB says:

    I don’t know how someone is supposed to go back to work and be funny after something like this happens. It’s really awful.

  33. patrick lane says:

    My deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the Wright-Sorce family. I came with my family from the UK 5 years ago and found Don, Mike and Freda and all the family on the radio.
    All the people grew on me and I found myself finding greater comfort with these great people. If things got tough I always knew I could turn the radio on and escape. As with so many people we felt a real loss of a great person.
    I have lost a sister whilst I was here and my wife lost her father also. I can imagine the grief that the family must feel. It was obvious that they were an inseparable partnership and Freda was Michael’s rock. I pray that the family find a way through this most terrible time. For all those around the family I hope that you give them all your love and support. Life will never be the same but time and good memories will help in healing their pain.

  34. LaurieL says:

    I’m struck at the sense of loss I feel when I didn’t really even know her personally, just what I heard over the radio. But I thought of her as someone who would have been a friend of mine, someone I would have enjoyed spending time with. She was so alive every day, so full of fun and energy. Why do the good die young??

    Much peace and strength to the family. I don’t know how you continue on after something like this. It’s stunning.

  35. Jose-Kansas,Rudy,Martin-Sacramento says:

    Let us pray in every possible way for the First Family of American Radio and the millions of listeners living if only a small, however, most important part of our lives with them every weekday. Freda you are part of the lives of millions and millions are missing you oh so very much.

  36. Dick says:

    Being on Pacific Time, I’ve had lunch with everyone on the Don and Mike show for the past ten years. Freda and Don were so obviously in love… Sympathy to the Wright-Sorce family, the show and all the listeners..
    Now is a great time to let someone in your life know how much you love them…

  37. Sylvia Swanke Mahon says:

    I am stunned. Freda was my oldest sister’s friend at Magruder and spent a lot of time at our house. I can still hear her laughing. I heard about this from Kirk and Mark on 98 Rock this morning and I just just started sobbing. I am so sorry for your loss.

  38. Susan says:

    I was driving back to Sacramento from Redding when I tuned into the Don & Mike show. I was excited to hear their vacation stories. But when Mike came on and talk about a tragedy, I was thinking MAYBE this was just a bit. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. I was stunned when I got home and checked the internet to find they weren’t joking. For that I apologize. After the shock wore off I just cried. I found the Don & Mike show 4 years ago when we moved to Sac. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!
    I plan my class schedule to not interfere with the first 2 hours.

    Freda was a favorite, she could easily put Don in his place. She was a roll model to me. A strong independent woman is rare and Freda was a class act. I will miss her.
    My prayers go out to the Sorce, Wright and WFJK family.

  39. immgm says:

    I share the feelings most of you have expressed here. I’ve listened to Don and Mike since they came on the air in Sacramento. Years ago i used to hang on every word of the show, but as time went on and my work responsibilities grew, i could listen regularly, but sporadically. However when Freda made an appearance on the show i would find a way, if at all possible, to stick by the radio. She always added that real touch to a show that could step over the line at a moments notice. I loved how she would play into the show and get “mad” at Don…..then Don would act like he didn’t care….then call her back again just to make sure she wasn’t really mad. He knew he was a lucky guy to have her. I will miss her like a friend and send my deepest sympathies to Don, Bart, Big Freda and all the Don and Mike show family. I envisioned Don and Freda retiring in a few years and living happily ever after…..I’m so very sorry for all of those close to her.

  40. KAT says:


  41. Truthhurts says:

    Well.. I wonder if Don and Mike will have as much fun with Freda’s death as they have had with other people’s death who they may not have known but were important to other people? They have had fun making calls to dead people and yucking it up at the expense of others… will they decide may be it isn’t funny now that it has hit home?

    Mike Sorce bad mouthed the Redskins and Redskin fan listeners when he first came to town.. a few Superbowls finally converted him… he has been arrested for cocaine.. seperated from Freda… calls listeners “Dic_s”, hangs up on them, and tries desperately to be like Howard Stern.. used to get on people for being a bit raunchy then decided to try it out later… he has been a hypocrit for a long time.

    I hope the silver lining in this is with all the love his listeners are showing him.. may be he won’t call them “Dic_ks” just because they may disagree with him… may be he won’t make fun of other peoples’ tragedies and pain so much.

    Also they say they don’t screen their calls but they do… also I wouldn’t be surprised to see this posting not get posted or taken off just because others have a different opinion even though I have used no profanity… I simply have pointed out some stuff that is not the majority opinion.

    If you disagree with me feel free to point out where I am wrong on the FACTS.

    Prayers to Bart. Freda and Rusty are reunited.

    I support God’s will.. God chose her to die.. long live George W. Bush!!!

  42. Ron says:

    Don, Bart & Big Freda I’m so sorry for your loss, I offer you, my deepest condolences. Remember this sadness shall pass and Freda will NEVER be forgotten. Stay strong because SHE is still watching you (that goes for you to O’Mera). God needed another ANGEL and Freda was best qualified. HE will welcome her with much love and peace.

  43. Radiofan says:

    God bless you Freda. You will me missed. By the way,Truthhurts is a complete moron…It may be the truth but it does not belong with the messages of love and support for the Sorce and Wright families in their time of great tragedy. The FACT IS that Don and Mike perform a radio comedy show from 3 to 7. Obviously, you are to stupid to realize that FACT and feel the need to hurt Mr Source and his family.

  44. Get the Joke says:

    Truth hurts,
    It shows extremely bad taste to bash the show at this time. You are obviously a listener, if you don’t like it, turn the dial. You ARE one of the DICKS that Don would hang up on. You don’t get the joke.

    Don & Bart I am sorry for your loss.

  45. Rick says:

    At a time when my Brother in law was looking his eventual death from cancer in the face, Don and Mike (and Freda) gave him strength to get through it. Laughter was a soothing medicine for the pain. During that time he was never without his radio. Don and Mike gave him four hours per day of fun diversion from the harshness of what he was going through. When he died, I also was given relief from the pain by Don and Mike. Every time they made me laugh, I thought of how my Brother in law would have joined my in the laughter. My wish for you Don (Mike) and your family is that you may also find similar relief. Thank you for the gift that you have given us…I hope you find the same. To Freda (and Frankie)

  46. Jaynee says:

    I was a big Don & Mike fan when I lived in VA (1985-1997) and listened for the short time they were on in NYC as well. I loved Freda and am sad to hear about her passing. Many prayers to her family and those that knew her personally.

  47. Sandi Minard says:

    Mike, Bart, Big Freda and Radio Family…..we are sooo sorry! Our hearts ache with you, thu we can’t really imagine the pain you must feel. The love that Freda and Mike (Don) shared was so pure and so real. They shared their ups and downs with us. They shared real life and real love. Mike you’ve lost the center of your world, but she left you lots of support behind. You can and will make her proud, just as proud as her voice always sounded talking with you. Freda’s death has made us all stop and realize that today is all we have and if we love someone we better let them know. Bart make your mom happy…clean your car 🙂 and take care of her greatest love and her greatest gift to you….your dad. Our prayers are with you all!!

    Fans for over 18 years.

  48. Barb says:

    My sympathies to the Don and his family. I have been a long time listener since the early days of WAVA and this tragedy has really hit home. Freda will be missed!

  49. Sue says:

    I never knew I could be so affected by the death of someone I never knew personally. But, maybe that’s it, her personality came across on the air and we all felt like we did know her. My thoughts and prayers are with Don (Michael), Bart, Big Freda, and all those on the show.

  50. lia says:

    I just found out today….I actually cried as if I new Freda. I have listened for 10 years and Freda was always such fun to listen to. Don and Bart had a wonderful women in thier life, may God be with them.


