OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM


Winners will be announced Thursday PM

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. John Burgess says:

    “Wait! What?! Isn’t animal sacrifice blasphemous or something?”

  2. Mr. Prosser says:

    Fetchez la Vache, you idiot, not le cochon de guinea!

  3. Phillip says:

    Founding otter of the Allied Atheist Alliance?

  4. KRM says:

    “What do you mean, “Confession?”

  5. J-Dub says:

    If you don’t know who is to be sacrificed, it is probably you.

  6. jd says:

    They told me this church was open and a-fur-ming.

  7. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Jerbils for Jesus…

    And if I have to tell some one the mis-spelling is on purpose….

  8. rodney dill says:

    @OzarkHillbilly: …coulda gone with Jerboa’s for Jesus.

  9. “Please, someone help me. I can’t make the hurting stop.”

  10. rodney dill says:

    “It was horrible,” recalls woman, “Paul Ryan just ram-rodded in here and started baptizing guinea pigs for a photo op without permission, and this one is jewish.”

  11. KRM says:

    “Actually, I’m Marmot.”

  12. No one was more disappointed to discover that Hinduism was the one true religion more than Joan of Arc.

  13. With lighted candle and a prayer begins the Million Muppet March on D.C. Yes, yes to defend PBS, Sesame Street and Big Bird we must from the phantom menace they call, Darth Mitt.