Obama Skipping Sikh Temple Visit to Avoid Looking Muslim

President Obama is reportedly avoiding a visit to India's Harmandir Sahib, or Golden Temple, for fear that he'll be accused of being a Muslim.

President Obama is reportedly avoiding a visit to India’s Harmandir Sahib, or Golden Temple, for fear that he’ll be accused of being a Muslim.    ABC’s Russell Goldman and Jake Tapper:

On an upcoming trip to India, President Obama will skip visiting one of the country’s most sacred shrines out of fear that wearing the requisite headgear might make him appear Muslim, according to reports from the United States and India.

The New York Times, citing an unnamed American official involved in the trip’s planning, reports that the president will not stop at the Golden Temple, a Sikh holy site and one of the country’s most popular tourist attractions, because visitors typically wear headscarves, turbans or Muslim caps.

Obama was to visit the sprawling golden complex in Amritsar, “but the plan appears to have foundered on the thorny question of how Mr. Obama would cover his head, as Sikh tradition requires, while visiting the temple,” wrote the Times.

“To come to golden temple he needs to cover his head,” Dalmegh Singh, secretary of the committee that runs the temple told the paper. “That is our tradition. It is their problem to cover the head with a Christian hat or a Muslim cap.”

Obama, who is a Christian, has repeatedly had to fend off accusations that he is secretly Muslim. An April poll conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that nearly 1 in 5 Americans believe the president is Muslim.

When a photo of then-Senator Obama dressed in a traditional white Kenyan turban was leaked by Hillary Clinton’s rival campaign during the 2008 presidential election, Obama called the image a “smear.”

Let’s hope this report is wrong because it would be truly embarrassing for the leader of the free world to risk insulting an important ally — the second most populous country on the planet — because it might fuel an idiotic conspiracy theory at home.  Especially considering that the Sikhs aren’t even Muslim.

The NYT report has further background on the important of the temple, “Revered by Indians of all faiths, it is a cherished emblem of India’s religious diversity.”

For Mr. Obama, who will be seeking to cement the crucial but sometimes testy relationship between two of the world’s biggest democracies, the temple was one of several possible backdrops intended to convey America’s kinship with India. Mr. Obama will visit Mumbai and New Delhi.

H. S. Phoolka, a prominent Sikh lawyer in New Delhi, said he was disappointed that Mr. Obama would not visit the temple. “We have worked so hard to establish in America that Sikhs have a very different identity than Muslims,” Mr. Phoolka said. “It is very unfortunate that even the White House is conveying the message that there is no difference between Muslims and Sikhs.”

via Taegan Goddard

FILED UNDER: Religion, US Politics, , , , , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. john personna says:

    Ah, but a Muslim would never go to a Sikh temple!

  2. PD Shaw says:

    I agree with john personna, this proves Obama is Muslim. 😉

  3. John P says:

    Indians, Sikhs, Muslims…I dunno James, they all look a little Asian to me.

  4. Harvey says:

    Sikhism is kind of islamism (their women are not allowed to marry anyone outside their “faiths”, honour killings etc.), so Obama should feel right at home there.

  5. John P says:

    @ Harvey, plus they are all kind of brownish.

  6. Mithras says:

    The wages of the insanity of rightwingers.

  7. wr says:

    Yeah, sikhs are just like Muslims. Except for, you know, the whole worshipping Mohammed and following the Koran and every other bit of the religions.

    Jeeze, rightwingers are stupid.

  8. Gold Star for Robot Boy says:

    I doubt our ally will feel insulted – the feeling will be more of sympathy toward Obama that he’s responsible for a nation populated with so many nutcases.

  9. Janis Gore says:

    Can’t he just wear a John Deere gimme cap?

  10. Brett says:

    I think this report is probably bogus. There’s already pictures of Obama wearing a turban and other different clothes, from his trip to Kenya a couple of years back.

  11. Janis Gore says:

    Off topic, but when my husband and I visited Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem it was high summer. We were both wearing shorts and were asked to don simple knit ankle-length skirts on an elastic waistband in respect of Allah. And I had to cover my hair, what there is of it.

    What Allah has against knees I do not know.

  12. Franklin says:

    Let’s hope this report is wrong because it would be truly embarrassing for the leader of the free world to risk insulting an important ally — the second most populous country on the planet — because it might fuel an idiotic conspiracy theory at home.

    As the kids say … THIS!

  13. Gustopher says:

    There are so many lovely, non-muslim hats he could wear.

    1. Viking helmet
    2. Enormous cowboy hat
    3. Astronaut helmet
    4. Big Furry Hat worn by the guards at Buckingham Palace
    5. Three-cornered colonial hat

  14. John425 says:

    He should wear a Stetson and American women could wear head scarves that symbolize the American flag.