  51. brendon says:

    I am a long time listener. I have always enjoyed the bits and the humor, but the personalities of Rob, Buzz, Don and Mike, Freda and Bart, and recently, B.A. and Joe, have always been what makes me a devotee. I relate on so many levels.

    I tuned in on Monday eager to hear about the vacation and how was Ocean City etc. as I do after every vacation. That is my favorite, the stories after a long break of Best of…When I heard Mike’s somber tone, I told my kids to be quiet because I knew right away it was serious, but I had missed them saying who it was that had passed and how. When I realized that Don wasn’t chiming in, I assumed what I thought was the worst, Big Freda was gone. How heart-wrenching it was to find out what I couldn’t have even imagined. I cried for a half an hour before I had to turn it off. For the first time in my life I couldn’t bear to listen to the show.

    My grief took me by surprise until I realized exactly what I was feeling. I have always related most to the relationship of Doni and Freda. The depth of their love was apparent even over the air. No matter what happened, they got through it. It always reminded me of my own marriage. Now Don’s rock is gone and I hope he and Bart, with the help of their close friends and Freda’s family, can endure.

    Freda was dynamic and magnanimous. She was a brilliant lady with a huge heart, and obviously, this loss is reverberating all over the US.

    My heart and prayers go to Don and Bart, I can’t fathom the tremendous grief they must feel.

    And to the Show Crew, I know you will be there, but they need you now more than ever.

  52. My memories go back to 1986…I can still hear Freda’s voice — a little annoyed to be called by Don so randomly in the middle of the day and forced to be on the air– and little Bart trying to talk to his dad at such a young age that only Dad could really understand what he was trying to say. I was always struck by both the immense sense of pride that Don has for his son and the devotion and love he held for his wife. Maybe that is why, even after moving from Northern VA in 1998, I still took the news of Freda’s death so hard. I am so completely shocked and saddened. My heart goes out to the Sorce family…my prayers will be with you always.

  53. Cindy says:

    My heart breaks for the family over their loss. When I turned on the show and heard the news, I was overcome with such grief. I feel like I lost a member of my own family.
    I have Listened to Don and Mike since the early 90’s. Freda always cracked me up. I loved the way her and Don would dance around each other with their comments.
    She will sincerely be missed. I hope that one day, Don will be able to come back to the show. I look forward, and yet dread, the day he comes back. I know we will need a box of Kleenex for his first statement after coming back to the show.

  54. CATBAKE says:

    Thank you, TruthHurts. About 15 years ago, I called the show to comment about their so-called “salary dispute”. I commented that in this society media/celebrities are highly overpaid babies who whine about how much they are worth and then have the nerve to NOT want to be bothered in public and have their public lives on display. Don quickly called me numerous derogatory female names – asked my bust size and how much I weighed. When I refused to answer, he called me a fat cow. I then said that my husband was a firefighter who died in the line of duty and I was working two jobs to make ends meet. Don then commented that my husband probably threw himself into the fire to get away from me!!! That comment (be it for “entertainment” purposes or not) was horrible and turned me off of them for good.

    When I read about his wife’s death in the newspaper, my first thought was of his son. My second thought was that maybe now that Mr. Sorce nows feels the pain that he laughs about to others – maybe he will now see how it feels. The outpouring of well-wishes from the media and others will eventually die down…and Mr. Sorce shall be alone in his “Batcave” as was his wish.

  55. MTM says:

    I was introduced to D & M and crew by my boyfriend who drives in the DC area all day. Seattle lost the show before I even knew it was here, so I’d listened via cell phone as often as I could. The relationship between Don and Freda was one of love and respect, and it will be hard to listen knowing she’ll no longer be calling him “BooBoo” – which always make me smile.

    If it hurts this much for me, I can’t even fathom how the crew could do the show yesterday and carry on today – knowing her so well. I feel for Don and their family, and wish them the best.

    Bye, Freda, I miss you.

  56. Chris Startt says:

    i have been a fan since the WAVA days..

    i listened to Bart grow up.

    the negative comments were totally un-necessary…but I had the same thoughts in my head with my own wife…I just wanted to be left alone in my batcave too…wishing to avoid annoyance…

    after this wake up call I welcome the annoyance..

    my condolences to don , Bart and their families.

    Chris From Easton MD

  57. Velvet Johnson says:

    Don introduced all of us to his family. I think we all feel the loss, whether you’ve listened for years or for only a few weeks. We all knew Freda, we all loved the banter between her and Don. She was a wonderful person-with great spirit for life. The emotions I felt upon hearing of her tragic sudden death rocked me. I’ve yet to be able to shake it. I believe all of the Don and Mike listeners share this dark and heavy sadness. For now, give in her memory….to the Worcester Humane Society in Berlin, MD or send a card to Mike Sorce, Big Freda and Bart at the WJFK radio station in Fairfax, VA. Our support now-will be met by Don and his family when they are ready to feel again. Their lives will never be the same. Just give some back to a family that has given so much to all of us.

  58. Ryan says:

    I have only been listening to Don and Mike for a little over a year, but the news of Freda’s passing floored me. My heart and prayers goes out to Don and his son. We’ll all miss you Freda.


  59. Madonna says:

    So very sad. I will miss Freda’s call-ins to the show. My prayers and thoughts are with Don (Mike) and Bart.

  60. Theresa says:

    I am a big fan of the show, I have listened since I was 8 years old. I am still surprised by how sad I feel and for some reason it isn’t subsiding. I liked Freda and looked forward to her calls. The Wright, Sorce, and WJFK families are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry.

    Truthhurts, you are a total loser with TOO much time on your hands.

    Catbake, you shouldn’t have called the show.

  61. Stacey says:

    Like everyone else, although I have never personally met Don or Freda I felt as though I had lost a friend. What a tragedy. God Bless this family and keep them strong. I can’t fathom how Don, Bart and their family feel. The love that Don has for Freda and Bart is so evident and he is lucky to have been able to have that pure love. And this does make you think about life…you just never know. We love you.

  62. tom says:

    We will miss Freda’s call-in very much, who will keep don in line now ?

    Freda will be missed very much .. god bless


  63. Paul Hinsley IV says:

    I Was Very Sad To Hear About The Death Of Freda. My Heart Goes Out To Don, Bart And Big Freda. I Have Been A Fan Of The Don And Mike Show For A Long Time And Will Miss Hearing Her Voice On The Air. My Heart Goes Out Also To The Radio Family (Mike, Buzz, Rob And The Rest Of The Crew.) Freda Was A Great Person And Will Be Missed Greatly!

  64. Ian says:

    Truthhurts, it is appearent that you are not a listener, you’ve miss-quoted, been incorrect, and flat out lied in your whole blog. He is doing it to get a rise out of everyone, and I encourage all not to respond. Thank God Don was on vacation, and able to spend thier last weeks together without the stresses of dealing with people like this.

  65. Corey says:

    Don & Bart,
    I can’t imagine the loss you are going thru.
    Freda was a great women wife, mom and best friend to you Don. I tuned in Tuesday in hopes to catch some leftovers of the vacation. I could
    hear a somber tone in Mikes voice. I got chills
    and was not sure what had happend. Then I did not hear you (Don) and then listend even more.
    After I found out I too cried. Iam so sorry for
    your great loss. The Lord took home an Angel
    early. Please be assured That Freda is home safe.
    And that she is in the lord’s arms watching over the two of you,(Don & Bart) with a wink. 😉
    I wish you and Bart well wishes

    Corey in Sacramento (916)

  66. Patrick says:

    Everyone is entitled to feel what they want to feel and say what they want to say. Negative or positive. I just want to say that I am truly missing Freda and hope her family comes through ok.

