Sexy Cheerleader Legislator A Democrat

Ace passes on word that Al Edwards, the Texas legislator lampooned around the land for trying to ban high school cheerleaders from being sexy, is a Democrat. He obseves (via the Warden) that the Associated Press somehow managed to omit that detail in its original report that was picked up by the rest of us.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. NJvoter says:

    Now let me get this straight please…sex is republican, oral sex is democrat??? is that correct? I’m sooo confused!

  2. Anderson says:

    As a Democrat, I’m unwilling to settle for just oral sex & let the Repubs have the rest. We’re not giving up on this one!

    As for the Texas legislator, dumb law, but not a dumb problem.

  3. McGehee says:

    As a Democrat, I’m unwilling to settle for just oral sex & let the Repubs have the rest. We’re not giving up on this one!

    Aw, darn. There goes Karl Rove’s conspiracy to ensure Republicans out-reproduce their Democrat counterparts.

    Anderson, you’re such a spoilsport! 😉

  4. Amanda says:

    It’s also worth pointing out that in the Texas State Legislature, the only difference between Democrats and Republicans….

    I can’t even finish that statement. Truth is, there IS no difference. (Trust me. I used to be on the payroll.)