Texas Bussed Migrants to Vice President’s House

It's the spirit of the season.

WaPo (“Migrants bused from Texas arrive at VP’s house on frigid Christmas Eve“):

Three buses full of migrants arrived at Vice President Harris’s residence in Washington from Texas on Christmas Eve amid bitingly cold weather,a mutual aid group said, the latest in an influx of newcomers sent to the Northeast by Southern states.

About 110 to 130 men, women and children got off the buses outside the Naval Observatory on Saturday night in 18-degree weather after a two-day journey from South Texas, according to the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network. On the coldest Christmas Eve day on record in the District, some migrants were bundled up in blankets as they were greeted by volunteers who had received word that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) had sent the caravan.

Volunteers scrambled to meet the asylum seekers after the buses, which were scheduled to arrive in New York on Christmas Day, were rerouted due to the winter weather. In a hastily arranged welcoming, a church on Capitol Hill agreed to temporarily shelter the group while one of the mutual aid groups, SAMU First Response, arranged 150 breakfasts, lunches and dinners by the restaurant chain Sardis.

“D.C. continues to be welcoming,” the network’s core organizer, Amy Fischer, told The Washington Post. “Whether it’s Christmas Eve, whether it’s freezing cold outside or warm outside, we are always ready to welcome people with open arms and make sure they have a warm reception in this community.”

Abbott’s office did not respond to requests for comment or issue any statement on whether his administration had sent the buses.But White House spokesman Abdullah Hasan blamed the transport on the Texas governor, saying the buses were sent without coordination with local or federal authorities and calling it “a cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt.”

“As we have repeatedly said, we are willing to work with anyone — Republican or Democrat alike — on real solutions, like the comprehensive immigration restructuring and border security measures President Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office, but these political games accomplish nothing and only put lives in danger,” Hasan said in an email to The Post.

I don’t deny that states bordering Mexico are disproportionately impacted by the Federal government’s inability to do its job of controlling our borders and managing our immigration policy. We should by now have a solution to this problem, which has no end in sight.

That said, this continued stunt is simply unconscionable. I have no objection to bussing migrants as a solution to more coming into one location than can be handled. It may well make sense to distribute the load. But this isn’t that. It’s simply using frightened, confused human beings as objects to “own the libs.” Who, despite not having the facilities in place to handle the influx, seem almost uniformly to be responding with kindness.

That Abbott and company didn’t even reconsider in light of the forecast Arctic blast hitting the region just adds to the inhumanity of it. We wouldn’t allow convicted murderers and rapists to be outside in single-digit temperatures without adequate clothing. That they did this to people—including children—whose only crime was fleeing miserable circumstances is simply monstrous.

FILED UNDER: Borders and Immigration, US Politics, , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Mikey says:

    Abbott trumpets his Christianity (like a Pharisee) but like most Christian natioalists he conveniently forgets Christ’s own words, as written in Matthew 25:40. “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

  2. Flat Earth Luddite says:

    We wouldn’t allow convicted murderers and rapists to be outside in single-digit temperatures without adequate clothing. That they did this to people—including children—whose only crime was fleeing miserable circumstances is simply monstrous.

    The monstrous action is the proof that, to this rich, smug, self satisfied excuse for a human being, these are not humans. To Abbot and company, they’re far less than human.

    I’ve known convicted murderers with more compassion.

  3. OzarkHillbilly says:

    We should by now have a solution to this problem, which has no end in sight.

    Circumstances argue otherwise.

    As to this stunt, along with all the other stunts GOPers engage in, this is what they have devolved into. The party has no interest in governing, never mind any capability to. They are spending taxpayers money to own the libs rather than improve the lives of their citizens and their voters love them for it. Besides, making those people suffer for the sin of wanting a better life for their families is just what Jesus would do.

    Christian and Republican are the epitome of cognitive dissonance.

  4. Kathy says:


    No, it’s you who misunderstand Jesús El Nazareno. By “the least” he meant millionaires, who are lesser than billionaires, and by “brethren” he meant men.

    Have you seen any GQP “Christians” mistreat a rich white guy who is not a socialist agent of Satan?

  5. alanstorm says:


    They are spending taxpayers money to own the libs rather than improve the lives of their citizens…

    That would be more effective if you could demonstrate any ways in which the Democrats have done anything to improve the lives of their citizens.

    Good luck with that.

  6. alanstorm says:

    “Texas Bussed Migrants to Vice President’s House”

    DC is a “sanctuary city”. What’s the problem? Let them put up or shut up.

  7. Kathy says:
  8. Mister Bluster says:

    @alanstorm:..put up or shut up

    You said that to Santa when you were sitting on his lap.