  67. Mike Lakovic says:

    I’ve stumbled across The Don and Mike Show a little less than a year ago. I was actually listening to a Red Sox playoff game one afternoon, and the next afternoon there was no game, but the radio station was unchanged and that’s when I heard the show and got a liking to it immediately. Boy am I glad I did. It’s a great show and I really enjoyed Freda’s personality when calling the show.

    I was shocked when hearing the news and it felt like I lost a relative. I can’t explain it, but for Freda to have that kind of impact on me, must really show the type of person she was. She will be sorely missed and God bless her family and friends, but mostly Don and Bart during this incredibly trying time.

    Take care and let your faith pull you guys through it. One day we all will reunite. Peace.

  68. Yleanna Camara says:

    We are long time listeners (almost 20 yrs!), have never met Don or Mike or Freda or any of the crew…but we sobbed and are grieving as if itwas one of our own family who passed. We feel such a sense of loss. I can’t even begin to imagine how Don, Bart and Big Freda must be feeling. In my grief I can feel a vein of anger creeping up…how could this happen???…how come it was her time??? why not take out some of these dirt bag terrorist instead??? I think I’ll be sad for a long time… I am so sorry for your loss Don…take care …

  69. FatWhiteCatholic says:

    Truthhurts, CATBAKE: Thanks for pointing out what some don’t want to admit. That being that Don and Mike have been mean to just about anyone who disagrees with them and have been nasty and hurtful to many regular folks going through tough times for their own amusement.

    A friend of mine tried to call in Tuesday and wish condolences and Mike quickly said “OK.. we are trying to move the show along!” Is that any way to treat one of their listeners? Many of us are saddened by this tragedy and are basically being asked not to mention it.

    I do hope this is a wakeup call to the show. You don’t have to be rude and can still have fun. You may even keep more listeners. I know a lot of people who were treated mean by the show.

    Radiofan: You can be a member of the crew. You disagree with Truthhurts and call him a moron. You seem to feel it is ok since Don and Mike are highly paid and have a microphone that they can say hurtful things during times of tragedy for other people but it is not ok for someone who may not be rich or have a microphone to share their opinion. You simply call him stupid and a moron. What makes the tragedies of his listeners any less than his now?

    Get the Joke: If you don’t like what some people are sharing on here then take your own advice and “turn the dial” and don’t “tune in” to this board. Nice language too and I am sure Don would call me that too and hang up on me too. I think you may be missing the point. The point is Don and Mike seem to relish in making light of other peoples tragedy and that now is the time to call them on it. You can’t always dish it out and what goes around comes around. Hopefully they will change. They are talented enough to be entertaining without hurting others.

    Theresa: May be you can fill in for Don this week. You are great with the name calling. Just because you disagree with Truthhurts you called him a loser. I don’t agree with everything he said or necessarily feel this is the best time for him to say but he does make some good points and does have most/all his facts correct whether we like it or not. Don has said so many hurtful things about people and to people over the years and at times when they are going through tough things so all is fair. Telling Catbake they should not have called the show is typical. If you don’t like what Catbake said may be you should not read this board. Hey, may be we should all never have any opinions different than the majority.

    Ian: You seem to disagree which is great. I think that is what our country is about, the freedom to disagree. Since you say truthhurts (I assume he is a male for some reason) any way you say he miss-quoted, been incorrect, and flat out lied. Can you tell me exactly what he said that was not true? If he said something untrue I think he should be called on it.

    Patrick: I agree that people are entitled to say what they want. Thank you for pointing that out and not calling anyone names. I too will miss Freda.

    dekatt: It is clear in your comments that you disagree with truthhurts, catbake, etc.. thanks for pointimg out they have freedom of voicing their opinion. What job do they have that you speak of? If someone says something you disagree with does that mean they have a forked tongue? Did they use profanity? Also can you find that book you mentioned (“What to say and the right time to say it”) and forward a few copies so the crew of Don and Mike can read up on how and when not to say hurtful things to people at less than the right time. Thanks.

    My thoughts are with the families. Also I must agree God knows what he is doing so I won’t question the timing of bringing Freda home.

    Although I never met her I feel loss and sadness. Also she was beautiful. For some reason I thought she would resemble Patricia Richardson who played Tim the Toolman’s wife on ToolTime… why is that? I think it may have been her voice and how she would get on Don much like Patricia got on Tim on that show. Just a thought.

  70. joeschmoe says:


    I heard the call this afternoon where your friend tried to offer condolences and Mike tried to move it along, but I think you’re completely missing the point of why he was doing that.

    Don would want the show to keep going. Mike said that Don already told him that, and it was Don’s suggestion that they go on the air yesterday. Rather than having four hours of callers saying “I want to offer my condolences”, which I’m sure they all greatly appreciate, they wanted to continue on with the show. That is their way of dealing with the grief, and it’s not really fair of anyone to question that.

    This is what Don wanted. This is what Freda would have wanted.

    If you/your friend are really upset because Mike hirried the call along, my suggestion is to stop being so selfish. Don and Mike are best friends, and this has to be extremely difficult for Mike to be on the air. But he is, and that is to help him heal, and to help the listeners heal. He IS on the air for the listeners right now. And you/your friend is bent out of shape because he tried to move things along and tried to carry on, the way Don wanted him to? Sheesh…the man just lost his wife, Mike is devastated as well because Don is his best friend, and all you can think about is how “rude” Mike may have been to a caller to the show today? Newsflash- this isn’t about your friend. Sorry, I’m not trying to be a jerk, but that comment bugged me.

    To the rest of you holier than thous who take some sort of sadistic pleasure in this because you think it is karma of some sort- that’s sick. Really. You’re entitled to your opinion, but now isn’t the time or place for it. Two wrongs never make a right, and if you’re taking pleasure in this because you believe Don was “mean”, then you are a hypocrite. Shame on you. And I’m almost ashamed to have taken the time to even respond. Don may not be perfect, but who among us is? I’m certainly not.

    As a long time fan of the show, I’m still in shock. It’s strange that I’m so affected by the death of someone I never met, but you can tell Don and Freda truly love each other. She sounded like a beautiful woman, inside and out. I can’t imagine the grief he and his family must be feeling. God speed Freda. You will be missed.

  71. druglawyer says:

    First and foremost, my deepest sympathies to Bart and Don. The thought of me losing either my mother or wife is unfathomable. People with negative comments (you really don’t get it): have some tact and keep them to yourselves for now. If you have any shred of human compassion or morality then you might wait to post your opinions. A man has lost his wife and a young man has lost his mother. No matter what religion you follow, the basic tenets of that religion dictate that you show compassion and put your personal feelings aside.

  72. beachbum says:

    First I would like to send my deepest sympathy’s to Don and Bart. The loss of a family member is tragic. Second, to all of the people who are saying negative things about them is horrible. (especially the person you put her speeding tickets on here). I live in the area where Freda was killed and it was a horrific accident. The person who hit her was avoiding a 10 car accident that happened in front of him. He swerved to miss the accident and he hit Freda. There is a guard rail along the entire route that she was on except where the accident happened because it was at an intersection.
    People have the right to say whatever they want but negative comments at a time like this are not necessary. How would you feel if someone in your family was killed and people said negative things about them. You wouldn’t like it one bit.

  73. Steven Nielsen says:

    Don (Mike) and Bart, I am so very sorry for your loss. The Freda that I came to know from the radio was an intelligent, caring wife and mother. I morn your loss with you and wish the best for you in this terrible time.

  74. Mark says:

    God takes those that he needs the most. Maybe he needed to laugh a little. Freda should help him do that.

    My prayers are with the Sorce family.

