
I think there are some Muslims out there in desperate need of dictionaries. This
Reuters article states that Muslims think the West is being hypocritical about the Muhammed Cartoons.

Muslims have decried as hypocrites Western dailies which have cited free speech as the reason for printing disrespectful cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, saying the same newspapers take pains to avoid lampooning Jews.

Right. But let’s see what we find in the the Arab newspapers around the world.





Yep, these guys sure know what they are talking about. And compared to these cartoons the ones of Muhammed seem well, like no big deal at all.

What is really insulting, some Muslim clerics and politicians say, is that Europeans do not think twice about denigrating Islam but view ridicule of Judaism as anti-Semitic.

That is because it is you idiots. Of course, nobody is demanding that the Muslims stop or else they’ll be bombed.

Fortunately there is a shred of hope,

“If we want to be respected, we must respect others,” said Fadi Shalah, a Lebanese businessman. “And burning embassies in the name of our Prophet is the ultimate insult.”

Gee, ya think?

Update: Well, I wonder what muslims will say about the Imams that have made disparaging images of the Prophet Muhammed? This strikes me as far more egregious than anything the Jyllands-Posten has done.

FILED UNDER: Europe, Middle East, Religion, World Politics, , , , , , , ,
Steve Verdon
About Steve Verdon
Steve has a B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles and attended graduate school at The George Washington University, leaving school shortly before staring work on his dissertation when his first child was born. He works in the energy industry and prior to that worked at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Division of Price Index and Number Research. He joined the staff at OTB in November 2004.


  1. G A PHILLIPS says:

    No, I think, the true believers show themselves.

  2. jimbo says:

    Maybe the free press issue is confusing things. There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling a newspaper that you disagree with its editorial policies or its selection of cartoons; and it would be nice if the media would be more respectful of others – fat chance. It is the violence and threats of same that matter. There is no way now that Muslim leaders can say with a straight face that Islam is a religion of peace. Oh yes, they can say it, but no one will believe it. I predict that the media from now on will lean over backwards not to offend Islam, and they will do so out of fear. Fine, but this will not make non-Muslims any more respectful of Islam. What a bunch of jerks.

  3. Olrnf says:

    I think there are some Muslims out there in desperate need of dictionaries.

    I think that what the Muslims desperately need is to accept Christ as their lord and savior. The middle east needs to be the front line of a massive conversion campaign. Hopefully our soldiers in Iraq are armed with Bibles as well as guns. You need to be able to use them both.

  4. McGehee says:

    Hopefully our soldiers in Iraq are armed with Bibles as well as guns. You need to be able to use them both.

    Yeah, they’ll need the guns to defend themselves against the Shari’a police in Saudi-occupied Arabia who’ll jail or execute anyone who proselytizes for religions other than Islam.

  5. Yo says:

    Guns don’t kill people .. Bibles do.

  6. Herb says:

    Hypocrites? You forgot to include LIARS.

    I learned a long time to never, never believe what a Muslin tells you.