  9. steve says:

    In every instance so far the northern cities have “put up” and taken care fo the immigrants. However, it is deemed politically incorrect by the right to point out that they did this with no warning and on a day cold enough to harm people. The fact that they are using taxpayer money for what is pretty much a re-elections stunt is OK I guess because most people support those politicians.


  10. MarkedMan says:

    This is a perfect illustration that Jim Crow governance is on the rise again in the trump states. A central foundation of such a regime is that there be an example group upon which it can be demonstrated that not only will the state not protect them, but will actively use its powers to abuse them. There are two messages here to the other citizens: when you are kicked, feel free to kick these poor bastards rather than retaliate against those above you doing the kicking; and remember that those in power can decide in a moment that you are in some “lowest tier” group, so best not get uppity.

  11. @Mikey: I think about that (and many other) verses all the time when I read about these kinds of antics.

    @alanstorm: There are so many things that could be said (many of which have been said in this post and in others). But you really should think about why you are allowing what amounts to an utterly childish stance to guide your politics.

    Also, these places have consistently “put up” so perhaps they don’t need to be the ones to “shut up”?

    It is unendingly sad to watch my fellow citizens pretend that stunts like this are some profound statement. Even more tragic is the treatment of fellow human beings as pawns in cable news games.

  12. gVOR08 says:

    @Steven L. Taylor:

    It is unendingly sad to watch my fellow citizens pretend that stunts like this are some profound statement.

    Amen. I keep having a mental picture of Pappy O’Daniels’s little brain trust from O Brother, Where Art Thou. “Boy, people really loved that stunt by DeSantis, sending a pack of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. He got a leg up on us with that one. We gotta do something. Maybe send three bus loads of ’em to Martha’s Vineyard. Nah, we gotta go someplace different, maybe Chicago, after all, our ‘stituents never even heard of Martha’s Vineyard. I know, DC. Everybody knows DC is a nest of soshlist Democrats. Don’t Camerla Harris live in DC somewhere, let’s send ’em to her house. Hell she’s one of ’em. Ain’t she from Nicaragua or Bangladesh or someplace like that? Yeah, and we’ll do it on Christmas Eve. Yeah, Christmas Eve at Kaymler Harris’ place, that’s the ticket. That’ll show our voters who’s really owning the libs.” I really, really do not want the country governed by people who think “Let’s go Brandon” is clever.

  13. gVOR08 says:


    ETA – yup, got me EDIT.

  14. Jay L Gischer says:

    Over the past 20 years there have been numerous bills before Congress to reform immigration. If you want better border enforcement, that’s a thing that needs to be paid for. Every time, it has been Republicans, usually in the House, who torpedo it. The nominal sticking point is relief for Dreamers. But maybe there are others. If you want to get faster at deporting people, then money needs to be spent to expand the courts and related facilities.

    I would be willing to spend that money, along with money for stronger border enforcement, in exchange for relief for the Dreamers. We’ve almost had that deal multiple times, but some – not all, but some – Republicans always figure out how to sink it.

    Mind you, I think we should be spending money in proportion with the impact it has, and I don’t see illegal immigration as having a big impact on a lot of people. Yes, criminal activity is a problem, and I support engaging with it. Again, that’s more money. Are you willing to spend that money?

    So…who is the one who needs to put up or shut up?

  15. EddieInCA says:

    The cruelty is the point.

  16. MarkedMan says:

    @Jay L Gischer: The equation is pretty simple: businesses benefit from having illegal immigrants as workers because they drive down wages and they don’t have to be treated according to labor laws that apply to citizens. (Sure, technically the laws apply but employers know that if workers start to agitate they simply need to call the feds who will deport the troublemakers, and who can then be replaced in a few days). It has long been true that the most effective way to limit illegal immigration is with severe sanctions against those who hire them. It is this that politicians, predominantly Republicans but a fair number of Democrats too, are working against.

  17. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @alanstorm: That would be more effective if you could demonstrate any ways in which the Democrats have done anything to improve the lives of their citizens.

    Let’s start with protecting Social Security from GOP depredations.
    Also strengthening the ACA.
    Also massively lowering the price on insulin.
    Protecting the marriages of ALL people.
    Passing the -$.1.9T stimulus
    Passing an Infrastructure
    The CHIPS Act
    A Gun bill
    The legislation helping veterans
    Postal reform
    The Inflation Reduction Act
    The aid to Ukraine to bitch slap Putin with
    The Electoral Count Act reform
    And that is just off the top of my head.


  18. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @MarkedMan: We can’t be punishing them hard working Amurikans

  19. Michael Reynolds says:

    Let me guess: Christian?

  20. senyordave says:

    I see Abbott as a kind of Spanish Inquisition type of a Christian.

  21. senyordave says:

    @alanstorm: What’s the problem? Let them put up or shut up.

    Sorry, I’m Jewish and not up on the New Testament. Could you tell me in what chapter and verse did Jesus tell his followers that they should put up or shut up when the less fortunate were dumped on their doorsteps?

