What’s On Voters’ Minds?

A completely unscientific survey of what’s on OTB readers’ minds during the final week of the election:

obama antichrist evidence
obama campaign finance
obama socialism
obama socialist
election prediction
election predictions 2008
john mccain health care plan
who pays the most taxes
2008 election predictions
hank williams jr mccain palin tradition
obama 30 minute spot
barack obama socialist
electoral college tie
socialist obama

These are the politics-related search terms as collated by SiteMeter in order of frequency.   Obama’s socialistic tendencies and the possibility that he’s the anti-Christ seem to be weighing heavily on their minds.

FILED UNDER: 2008 Election, US Politics, , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. anjin-san says:

    Look, I can’t deny it any more. Obama IS a socialist. Its true. I am privy to the secret meeting they had to discuss the seizure of the means of production after he takes office.

    The only problem is, that when they actually started planning, they saw that after 8 years of Bush in order to seize the means of production they would have to invade China.

  2. Jim Henley says:

    If Obama’ the Anti-Christ, people must be really happy right? Cause they get to be Raptured, and then Christ comes down to rule over the Earth. How are people’s Millenarian friends expressing their Christian joy at Obama’s likely election? I think we should collect anecdotes in this thread. Let’s let GA Phillips start.

  3. Jamie says:

    As one who was raised in the Bob Jones University infested Bible Belt, I have to point out the flaw in the thinking of those unfamiliar will premilliennialist Christianity.

    While they are constantly watching out for the end of the world and the coming of the Antichrist, they are terrified at the prospect. The idea put forth by Christopher hitchens, et al, that these Christians are eager to start the apocalypse so they can meet jesus is not true.

    I have found christian blogs and web forums to have some of the most brutal savaging of Obama around and virtually none of it is motivated by racism but rather everything about him but.

  4. Floyd says:

    That was truly funny! Really.
    Now get back to your secret meeting in the privy!
    Remember not to tap your feet! [lol]

    Great point, I’ve used it myself.
    Just as with Pilate and the Pharisees,however.
    no prophecy can be forced into fruition.
    I can’t see someone as pathetic as Obama, being the Anti-Christ. After-all the prophecy said that the Anti-Christ would be smart enough to “[if it were possible] deceive the very ELECT”
    Obama’s puppeteers have only been able to deceive the weaker minds of the “ELECTORATE”[lol]

  5. Brett says:

    “Obama anti-christ evidence” was the most searched for item? Jesus. I didn’t realize there were so many apocalyptic nutbars searching blogs out in the Internet.

  6. Floyd says:

    I Ain’t skeered. Are y’all?
    Besides, I’ve already met Jesus.

    BTW… Christopher Hitchens belongs on a park bench with a paper bag covered bottle in each hand to prevent him from holding a pen.

  7. Floyd says:

    Just millions of other varieties of “nutbars”,Right???[lol]

  8. Eneils Bailey says:

    These are the politics-related search terms as collated by SiteMeter in order of frequency. Obama’s socialistic tendencies and the possibility that he’s the anti-Christ seem to be weighing heavily on their minds.

    I agree that Obama is a Socialist.
    Please tell me why you think people view him as the Anti-Christ.

    I think a number of people view him populous, socialist, and shallow politician. That certainly does not equate him to the Anti-Christ. He is not that smart.

    The ability to read from a teleprompter and deliver a smooth line puts him right up there with average to good actors.

  9. anjin-san says:

    Its cool Floyd, no one expects you to know what a Privy Council is. You can go back to your musings about the virtues of a “wide stance”.

    I actually did have a secret meeting in a privy once, with a very hot blond. But that is a story for another day…

  10. Billy says:

    I actually did have a secret meeting in a privy once, with a very hot blond.

    Really? What was his name?

  11. Michael says:

    “Obama anti-christ evidence” was the most searched for item? Jesus. I didn’t realize there were so many apocalyptic nutbars searching blogs out in the Internet.

    Actually, it was just G.A. Phillips, he kept hitting the search button over and over, hoping in vain that maybe then next time he hits search it will find actual evidence.

    Similarly, he will keep voting Republican over and over, hoping in vain that maybe the next time he votes for them they will actually follow through on their promises to the religious base.

  12. Eneils Bailey says:


    I actually did have a secret meeting in a privy once, with a very hot blond. But that is a story for another day…

    Whether this very hot blond was the same sex, the opposite sex, or a creature yet to declare a sexual preference had sex with you makes me very ill.
    I, like this person(?), would not want any public exposure with your company.

  13. sam says:

    I, like this person(?), would not want any public exposure with your company.

    Why not? I’m sure it wouldn’t be a very big deal.

  14. anjin-san says:

    Enis… she was (and is) a very pretty blond with a great smile and huge brown eyes.

    The kind of girl that you no doubt look at and think “this chick will not talk to me”.

  15. Eric says:

    Look, I can’t deny it any more. Obama IS a socialist. Its true. I am privy to the secret meeting they had to discuss the seizure of the means of production after he takes office.

    Anjin, I was at the meeting too, but I was late. Who did we say is going to be responsible for bringing the cookies to the bake sale right after we seize the means of production?

    Actually, it was just G.A. Phillips, he kept hitting the search button over and over, hoping in vain that maybe then next time he hits search it will find actual evidence.

    Further analysis has revealed G.A. was also using the search terms “Sasquatch,” “Area 51 aliens,” and “Elvis living in U.P.”

  16. anjin-san says:

    Comrad Eric,

    Once the mass arrests begin, we will have plenty of former CEO’s to do the baking. They will learn the error of their capitalistic ways!