    God Bless

  75. Ian says:

    Fatwhite: Lets start from the end and work forward. Who is Rusty? Rudy is his dogs name. I will aloow you all to do your research on all points before I continue.

  76. Sylvia says:

    I’m sure there are plenty of D&M bashing sites where many of these comments would be more appropiate….this is a tragic story of the untimely death of a mother, wife and daughter, and a reminder of how, in the blink of an eye, your world can change forever. It could be any of us next. I knew Freda Wright as a young woman, she was then and remained to the end, the real deal.

  77. Radiofan says:

    fatwhite: I am not part of the club. I am actually a 32 yearold female that listens to them part of the time when I am not working and they make me laugh. I adored Freda when she would call in and talk to Don or yell at him. I wasn’t aware that Don & Mike frequent message boards and say mean, nasty things!! It’s only when people call their radio show. If you stupid enough to call a radio program like the DON&MIke show and want a normal sincere response than you should be called FATWHITE REALLY STUPID PERSON. I for one am glad they hang up on people like you. God bless you Don and Bart. She will be missed!!

  78. Tina says:

    I haven’t been listening to the show all that long, but when I learned of Freda’s passing, I actually cried. Every now and again, someone that you have never met, can have that affect on you. Our prayers go out to Don and Bart and everyone in the family. We love you Freda and you will be greatly missed! Tina Rochester, NY

  79. bojangles says:

    I was both shocked and saddened to hear about the tragic death of Don’s wife Freda. As a listener of the Don & Mike show for probably 20 years,going back to the morning Zoo show at WAVA, I feel I have lost a friend. Freda contributed so much to the show and as Don let the listeners into his private life, we came to know Freda and son Bart along with the regulars on the show. Eben his brother Jimmy (a character) always brought a smile to my face as I drove to or from work, depending on their time slots. My deepest sympathies and prayers go out to Don, Bart and all of Freda’s family members at this time of sorrow. Hang in there Don – we love you man.

  80. Jeff says:

    Life is very fragile. The majority of us take it for granite. We assume that we’ll wake up tomorrow and life will continue as we know it. Unfortunately this is not the case which thousands of family’s experience every day. Death is guaranteed people! No and’s, if’s or but’s about it. Most of us only hope that our children live longer than us and that we die in peace without pain.

    Don loved Freda with all of his heart and I know Freda love him as well. They had a genuine love that all of us listeners had the pleasure to listen to over the years. I’m sad because Don lost his best friend and Bart lost his mom. I will miss Freda calling Don “Sugar Bear” and “Boo Boo”. All we have are precious memories of a great lady which will last a life time in my mind. Thanks for the memories, we love you Freda!

    Remember to huge your love ones everyday and make sure you tell them you love them! Tomorrow is not guaranteed!

  81. dekatt says:

    To: Fat Catholic and all D&M listeners:

    All of us who listened to the Don and Mike Show for the very first time found out that it is a comical, crass, sarcastic, hit ’em below the belt kinda talk show. One learns that if you call the show to voice your opinion that you will probably NEVER get your point across and will end up being ridiculed, cut down, be talked over, have background music played so loudly that no one can hear you, or be hung up on. That’s just how it is and what the show is all about!

    Some days as I listen to the show I just cringe over some ot the things Don or Mike say and in all truth I have felt hurt and embarressment for the caller. As quickly as that feeling passes my next thought is, “Well, what the hell did the caller expect?” If you know what the show is all about before you call in….”Expect the worst and Hope for the Best!”…… The D&M Show IS NOT a call in and help me with my problem show nor is it a give me a break and show me some respect show!! There are other talk shows and local organizations that are available for that purpose.

    For those of you who are rubbing salt in Don’s wound of how heartless and brutal you feel him to be…..Don’t think for one second that he could be saying the same thing to himself. Just because Don did it doesn’t mean you should. If you do, then you are no different and acting the same exact way that you profess to dispise in Don.

    Now having just said that….this is what the D&M Show WAS all about BEFORE Freda’s tragic death. Where the show will go from here, only time will tell. The show may totally change its’format.

    Please, remember that the Don and Mike Show is a radio talk show for ‘entertainment’. It was created to make us laugh, be outraged, be amused, feel abused, and informed.

    My condolences again go out to the Don, Bart, family, and friends. Thanks for your time.

  82. Tom says:

    I’ve never called Don and Mike, never went to one of their stage shows, but have listened from city to city whenever I could, for many years. Now, living not far from them in the Washington area, the passing of Freda has left a hole in my heart as if one of my own family was gone. She was the wife we’ve all had, the mother that worried, the mate that cared so obviously for Don. There is no reason to these tragedies, only the need to say how very sorry we are, that the Sorce and Wright families, Don, and especially young Bart, will be in our prayers and thoughts. May God bless them all.

  83. Barnaby says:

    There is a professional side and personal side to everyone. In some professions you have to pretend to be something your not to get a rise out of people. It is entertainment a show nothing more. Time for you to get a life and turn the dial. There are many DJ’s out there like Don and Mike that like to get a rise out of people if you don’t like it listen to easy listening.

    Freda you will be missed, Bart and Don my prayers are with you. I know Don you will always be Freda’s Sugar Bear.

  84. Steve says:

    I can’t believe how some hateful crybabies like truth hurts & fat white are using Freda’s tragic death to take cheap shots at Don & Mike. Who gives a f*^# if Don doesn’t like the Redskins, or if he was rude to a caller. The Man’s wife was killed for crying out loud. But the some of the comments I’ve read on this board are meaner than anything D & M have ever said. And no more of this “they don’t have to be mean, to be funny” crap. If they, or Howard, or Opie & Anthony decided to do a PCshow that was completely non-offensive to everyone, it wouldn’t last two months.
    I never met Freda, but I know she was a warm beautiful caring person, and I loved listening to her call in to the show. I still can’t believe this happened. My thoughts & prayers are with Don & Bart

  85. Jerry & Jane Hull says:

    To Don, Bart and the entire family of Freda Wright-Sorce my family expresses our deepest sympathy. I found your radio family while stationed at the Pentagon in 1987 and have been an avid lister ever since. My job at the Pentagon was not very pleasant, but listening to you guys helped me make it though the day. You have given more happiness and laughter than you can ever imagine. You have touched more lives through your humor than most people will meet in a lifetime. Healing your heart will be painful, but it will happen. The show will go on, but will always be missing one important person. She will always be there in spirit to guide you and you will go on with her love in your heart.

  86. Rich in Reno says:

    I would like to express my deepest condolences to the Sorce and Wright families for their loss. I would also like to take this opportunity to address those who feel the need to express negative opinions with this forum. Your opinions, like as*holes are best when kept to yourself. If you feel that this family deserved this because Don Geronimo (a radio character) was rude to you or some you know by calling in. I would suggest finding a new hobby or some other outlet for your validation.

  87. Mike and Sharon Fox says:

    Our family would like to express our deepest condolences to the Sorce and Wright families for their loss.
    We loved when she called in to the station! It was great…thanks for the memories.
    Don We are sooo sorry! We know she will always be your love! Bart we have listen to you grow up over all these years…Continue to grow and have fun,mom will always be there,we are so sorry.

    God bless you all.
    The Foxes

  88. Sad Fan in Springfield says:

    A listener for many years. Bart was a toddler when I became a fan. Everyone got to know both, Bart and Freda through the years. We got so much from them, now they need to take strength from their endearing fans. Remember the Love Doll launched from the roof of WJFK that ended up in the Bay, found by some fishermen? Remember Freda’s Shake and Bake? Don loved Shake and Bake so much. Remember the Coron Inc. Newsletter. Yep! I was a recipient of that. Don and Mike have given me lots of pleasure, lots of laughs and lots of hard times made easier because of them! I will miss Freda so much. I will always remember her voice. I will always thank her, Don, Mike and Buzz for the good times. God Bless You, Bart and Don. God bless family, friends and the fans.

