Indian Voters Rebuke Modi

The world’s largest democracy just became more democratic.

Hitler and OTB

A stroll through the archives.

Henry Kissinger, 1923-2023

The most important and controversial American diplomat of the postwar era is gone at 100.

Republicans Divided on Foreign Policy

As memory of the Cold War fades, so does support for American primacy.

Zealots and Pluralists

A moderate Republican almost diagnoses the problem.

Mikhail Gorbachev, 1931-2022

The last Soviet leader is gone at 91.

Orrin Hatch, 1934-2022

The longest-serving Republican Senator has died at the age of 88.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

The Middle Ain’t Woke

The average American is neither progressive nor all that interested in politics.

photo of view, thinking, zoo, mammal, fauna, primate, chimpanzee, ape, vertebrate, mimic, western gorilla, great ape, common chimpanzee photo of view, thinking, zoo, mammal, fauna, primate, chimpanzee, ape, vertebrate, mimic, western gorilla, great ape, common chimpanzee

Election Results Validate Everyone’s Priors

Too woke! Not woke enough!

This Week in Bad Tweets

This time: Senator Marco Rubio.

The State of America’s Political Parties

One party is divided on how to govern and the other is united in not governing.

Competitive Pressures and Party Behavior

Assessing Republican strategic positioning (and the incentives in our system).

President Joe Biden participates in a virtual call with the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Mission team members Thursday, March 4, 2021, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. President Joe Biden participates in a virtual call with the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Mission team members Thursday, March 4, 2021, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House.

Biden’s $3 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

We’re about to spend a whole lot more money.

Peak Both-Siderism

David Brooks is the leader in the clubhouse.

Fantasies of a Post-Trump Republican Party

The GOP will almost certainly survive. But in what form?


The Trump Presidency has been a long con.

President Donald J. Trump greets guests on the South Lawn of the White House Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020, prior to boarding Marine One en route to Joint Base Andrews, Md. to begin his trip to Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Nevada. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian) President Donald J. Trump greets guests on the South Lawn of the White House Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020, prior to boarding Marine One en route to Joint Base Andrews, Md. to begin his trip to Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Nevada. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

The Republicans are Going Nowhere

The party is unlikely to suffer consequences for its anti-democracy actions.

IMHO boggle honest truth IMHO boggle honest truth

The Election Proved I Was Right All Along

The Pundit’s Fallacy meets opportunism.

Two Parties, Not Two Countries

We’ve just had an election, not psychoanalysis.

The Most Important Election in American History

The stakes of losing will be catastrophic. Either way.

A Post-Trump Republican Party

What would a reborn GOP look like and who would vote for it?

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An American Health Service?

A progressive idea that could win conservative support.

American Gerontocracy

Is being ruled by the elderly a bad thing?

Tuberville and Sharia Law

Speaking of xenophobia.

Young Pete Buttigieg’s Ode to Bernie Sanders

An amusing discovery.

Farm Bailouts

The costs of irresponsible policy.

AOC’s Outrageous Haircut


The Post-Trump GOP Will Not Go Back To ‘Normal’

Contrary to the hopes of some, getting rid of Trump isn’t going to purge the GOP of Trumpism.

President of Twitter?

Is social media making it harder for Democrats to nominate a winning candidate?

Republicans Lining Up To Take On AOC For Some Reason

Republican candidates are lining up to take on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez even though the odds of a Republican winning in her district are essentially zero.

Americans Find Trump’s Rhetoric Racist, But He Doesn’t Care

Even a Fox News poll finds that the American public finds the President’s recent rhetoric to be racist. There’s a different picture when you look at his supporters, though.

American Public Strongly Supports Statehood For Puerto Rico

In contrast to the idea of granting statehood to the District of Columbia, the American public appears to strongly support statehood for Puerto RIco.

Ocasio-Cortez Gets A Republican Challenger She Need Not Worry About

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez already has a Republican challenger, but she doesn’t really need to worry about it.

Donald Trump’s Ninety Minutes Hate

Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail last night with another one of his red meat speeches. The analogies it causes one to draw are chilling to say the least.

Trump’s Racism Reveals The Moral Cowardice Of The GOP And Conservatives

The failure of Republicans and conservatives to denounce the President’s racism reveals everything that has gone wrong with the “right” in the Trump Era.

Democrats Clash In First Night Of First Debate

Democrats clashed, to some degree, in last night’s inaugural debate of the 2020 season but they clearly agreed far more than they disagreed.

Donald Trump And The Triumph Of The Conservative Grifters

At least some conservatives appear to finally be recognizing that their movement has been taken over by grifters and frauds. The only question is, what took them so long?

Hickenlooper Denounces Socialism, Gets Booed

Bernie Sanders supporters are a wee bit sensitive.

Tales from the Trade War

So good. So easy to win.

Bill de Blasio Running For President For Some Reason

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has entered the race for the Democratic nomination for President, making him the 23rd candidate in an already crowded field.

Liz Cheney Being Courted By House And Senate GOP

Liz Cheney can pretty much write her own political ticket right now.

Bernie Sanders’ Rights Talk is Nonsense on Stilts

The Vermont socialist likes to invent rights that don’t exist.

Trump’s 2020 Message Is Clear, And It’s Not A Healthy One

The tone and content of President Trump’s 2020 campaign is already quite apparent.

Trump to Nominate Herman Cain to Fed

Nein. Nein. Nein.

Trump Delivers Bizarre, Incoherent, Red Meat Speech At CPAC

In a two-hour rant before an adoring crowd of CPAC sycophants. President Trump displayed everything wrong with him and his Presidency.

Violence on the Venezuelan-Colombian Border

US policy is creating nonconstructive confrontation.

The Republican Game Plan For 2020: Demonization And Demagoguery

Following Donald Trump’s lead, the GOP is making clear that its game plan for 2020 is paint all Democrats as ‘socialists, baby killers, and anti-Semites.’

Alabama Editor Calls for Ku Klux Klan to Clean out DC

The end of racism may have been prematurely declared.

Bernie Sanders Is Running For President Again

Bernie is back and running for President, but he’s likely to face a tougher road this time around.

Trump Talks Unity While Preaching Hardline Partisanship At State Of The Union

The President’s second State of the Union began and ended with calls for unity. In between, it was filled with the divisive partisanship that has marked his Presidency.