Jessica Cutler a Mom!

jessica-cutlerLongtime denizens of the blogosphere will recall the strange case of Jessica Cutler, the one-time Senate staffer who briefly dished sex gossip as “Washingtonienne” and launched into 15 minutes of fame. Now, she’s a mommy.

Five years ago, Jessica Cutler‘s anonymous Washingtonienne blog was the hottest thing in town. Make that hotttt! So hotttt! — spicy details of the Hill staffer’s active and varied sex life — that she lost her job, won a book deal, posed for Playboy and got sued by an ex-boyfriend.

She’s now blogging under her own name (“Nobody Cares About Jessica Cutler Anymore”), but just barely — four terse posts in two months — and you have to read between the lines to figure out why: The former party girl is now a mom.

Last December, Cutler, 31, married N.Y.C. lawyer Charles Rubio, 29, in a quiet Manhattan City Hall ceremony. “I’m not pregnant!” she volunteered at the time. (Swear we didn’t ask.) But, you know, famous last words: On Aug. 22, she told us, they welcomed their first child, Jessica-Louise.

“She’s too young to be in a gossip column!” Cutler wrote to us when we e-mailed to ask. “She can wait until she grows up and writes a sex blog of her own, or whatever it is kids will be doing in the future. Blogging is already passe, so I can’t imagine.” Otherwise, she reported, the baby is smiling a lot, and sleeping through the night.

Here’s hoping Jessica-Louise does not in fact start a sex blog.

And, um, that “sleeping through the night” thing?  It doesn’t last.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Ugh says:

    And, um, that “sleeping through the night” thing? It doesn’t last.

    No kidding. The 8mo old has decided that between 3:30 and 5:30 is just a peachy wake up time.

  2. James Joyner says:

    The 8mo old has decided that between 3:30 and 5:30 is just a peachy wake up time

    Yup. Ours is almost 10 months now and she’s been a bear the last couple of months — teething, mostly, but also sundry tummy aches and general crankiness. And she won’t go down most nights until 10 or so.

    She’s a delight during the day but not much fun at night.

  3. Steve says:

    I feel sorry for you guys. We have three (7, 3, and 3 months) All three starting sleeping through the night at three months (or sooner with the third). Eleven hours a night. I highly recommend the book “On becoming babywise” If you can deal with a few days of crying, you will have years of bliss. It’s hard for those few days, but so worth. All of our kids now go down for bed wide awake, and fall asleep on their own. I know this sounds like bragging, (and it is a little), but really, if you are the parent of a baby, and you don’t try this, you are crazy.