Palin Documentary Bombs, Headed for Pay-Per-View, DVD

I can’t imagine that anyone finds this surprising:

With its Sarah Palin documentary “The Undefeated” increasing its playdates by 40 percent this weekend, only to watch box office revenue decline by more than 63 percent, distributor Arc Entertainment announced Sunday that the film will soon be available on pay per view.

The movie played in 14 Tea Party-friendly locations this weekend — up from the 10 in which it opened last week — but grossed just $24,000.

Starting September 1, subscribers to DirecTV, Dish Network and Time Warner can see the true Horatio Alger story of an Alaska woman’s rise from self-described “hockey mom” to gubernatorial dropout to conservative cable news bastion talking head, all in the comfort of their own home.

In addition, the film will launch on DVD October 4 with a shipment of 250,000 units.

As for the theatrical run, the distributor insists it will continue through August and September.

A “special edition” DVD containing additional new content will be sold only in Walmart stores.


The film debuted theatrically to multiple sold-out runs and enthusiastic audience support with weekend per-screen averages above $11,000 in top markets. The film was rushed to select digital theaters in only three weeks, and was marketed entirely through social media and grassroots efforts with virtually no traditional media spend.

Did they really think that there’d be a huge demand for a Palin hagiography?


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Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Chad S says:

    I guess it was defeated.

  2. Bleev K says:

    “Tea Party-friendly locations”? If it plays in a theater near you, you have to move!

  3. Liberty60 says:

    Her moment has passed.

    MIchelle Bachmann is carrying her act now, and there isn’t really any room on the national stage for a Bachmann Mini-Me.

    I predict Palin will become our generation’s Phylis Schlafly, singing copies of books on the social conservative circuit for many years to come but largely staying out of the spotlight.

  4. Neil Hudelson says:

    “Tea Party-friendly locations”? If it plays in a theater near you, you have to move!

    Ugh. Its playing withing 20 miles of me. I was just starting to like this place too…

  5. Murray says:

    Will anybody be surprised to learn that FOX has a different take on their employee’s success?

  6. An Interested Party says:

    I guess it was defeated.

    Hey, at least it didn’t quit…

    I predict Palin will become our generation’s Phylis Schlafly…

    Presumably, Palin will handle it better than Schlafly if one of her children is gay…

  7. Fiona says:

    Palin’s film proved every bit as popular as Atlas Shrugged, Part I–hastily consigned to the dustbin. Big surprise. Now, if only the media would stop paying attention to her every time she says something stupid.