  89. Donna says:

    As you mourn the loss in your life, it is easy to forget all the joy. I think Sandi Minard was very astute in saying “Bart make your mom happy clean your car 🙂 and take care of her greatest love and her greatest gift to you, your dad.” Those of us who know the pain of losing a parent, or child, or spouse, or friend, also know that in your deepest moments of sorrow, you can pull yourself up with commitment and pride to that very person who meant so much to you. Your heart will always feel the hurt, but you will live on, grow, rejoice, and become stronger.

  90. Bryan D. says:

    To both the show family and biological family, I’m 25 and have been a loyal listener since I was a freshman in high school. Nothing saddens me more than thinking the group of people who have cheered up my day for years is now going through something like this. Although the millions of prayers that are no doubt with you may not soothe your pain, just know that Freda not only brought more listeners to your show by revealing the realness of a husband and wife’s affairs, but surely grabbed the ears and support of your entire women’s audience, including my wife of two years.

    Both my wife and me hope Mike, Bart, and family can overcome this great loss by knowing that so many people appreciate what you all have done for us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, sincerely the listener family

  91. Jay says:

    Our thoughts are with you Don, Bart, and the whole JDK family.

  92. Missy Rice says:

    I was devastated to hear of Freda’s passing. As
    an avid fan of the Don & Mike show, I feel she
    was such an asset. It was very clear the love
    Don and Freda had for each other and she is truly
    going to be missed. Please know my love and
    thoughts are with Big Freda, Don and Bart. I will never forget Freda and hopefully she will
    always be remembered in wonderful memories.
    Missy Rice, Cambridge, Md

  93. Steron says:

    I heard about Freda’s death on Opie and Anthony of all places on Tuesday. Count me as one of the many people that were blown away by the news. My thoughts and prayers go out to Mike, Bart and the rest of the Sorce and Wright clan.

    I wouldn’t say I’m a true fan of the show by any stretch. I listen to Don and Mike when nothing else is on during my drive home. Sometimes the show is funny, other times the show sucks. But then again, what show doesn’t.

    I must say, I was proud of O&A and Norton for taking the high road and leaving this one alone. As they should have. Norton posted, and got into it with several people on the O&A boards, including our friend UMO from near the top of this thread, for taking cheap shots.

    Good job boys and again, my thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this tragic, unexpected loss.

  94. Donna says:

    Hey, Bud-dee…….
    Long time listener, first time blogger.

    My heart is saddened to learn of Freda’s death. It certainly came across on the radio what a sweet, energetic soul she was. Anyone who knew her personally must have been the better for it.

    I will really miss her on the show, and my deepest condolences and best wishes go out to Don, Bart, their family and everyone at WJFK. I know the show will go on and be as successful as ever, but it will never be quite the same without Freda.

    Donna from Maine

  95. Mike Charles says:

    It is so very strange that I have been so deeply saddened by this news. You hear of the sudden deaths of so many people, and when they are personalities that you hear on the radio or see on television, you generally take it in stride, make the causal, “oh thats too bad” statement and go on with your day and what you were doing. Not so in my case after hearing the news of Freda Sorce’s tragic passing. It was and is as if a close friend, or cherished family member has passed. I would not have thought that just listening to someone, and laughing at how they could put Don in check, over the years could work it’s way into your heart, but it has. So for Don, who obviously loved her deeply, and Bart, and all those with the show, my deepest sympathy, and continual prayers for your strength are given. Want you to know Don that the bruthas listen and enjoy too, and are feelin your pain now……

  96. Christopher Larkin says:

    Why no mention of Big Freda, Fred’a mom? I’ve seen not one word about her. Greatest condolences to her.
    The guy is right that they are SO insensitive, but tell them that 10 years ago. Don’t stick it in their face now.

  97. dockers_pants_wearer says:

    So sorry to hear the sad news, my sincerest condolences to the families. I admired Freda and always enjoyed her bustin’ on Don, made me feel like home!

  98. Lee Shwartz says:

    Whenever a senseless tragedy ocuurs to someone,whether we knew then personally or not, it always seems to hit home. I suggest to all those out there who felt the impact of this loss and want to do somethng to help, why not have a “Safe Driving Day’ in honor of Freda. We all know that we should be driving safe everyday, but I think that sometimes in a world of distractions and busy timetables, that idea often times gets lost in the shuffle. Just 24hrs, of driving smarter. Putting down the phone, newspaper and makeup, or using the directionals, or actually letting someone in front of us. Even just paying better attention,while driving could be a signifcant change. My heart goes out not only to the Sorce Family, but to all those who die everyday on our nation’s roads needlessly.

  99. brad elmore says:

    I am so very sorry to hear this tragic news. My thoughts go out to Don, Bart and their families. Finding you on the radio was a blessing, so much fun and thought provoking. I moved here and found you, listened since WAVA. Freda will be so fondly remembered, the love you three had as a family was so evident. I wish I could take away the pain, God Bless you and hold one another tight. brad

  100. Dennis Murphy says:

    I jhest whant to shay how shorry I ham abouht the loshh off Freda. Peashh be withh her.

    Love Dennish Murphy

  101. Chris Stephans says:

    I am fairly certain Don will be doing some serious soul searching in these days. I hope he feels all the love and support for him despite the fact that he and Mike have on multiple occasions dumped on people precisely in their times of grief and thought it funny.

    Some people on this list have spoken up to point that out. While I don’t exactly feel this is the best time to do so, that didn’t stop them from doing it during the very worst of times for others. So in some ways this is the only time he may understand.

    I will simply say my thoughts are with the families and I do hope during his soul searching he may change his ways a bit so the next he has an opportunity to be insensitive during times of grief for others he goes another way.

    It simply ain’t funny sometimes including now.

    God Bless!

  102. Glenda says:

    I am absolutely devastated by what happened to Freda ~ I travel Rt. 90 bridge daily to work and drive by the site. You wouldn’t think I’d be so affected by the loss of someone I had never met but I grieve for the entire family. I was an avid fan of D&M when Bart was a toddler. I met the two goofballs when I won a trip to London when the were with WAVA … How eerie is the correlation of timing that the day we returned from that trip (We stayed in Russell Square) there was an explosion in the underground a block from the hotel – perhaps that is why I changed along with the format of the radio station and lost touch with their show. No matter my heart goes out to them. Freda was a class act I do remember that . . . she did keep those fellas in line. I have children and cannot imagine how deeply hurtful this must be for her son Bart. May God find a way to show that all things work together for the good. May he give angel wings to Freda to bring the hearts of steel over to the joy of heaven!

  103. Kathy Corson says:

    Don and Bart,
    I just wanted to say, that although I hear of tragic stories every day, this one has really sat with me. I’m not a big listener of the show since I now stay home with my kids and don’t commute these days. But in the days when I did, I loved to tune in for a good laugh and escape from the daily grind. I feel almost paralyzed with sadness even though you are not family of mine. You are in my thoughts constantly and I will continue to pray for you. Please know too, that you have inspired to much love and awareness that you need to hold those you love just a little tighter.
    Big Hugs,

  104. BobJr says:

    hello don though our birthdays are 3 days apart born in the same year grew up not that far from one another i feel your pain and loss yet we have never met i could here and feel your love of your family but with beth anne’s close of the show with love you freda love you bart love you don it made me cry i think of those words often and it still brings a tear to my eye. that strong famliy love and bond is what we all dream of having. love ya freda love ya bart love ya don because we love you all.

