Laura Ingraham Recovering from Cancer Surgery

Talk radio host Laura Ingraham had surgery for breast cancer yesterday morning and all looks good, according to her website:

Photo: Laura Ingraham is recovering from breast cancer surgery Laura’s breast cancer surgery yesterday “couldn’t have gone better,” in the words of her surgeon Dr. Katherine Alley. Initial sentinel node testing done during surgery showed no signs of cancer involvement in the lymph nodes, and we all hope that this good news is confirmed by more in-depth tissue testing done over the next 48 hours. “The outpouring of love and concern coast-to-coast in prayer, emails, telephone calls has left me feeling more blessed than I can possibly convey,” said Laura Thursday morning from home. “I really don’t know what I did to deserve such kindness but I will gladly wrap myself in it,” she chuckled. “It’s weird but getting cancer has made me feel more blessed than I ever felt before, and I will do everything I can to return the generosity 100-fold when I am feeling a bit better.” According to Laura and her friends who were there throughout, the entire staff at the Surburban Hospital Outpatient Medical Center in Bethesda, MD was amazing. Absolutely top-notch! According to one of Laura’s friends, as she was being taken into surgery, she joked about whether the hospital was running a “two-for-one” surgery special–“a lumpectomy and a lift together–20 percent off!”

Her sitemaster adds an important cautionary note:

Remember, Laura’s breast cancer was picked up during a simple breast examination by her OB/GYN. She was a dope (her word, not ours) for not going for a check-up for 4 years! The tumor was not even visible on a mammogram! You MUST make sure that you, and every woman in your life does a monthly breast self-examination. Learn to do it correctly, slowly, carefully. If you feel ANYTHING that seems strange or unusual, go immediately to your OB/GYN.

My best wishes to Laura. I seldom get a chance to hear her show, since she’s on from 9-noon, but I catch it occasionally and had the chance to hear her in person at the Heritage Foundation a couple months ago. She’s what Ann Coulter could be if she were properly medicated.

via David Limbaugh

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. That is an excellent characterization.

  2. RWJones says:

    I hope everyone will take a few moments to wish Laura well. I have built a web page so we can compile all her fans’ comments and send them to her. You can visit and post her a greeting at:

    Please join me in wishing her a speedy recovery.


  3. julie says:

    I have often thought that Laura had toxic levels of rightousness in her body. She seems so nasty that I thought for sure she would have a heart attack one day. It is sad about the cancer but she needs to breath deeply and stop her angry rants they are hurting her health. It’s called Karma.

  4. shari says:

    Please join me in signing this online get well card for Laura.
    Great blog !