Shooting Deaths at Occupy Oakland and Occupy Burlington

Details are still sketchy but two men are dead in separate shootings at Occupy Oakland (California) and Occupy Burlington (Vermont).

Occupy DC Protestors Hit By Car; Car Wins

So, Occupy protestors in yet another city thought it would be a good idea to get in front of a car.

Occupy Olympia camp attracting homeless Occupy Olympia camp attracting homeless

Occupy Being Occupied

The tents at Occupy Wall Street are increasingly housing the homeless.

Occupy Wall Street: Something For Everyone

What do this people want? Can’t you read the signs?

Occupy DC: Get Off My Lawn!

The Examiner’s David Freddoso has a few words for the Occupy DC protesters: “Get off my lawn!”

Occupy DC: A Loud and Clear Yawp

Protestors have converged on DC, rallying against Afghanistan, Wall Street, and stuff.