  105. Allison says:

    Feeling like so many others, stunned, and stunned at the effect it has had on me, and even others in my family who are fans of the show.
    My husband and I have been big fans for about five years now. We saw the boys at one of the Las Vegas Style shows in Sacramento a few years ago.
    We have been married for twenty-eight years, and are in the same age group, so the lively debate between Don and Freda, was really something special. I have been crying for three days now, and I am just amazed at how myself, and so many others are feeling.
    Freda, you had such an impact on so many lives, and I hope you know that.
    Don and Bart, and all of Freda’s family, I wish you great memories, and hold Freda in your hearts forever.
    We were so glad to hear you will return soon.
    Love, Sacramento Fans

  106. jane ahlswede says:

    Don, As a wife of an AVID listener, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved wife Freda. I have listened to you guys only on vacations and such and of course when we were on the east coast. My husband Randy listens to your show daily and always comes home with “Donisms” or Mikeisms”. I always know by the twinkle in his eye that he is referring to your show. He lives by this SHIT! I am humbly grateful and so so sorrowful for the loss of Freda whom I have heard on our excursions, luckily or if by chance, every time we go anywhere. She has always been a breath of fresh air, reasoning and yes, the truth. She will be sorely missed by me and so many other women who may have been listening in at one time. I am so sorry, Don and Family. We love you in Paradise California!!!

    Jane Ahlswede (& Randy without knowing it.)

  107. Beth says:

    I feel like I have lost a friend. Freda was the best thing about the show. I am so happy to finally see a photo to place with her voice. I know the show is trying to get back to normal, however, I feel the need to continue to grieve this loss a little longer. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at WJFK.

  108. Nate in Georgia says:

    Don and Bart and everyone associated with the show…

    What a wonderful thing to have such an outpouring of support after such an unspeakable tragedy. It’s amazing to think of how often people in the world have to go through something like this all alone. You guys will never be all alone…you’ll always be loved. For years, I’ve imagined a day where I reach the pinnacle of my career, and in answering questions about the path I’d taken, I’ll thank my Family and friends and then thank the Don and Mike Family, for all of their support, laughter and tears.

    We should all aspire to live lives that evoke so much emotion after we’re gone.

    God be with all of you…

  109. B Mitch says:

    What a sad,sad day……my heart and prayers go out to Mike and Bart and the rest of the Families. I really enjoyed listening to her and Mike interacting and sharing their life with us. She may be gone but she will never be forgotten

  110. Cooter Magnet says:

    Cooters…. Cooters….

  111. Cooter Meister says:


    Are you sick??

    What’s with this???

    I hope a Cooter jumps up your butt and lays
    Cooter eggs in your brain, if you have one…

  112. deadfredasrottingcorpse says:

    Truthhurts is right on the money! You think now that Fredas dead that Mike will imitate her on low budget jeopardy like he does to other dead celebrities. The good side is that she was in my dead celebrities pool with my friends and now I won 500 bucks. I have Buzz on there as the next one to kick the bucket. Hey Don and Mike used to have a dead pool and i think they still do. Wonder if they will continue. The only thing I can say is now she is on THE WRONG SIDE OF THE DIRT.


  113. Jamie Cooterman says:

    Cooters and Corpses, excuse me while I slit my
    wrist, cause this world is going to Hell in a hand basket.

  114. John Cooterish says:

    Oh my god, a Cooter just crawled out of my brain.

    I just moved to DC from Cooterville West Virgina.

    I really like it here so far.

    Well, I guess I will go and have myself a Cooter
    sandwich, with my favorite beverage CoolCooter
    (it gives you wings…)

  115. Susan Martin says:

    Freda was the “voice of reason” on the show.

    With the deepest of sympathies to her family
    and friends.

  116. pam says:

    don(Michael), and Bart,
    I can say beyond a Shadow of a doubt that you two made Freda’s life great, you both gave her reason to live and joy each day. I could always hear the love for each other in your voices. for whatever reason god needs her now and she would not want either of you to stop living the lives you planned together”make her proud” take care of big Freda and don’t morn too long. she is watching you! take care of you !! I’m so sorry
    long time listener

  117. Gary Labbe says:

    I read through almost every one of the post and I agree with everyone who sent best wishes to Mike, Bart, Big Freda, the cast and crew of the show and all their families.

    As others have said, I also cried when I heard the news. I think that it shows that her real solid personality shined through when she was on the show. We all felt like we knew her! It is very sad and a loss for all!

    I can not believe how retarded people are. Get your heads out of your asses and look around. You really can’t be that stupid. If you have problems call Dr. Phil not The Don and Mike Show! Don Geronimo (and Mike O’Meara) is a/are radio character(s) who make(s) me laugh like hell when they/he shit(s) on you people! If you had ever listened to the show you would know what to expect when you call! If you don’t it’s your own fault! Mike Sorce is a real person! Know the difference between the two?! And to all you people who are saying maybe “he may change his ways” I hope he comes back meaner than ever and shits all over these posts. You are the people he is talking about when he says “D.A.”

  118. JB says:

    Never thought I would write something like this but I am so very sad at the untimely loss for Bart and Mike and Big Freda. Have listened for 10+ years and found Freda a real Voice in radio. I could identify with her. I too went to Clemson and remember hearing her on the radio there. AND Don has such talent, timing and yes….humanity too. Yes…He doesn’t suffer fools gladly…and no one should. You have all been in my thoughts all week. I am so sorry and wish you the best memories and some peace and joy when you remember the happy moments.I am stuck by how touched I am by someone I never met, but then I realized that…I actually knew more about Freda, MIKE, and Bart…and assorted animals than I knew about people I had worked with for 10+ years. That is why these people are special. AND REAL before the reality TV people started doing their crass and crude thing. Don and Mike (and Freda) really did open the best of the reality TV/RADIO idea up way before it’s time. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you will discover whatever will help you heal and grow from this. You will never forget but maybe you will find some peace, love and truth that will help you live again. J

    an says

  119. Lew in Manteca says:

    I was saddened by hearing of the loss of Freda…as a hardcore listener of DnM for 10+ years and missing a TOTAL of maybe 30 shows over that time I came to appreciate the roll that Freda played on the show…she will be missed and no one can fill her shoes…NOW THEN…Don will get over this just as the rest of us, over time, would get over it. Eventually, we will hear Don crack on his marriage with Freda and smile, knowing he does this out of his love & affection he had for her. It will be a part of his healing process. I look foward to his stories about the asshats he has had to deal with in burying his beloved wife. And, unlike Mike to a degree, we will hear of Dons’ dating escapades sometime down the line.
    Freda, we will miss you.

  120. PAM says:



  121. Ar says:

    I, too, am a female listener and loved hearing Freda put Sugar Bear in his place. The world will never be the same for the friends (most of us she never met) and family she left behind. I’ll make a donation to the animal shelter as requested on the Don and Mike site and urge others to do the same.
    Wishing the Sorce family heartfelt sympathy,

  122. Louise says:

    I listen to Don and Mike and the entire group in Reno, NV. I was very saddened to hear of Freda’s accident. She has always been a great asset to the show and will be missed by everyone. My deepest sympathies to the family, relatives and friends.

    I am a believer of helping animals and adopt through the SPCA; and, I will be honored to donate to the local animal shelter in her name.

  123. Diana the Valkyrie Fan AdT64 says:

    Regarding Yleanna Camara’s July 12 posting, she makes a very, VERY interesting point; “Why Freda? Why not some of these dirtbag terrorists?”

    Amen to that, Yleanna! I’m reminded of a Denis Leary stand-up comedy CD in which he rants about John getting shot instead of Yoko (“Explain that to me, God! Explain that to me NOW!! Jesus!!”)