  22. Kazzy says:

    “We should by now have a solution to this problem…”

    Any suggestions?

  23. CSK says:


    If you’re a Trumpkin you probably think all those are bad.

  24. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @CSK: Of course, and if I put the shoe on the other foot and asked him to list all the good things Republicans have done for their voters, he would probably very proudly state, “Not a damned thing!”

  25. Gustopher says:

    I don’t deny that states bordering Mexico are disproportionately impacted by the Federal government’s inability to do its job of controlling our borders and managing our immigration policy.

    Contrarian take. Every state has its own special problems due to geography, borders and happenstance. If people don’t want to deal with the issues of their state, they should just move.

    The border isn’t going anywhere, and with the economic differences on each side, waves of immigrants are as inevitable as hurricanes in Florida, fire season in California, smoke season in Oregon and Washington (we tend to not have towns burn, so it’s the smoke that’s the biggest issue), brutal cold in Maine, or assholes in New Jersey.

    I don’t see Republicans offering any solutions — a wall isn’t going to do it, you would need a 200 mile wide dead zone filled with tentacle monsters and slow to cross swampland — so I
    Assume they are ultimately fine with it, and don’t want the federal governments help.

  26. Moosebreath says:

    @Steven L. Taylor:

    “It is unendingly sad to watch my fellow citizens pretend that stunts like this are some profound statement.”

    “Sad” is not the word I would use.

  27. Mister Bluster says:

    @Gustopher:..you would need a 200 mile wide dead zone filled with tentacle monsters and slow to cross swampland.

    Years ago before the Dark Cloud of right wing fearcasting decended on AM radio, KMOX 1120 out of Saint Louis beamed thoughtful and entertaining programs. One of the announcers in the mid day time slot was the late Anne Keefe. One of her interviews featured a retired border patrol agent who stated: “You could have soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder with fixed bayonets along the entire length of the border from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean and you will not keep people from crossing into the United States.”
    This was at least 30 years ago.
    When she asked him how he dealt with the issue he said he talked to them and told them of the risks involved.

  28. Kathy says:



    I don’t think flattery is the way to get the troll to leave, but I stand ready to be proven wrong.

  29. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Mister Bluster: Anne Keefe was great. Jim White was good for keeping your eyes open while driving across S Dakota at 3 AM. I loved Jack Carney and the corny jokes he always told. I am still telling a couple of them myself: The one about the witch doctor and the lion with a bird problem, and the one about the most bejeweled throne in all of Africa.

  30. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Gustopher: The Republiqans have solutions. No, I’m serious; hear me out. When the problem is one from which money can be made, their solution is to release the market from it’s restrictions/[eta:]shackles so it can solve the problem. When the problem is one from which no money can be made, their solution is to say “gosh it sure sucks to be you, but we offer you our thoughts and prayers.”

    ETA: Though, sometimes when there’s no money to be made, they say “you’re only getting what you deserve, you [expletive related to condition, deleted] maggot!” And no, that’s not much of a solution, so I guess you’re partially right. 🙁

  31. Gustopher says:

    That Abbott and company didn’t even reconsider in light of the forecast Arctic blast hitting the region just adds to the inhumanity of it. We wouldn’t allow convicted murderers and rapists to be outside in single-digit temperatures without adequate clothing.

    Are there reckless endangerment charges that DC could file against Abbott? What about the people on the ground implementing the orders?

    Shit like this is going to continue until it hurts them, and they really deserve to be hurt.

    If Germany can convict the now 97 year old typist from a concentration camp for war crimes, surely we can do something that is at least a speed bump on the road to fascism.

  32. Jax says:

    If only we could send Alan and his ilk on a bus to Russia. They might like it there.

  33. anjin-san says:

    And here I thought Abbott & DeSantis were Christians.

    I’m reminded of a great line that Max Von Sydow had in Hannah and Her Sisters: ” ‘If Jesus came back and saw what was being done in his name, he’d never stop throwing up.'”

  34. Tony W says:


    And here I thought Abbott & DeSantis were Christians.

    I am afraid I have some bad news for you about how Christians behave on the national stage.

  35. SC_Birdflyte says:

    Now I wonder what DeSantis will do to top this. He can’t stand the idea of Abbott besting him in the “Most Despicable Stunt” category.

  36. Jen says:

    This juvenile and un-christian behavior from assh0les like Abbott needs to be met with revised policy: any asylum seekers bused to other locations as part of stunts like these (meaning, no notification, no systems in place ahead of time) get an automatic green card, English lessons, etc. The states shipping these people elsewhere without notice get their federal funds docked by the amount of money it costs to feed, train, and place these individuals.

    I really, really despise this performative assholery that has become de rigueur in the Republican party.
