Site Woes, Continued

My site host continues to have severe outages, possibly related to Hurricane Katrina (they’re located in Jacksonville, Florida) although they are not responding to e-mailed queries and their service outages page is itself out.

I’ve scarcely been able to access the site in over 24 hours, although, if SiteMeter is correct, the site is at least intermittently available. Content will resume regular status once the site is up.

Update: HostingMatters posts the following:

[NETWORK] Network Issues
August 30th, 2005

But not within our network. We are currently seeing issues at both AT&T and TWTelecom in traces from various locations. If your routes travel along those networks, you may experience high latency and/or complete failure to reach your site or other services. We̢۪ve sent a note to the main NOC at P10, asking them for a status, since no doubt they are already aware of the issue, and we̢۪ll post whatever we get back from them.

Various updates have the problem resolved, at least temporarily. Of course, I was having the problem on the 29th, too, and there’s no notice for that.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. jerry says:

    I also use Hosting Matters, my site is on the “Picasso” server and it looks like you are on “Pollock”.

    You can see just what the problem is if you go to and on the right side look for
    # Live server status: hmguest/guest to log in
    # Live server status (for IE users: hmguest/guest to log in)
    Use # 1 for autologin.

    When you get to the next site
    on the left side enter your server name “pollock” in the box at the bottom and it will show you the status of 6 services, that will show you where the problem is.

    I just looked at your status (12:25 cst) and the problem is with “Load Averages”.

    I always check the status to see what the problem is so when I submit a ticket to Hosting Matters I include what was reported, just to let them know I also can see the problem.

    Lets see if this gets to your site and posted.

  2. James Joyner says:


    Thanks. For whatever reason, I hadn’t been able to get status reports from that site over the last day. I got to the site itself but the links all 404d.