    We’re all pretty tired of hearing the hackneyed cliche “God works in mysterious ways”, but it applies here and this is my humble theory…

    Don regularly uttered “Jeez” and “God Damn” in his edgy on-air banter approximately a half-dozen times per hour to a NATIONAL RADIO AUDIENCE!

    Me? Personally, I had no issue with that blasphemy. It was nothing more than a head-scratcher to ME….but aparently not to the Christian God whom we Westerners look to for salvation and guidance. Apparently, He’s every bit as vindictive as that other one whom the Muslims revere.

    “Hmph! Ya think you’re hot S— in a champagne glass using My name in vain to millions of listeners! I blessed you with the Gift of Blarney, a successful national radio career and a sweet, intelligent, class-act wife…Well, Bucko, she’s now HISTORY! I’ve had it! I can’t take it anymore!”

    Here’s another angle: God said “Honour thy Mother and thy Father”…

    Michael “Don Geronimo” Sorce would launch into occassional vicious hateful rants about his adoptive Mom and Dad. They were the “scum of the earth” to him. Obviously, Mom and Dad Sorce weren’t perfect, but they had the love in their hearts to adopt Michael and put a roof over his head when he was a mere babe.

    Before I wrap up my soapbox session, I would be remiss if I didn’t say that, as a former radio deejay, I LOVE the Don & Mike Show. It’s the greatest thing since the early 70’s “Bill Ballance Feminine Forum”.

    Don was extremely blessed with a gift of Blarney and a family (wife and son) made in Heaven…

    But..just a theory, mind you…he shot off his big mouth one too many times!

    I envy Don & Mike! They’re Blarney gifted! After 14 years of weekends/overnights, I got the F outta radio because I GDF-ing sucked and I admit it wholeheartedly! I had a love of radio but not the gift…

    Thanks for listening 🙂

  124. Cliff says:

    I feel like it is February 1st 2005 all over again. My brother on that day lost his wife in a car accident in Covington Kentucky. The news hit me suddenly and I just didn’t know how to handle it.

    Now to hear that Don has lost his beloved Freda in the same manor is almost to much to bear. I discovered Don and Mike quite by accident one day here in Reno. I first did not like their humor, mainly because I had grow to love another DJ out of Cincinnati years before.

    But as time went by, I began to identify with Don and Mike and suddenly, I looked forward to noon Monday thru Friday.

    Freda was not only Don’s love, wife and best friend but I believe his heart. She was his reason for living and now Bart and Don will have to become closer and help each other to assure the Freda will always be in their hearts.

    I wish Don the best, I pray that while he is grieving, that he, as my brother has learned, that life goes on and know that Don will one day be with Freda again, just not on this earthly plain!

    In closing, I remember hearing a few ask WHY this had to happen. Well that’s one question we will never know, but if you need an answer, there is a verse from John Denver’s song Looking for Space – “On the road of Experience, join in the living day, if there’s an answer it’s just that it’s just that way”.

    God Bless Freda and keep Don and Bart.

  125. Pat Smalling says:

    Hey Valkyrie….your just mindless aren’t you. Quit your moaning and be thankful you at least got a chance at radio and did I mention your blatant jealousy? Maybe your shooting your mouth off a little too much..A little sympathy PLEASE.

    To all of you at JFK, Godspeed….We are truly sorry for your loss

  126. Anthony Williams says:

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Don, Bart and their family. The world has lost a very special person. Every time she called in it made you want to listen in, you almost felt like you were a member of her family. As a husband and father please accept my condolences.

  127. Bobbie Downey says:

    I feel like I have lost a member of my own family. My thoughts and care go out to Don & Bart. Also , to the whole crew that knew her better than we the listeners did. The world lost a wonderful woman. Don she would call you up and tell you to “Go On!” Keep your heads up and be there for eachother.. You will make it thru this.

  128. Jesse Miller says:

    I just read about the accident today in our local paper,I hadn’t heard nothing on this accident before today and it dropped my stomach,and all my thoughts and prayers go out to Don and Bart its gonna be tough for those guys for a while but they’ll pull through.

  129. Sean Lannoo says:

    I moved from the DC area 1.5 yrs ago to an area that does not get the show. My friend called me this weekend to tell me the news. I am so sorry. My prayers are with Don and Bart, the family, the show, and everyone who knew Freda – personally or as part of the show. I listened for many years and often search the local stations hoping to find “The Don and Mike Show”. May God Bless.

  130. Gloria - D.C says:

    Freda was one of the main reasons i started listening to Don and Mike. I am a 44 year old
    mom (of one child) …. my husband (like Don) is
    a typical male and I could hear the same bantering
    between Don and Frieda that my husband and I have all the time. I could also hear the love …

    Freda you will be missed by many… I pray for Don and Bart … time will lessen the pain but they
    will never forget..

  131. John says:

    Enough with the “God Bless” already. Doesn’t this tragic loss prove there is no god?

  132. Greg says:

    Don(Michael), Bart and Family,

    I am truly sorry for your loss, Thank you for 20 years of the easiest drive home, and hopefully soon you’ll be back, take your time though. The show is not the same without you.

  133. John says:

    How long before Don starts dating?

  134. Randy - Buffalo, NY says:

    Don, Freda & Bart were a part of the Buffalo radio family for only a short time in 2004. I heard the sad news on the Howard Stern show this morning. What a tragedy, she was such a welcome voice on the show. We’ll all miss her 🙁

  135. Theresa says:

    i am so deeply sorry for don and his family, she was a beautiful person…such a tragedy is so hard to accept. my prayers are with them

  136. Smitty says:

    This is almost unbelievable! I just returned from honeymooning for 3 weeks in Hawaii and turned on the show and was blown away.

    I’m still having a hard time believing it. I have been listening to the show since Bart was 8 years old. I use to love the stories of Don and Freda’s phone conversations. She did nothing but add to the show.


  137. groovygirl says:

    How very tragic to learn of Freda’s death. My condolences going out to your entire family. I really felt like I knew her after listening to her through the years. She was the “rock” and was very wise, not to mention gentle and caring. What a great mom and wife! It’s just so shocking and will take a while to sink in. Peace to you and your family. I am so sorry.

  138. irishgino says:

    Well i found out today that Freda had died…and how tragic. Like most i enjoyed her interaction with the guys on the show, she really seemed like a very nice lady. I found the show in Sacramento 6 years ago and have listened most days and i enjoyed her spots.

    No matter how you took the show..wether you get it not….one thing is clear

    Don loved Freda and that is why we post here…

    my deepest sympathies to Don, Bart, Fredas Mom, and Mike, Buzz, Rob because they were her family too.

  139. Bad-Target says:

    I am shocked to here about her passing and I feel for his loss. Any fan who has listen to the show over the years knows just How much Don loved Frieda, as well as all the other members of the show. It’s really sad.

    It was always felt by members of the show (and a few fans) that Don would always go first because of wild ways (Sports car crashes, drunk driving)I sill can’t believe she gone.

    I am sure she is in Heaven.

  140. Bob Henry says:

    I have heard no mention of Freda’s sister, Robin, who was often mentioned by Don on the air. I seem to think Freda may have other siblings, as well. They need our sympathy also.
    Nor have I seen any mention of Freda’s own radio career. She was a DJ on WASH-FM for years. Her last gig that I remember was doing weekends as “Laura Petrie” when Bart was a baby.
    I have listened to Don Geronimo (a name he took from an early episode of “That Girl” sitcom starring Marlo Thomas)since the early ’80s when he was at WPGC-FM. I have “witnessed” all of his joys and sorrows over these many years. I have a hard time imagining him maintaining his edginess after this loss. He won’t be the same person any longer, and that will be sad to see.