    (did you hear that Colonel Flagg from M*A*S*H has endorsed McCain/Palin?)

  17. Eneils Bailey says:

    The kind of girl that you no doubt look at and think “this chick will not talk to me”.

    I can assure you if she did talk to me, she would soon realize she had made great leaps up the social ladder after associating with you.

  18. Jim Henley says:

    While they are constantly watching out for the end of the world and the coming of the Antichrist, they are terrified at the prospect.


    Of course, I’m old enough to remember when Kissinger was the Antichrist. What a disappointment he turned out to be.

  19. Jim Henley says:

    I can’t see someone as pathetic as Obama, being the Anti-Christ. After-all the prophecy said that the Anti-Christ would be smart enough to “[if it were possible] deceive the very ELECT”
    Obama’s puppeteers have only been able to deceive the weaker minds of the “ELECTORATE”[lol]

    Thanks for adding the “[lol].” It helped a lot.

  20. anjin-san says:

    I can assure you if she did talk to me, she would soon realize she had made great leaps up the social ladder after associating with you.

    Spoken like a man who has no clue what he is talking about.

    Sorry to pop your bubble Enis, but the privy incident was over 20 years ago, and she still emails me almost every day. Just got one half an hour ago 🙂

    Now run along and do whatever it is you do all day.

  21. Jamie says:

    I am too young to remember Kissinger as the Antichrist. I went to a Christian school from 1981-1995. in that time, it was Ayatollah, Andropov, Gorbechav, Quaddifi, back to Gorbechav, Saddam Hussein, and Bill Clinton with the occasional Rafsanjani theories thrown in for good measure.

    I graduated in ’95, but if I had to guess, I imagine Milosevic, Bill Gates, Osama Bin Laden, and Barack Obama have been added to the mix since then.

  22. tom p says:

    These are the politics-related search terms as collated by SiteMeter in order of frequency. Obama’s socialistic tendencies and the possibility that he’s the anti-Christ seem to be weighing heavily on their minds.

    “non-stop giggles”

    Reading the comments…

    “uncontrollable laughter…”

    Really guys, you should hare (oops, I meant “hear”) yourselves.

  23. Eric says:

    (did you hear that Colonel Flagg from M*A*S*H has endorsed McCain/Palin?)

    (We’ll put him down for elimination as a… er… um… what’s that catch-all word we leftys use? Got it: Kulak. That’s right, he’s a kulak!)

    Of course, I’m old enough to remember when Kissinger was the Antichrist. What a disappointment he turned out to be.

    Yeah, I totally hate that when that happens. Ya get all pumped up by the religious right that the Antichrist is comin’ to town and everyone’s gonna be slaughtered, then the guy turns out to be a total dud. (Snicker)

    I graduated in ’95, but if I had to guess, I imagine Milosevic, Bill Gates, Osama Bin Laden, and Barack Obama have been added to the mix since then.

    Don’t forget the Teletubbies. Wait. Maybe they’re the 7-headed beast.. oh, that’s right, there’s only four. Lessee, how about the Whore of Babylon, anyone? Madonna? Brittany?

  24. Brett says:

    I can assure you if she did talk to me, she would soon realize she had made great leaps up the social ladder after associating with you.

    Ooh, tough words for someone posting anonymously over the Internet. Do you also have any interesting stories about how you seduced Anna Nicole Smith?

  25. G.A.Phillips says:

    If Obama’ the Anti-Christ, people must be really happy right? Cause they get to be Raptured, and then Christ comes down to rule over the Earth. How are people’s Millenarian friends expressing their Christian joy at Obama’s likely election? I think we should collect anecdotes in this thread. Let’s let GA Phillips start.

    well if what you said made any sense I would but it don’t.

    Actually, it was just G.A. Phillips, he kept hitting the search button over and over, hoping in vain that maybe then next time he hits search it will find actual evidence.

    Come on M, Ive seen you be funny once or twice, and that was lame, pay more attention when I give you lessons in sh-t talking.

  26. G.A.Phillips says:

    Further analysis has revealed G.A. was also using the search terms “Sasquatch,” “Area 51 aliens,” and “Elvis living in U.P.”

    lol liberal retards make up crap like that and believe in it, not me.

    But im sure you believe in X-men type evolution and that one day everything will be like a non violent star trek but yet you talk about others.

  27. G.A.Phillips says:

    Don’t forget the Teletubbies. Wait. Maybe they’re the 7-headed beast.. oh, that’s right, there’s only four. Lessee, how about the Whore of Babylon, anyone? Madonna? Brittany?

    later on those, I’m more the interested in the competition for no.1 liberal punk here at OTB. Man I sure miss Ken.

  28. Floyd says:

    Here’s just a partial list of McCain/Palin endorsements, for those to whom it matters.


    Any endorsement for Obama seems to be big news.
    One more endorsement for McCain seems to be no big deal.
    Is this because any endorsement of Obama is a surprise?
    I did notice that “Check Spelling” highlights OBAMA, and it’s first suggestion is…”ignore”.
    Any relation to Tori or Aaron??[lol]

  29. anjin-san says:

    Just in case anyone missed it The Economist endorsed Obama.

  30. anjin-san says:

    Floyd, I see that Meg Whitman endorsed McCain. I believe she is the one that said “eBay is to some extent recession-proof”.

    That must make the 1500 people that eBay just laid off feel better.

    Also interesting to note that McCain introduces her as “the founder of eBay” when in fact eBay was founded by Obama supporter Pierre Omidyar. Noteworthy that she has not correct Mr. McCain on that point…