  141. John says:

    Just wanted to pass along condolences to Don and Bart. I have been a listener for 5 years, Freda was one of a kind. She will be SORELY missed by all. Thoughts and Prayers are with the family.

  142. Jen says:

    I listened to Don and Mike for the short time they were on in Philly and I recently found them again out of Baltimore. Listening to Don and Freda talk to each other on the phone made any one see how much they loved each other. She will be missed and my prayers go out to Bart, Big Freda and of course, Don.

    Those of you who come on here to say bad things about D&M should think about the reason Don calls you names. IT FITS!

  143. Duane says:

    Long time listener. It was very apparent that you loved and had a great relationship with Freda. It is sad you have lost her so unexpectedly. I have admired your relationship with her over the years and compared my relationship with yours. Sorry for your loss.


  144. Diana the Valkyrie Fan AdT64 says:

    To Pat Smalling……

    Get A life! Get a job! Get a hobby! Get laid! Anything! ANYTHING!!!! You might mellow out at long-last!

    YOU are the reason I HATE radio people in general with a passion, especially General Managers. I’ve had a fondness for the underdogs, namely the Program Directors, the hapless stooges who lick the boots of the mafia gangsters in 3-piece suits in the front office.

    Do I need to reiterate that I LOVE the Don & Mike Show?

    Reread my post, please, Pat Smalling…

    Besides raw talent, Michael Sorce had the fortitude to plod on. The strength of this marriage came across loud and clear in their on-air banter. I heard that he returns to the air on Aug 1st. Me? I’d probably take my own life and join her, quite frankly, but on second thought, my precious son by her (Bart) would supply me the strength to carry on. I can only speculate from the sidelines.

    This news of Freda’s passing in this untimely manner distresses me every bit as much as anyone else who posted here! My so-so radio career is merely a sidebar!

    The notion that you would think I value my own failed venture more than Freda’s life insults me greatly and I resent it deeply, Pat Smalling.

    Are you a Patrick or a Patricia? If the latter, I’d probably leave you and go home during reel #2 of the movie in the theatre on the first date.

    You’re probably a Birkenstock-wearing, hairy-armpit Berkley wench, aren’t you, Patricia?

  145. Pam says:

    Any death pics of this annoying b**ch?!?!?
    Will Mike imitate her from the great beyone during Low Budget Jeopardy??? Hmmmmm, I wonder……………………………….Don’s probably snorting the coke again. Poor Bart……..

  146. Nanci says:

    We’ve seen Don and Mike several times in Sacramento and listen regularly. We were so shocked and sad to hear this news! As many of these posts state, Don, Mike, Buzz, Robb, BethAnn, Freda, Big Freda, Bart, Carrie and Marcia are like family. We feel as though we know them and we all feel so sorry for them right now.

    Our thoughts and prayers to Don, Bart and Big Freda during this time.

    We love listening and are lucky to have their voices entertain us during the day. We will miss Freda very much, she was a charming and entertaining part of the show.

  147. TONI says:


  148. The Moody Family says:

    All of Pittsburgh is mourning with you. We hope you feel our thoughts and prayers Don. There are many praying for you.

  149. Dianne says:

    To don,
    well buddy, I am close to your show and I loved when Freda called in. I miss you and hope the best for you and son Bart. Bart, I know it will be hard to get back to college, but please Your Mom is watching and you are making her proud. Don I hope you come back when you are ready.

  150. Rob says:

    For all of you asking God to bless the family, please remember that Don does not believe in God, at least not before this tragedy. Now Mike O’Meara is claiming he’s looking for a church. Interesting how in times of distress, people suddenly remember there is a higher power. We should all respect each other’s religious beliefs, but let’s not think of God only in troubled times.

  151. robert-b says:

    My sincere condolences to both families. To Bart be strong, stay in school, and make your momma proud, she is watching now closer than ever.
    To Don, you have made my one hour commute enjoyable for years, laughing so hard, it was difficult to drive. Freda will be watching you as well for the rest of your remaining days. Your marriage was obviously a poster child for couples.

    Best wishes from the entire USA

  152. Missy Rice says:

    This is a response to Pam, July 21 – you are an
    ignorant, self centered, heartless bitch.

  153. michael says:

    I myself was shocked too hear it and at first thought it might be a question is how don will handle it when he gets back,which im glad is soon.Mike does a great job but he is fantastic when he plays off of don.Anyway..when a caller gets through and tries too needle him about freda how will he handle it?He certainly displays no sympathy towards others who have suffered a loss of a loved one,,but we all have to understand.It is a show.I just hope people are kool with him when he comes back.

  154. Pam says:

    Missy Rice,

  155. Missy Rice says:

    Dear Freda,

    Hey, what’s going on. Oh yeah, sorry. Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.

    I just wanted to send you a note to show you how much you meant to all us listeners of the Dom and Ike Show. Alll (the extra L is for “love”) those times you would call in and yell at Dom – whoo boy, I felt like I was right there!!!! I thought it was MY wife yelling at ME for wrecking yet another car or calling you an old hag. Or corrupting our son’s morals through vice and treachery.

    You sure taught that fat load Dom a lot. I mean, yeah, he would just wreck another car and get caught with some new drugs, but I mean, who hasn’t? Drugs probably made your shrill voice a lot easier to deal with, so I give you kudos for allowing Dom the space he needed to repair from the grasp of your vocal chords. That’s what makes me admire you so… your tolerance.

    Obviously the irony that he crashed the car a million times and never died, and you crashed yours once and it wasn’t even your fault, has occurred to me. And I don’t want you to pay ANY MIND to those years – 1991 to 2004 – when members of several Dom and Ike intarweb message boards would call each day for your shrill voice to be silenced. The methods they suggested were less than chivalrous. Several of them (with hope) closely predicted your end in those very long as ten years ago!!!! I never forgot them. And I will never forget you.

    I guess the reason everyone is so distrurbed by your passing is because their own lives, mine included, are so empty. They saw this everyday tragedy befall a man they secretly loathe – it’s hard to love Dom as he treats others like dirt – and they realized that a life that stood to contrast his must be very full. Losing this kind of fullness, a fullness none of us stands to achieve anytime soon, leaves a dark spot in our common thread. A hole. As if millions of voices cried out all at once, and were suddenly silenced.

    Good day to you, ma’am. I SAID GOOD DAY!!!!

  156. Sheila says:

    I’m like all of the other fans of the show who have already posted. I have listened since 1988 and have been through the good, bad and ugly over the years. I am absolutely shocked how sad this news makes me.

    My deepest sympathy goes out to Barty, Don, Big Freda and all the rest of her friends and family.

  157. Aaron says:

    Hopefully this isn’t insensitive, just curious though, what happened to the other driver that collided with her?

  158. michael says:

    Gee that was kind of brutal..I would have to comment that I dont think you know anything about what kind of person don is..niether do I.Remember …its a show..its entertainment..How many arms has arnold broken in real life?
    Brian Wilson says it best.
    maybe I just wasnt made for these times..

  159. Missy Rice says:

    Please be advised I did not write that
    email dated July 22, 15:11. This is not the time
    or the place for ignorance, it is the time to
    support the Wright and Sorce families.

  160. Dan Fulwiler says:

    God bless Mike, Bart and the whole family. They’ll certainly be in our prayers.

  161. greg says:

    i just found out today because i have been out of town. Freda was a great example of a good woman having a positive affect on her husbands life. they were helping each other grow together in life and it pains me to know the family, that is so close, has to experience such a senseless loss. God take care of mike and bart and may something good be gained in such a shocking tragedy